コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所、タカタ エアバッグ危機の和解合意による公益通報者褒賞を発表


コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所、タカタ エアバッグ危機の和解合意による公益通報者褒賞を発表

AsiaNet 72835


(カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ) 2018年3月27日 /PRNewswire/ — コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所 (https://constantinecannon.com/ )は本日、公益通報者である同事務所の依頼人2名が、米国政府によるタカタの刑事捜査で政府に提供した情報に基づき、公益通報者褒賞として113万米ドル余を受け取ることになると発表した。この刑事捜査では、爆発を起こして22名の生命を奪い、全世界で1億台近いエアバッグ・インフレータ(ガス発生装置)のリコールを出した欠陥品エアバッグを製造し経営破綻したタカタが捜査対象となっていた。




リリー氏が米国政府に提供した証拠は、タカタのエアバッグが死亡事故を招きかねないことを同社が1999年から知っていたことを示している。リリー氏はまた、Eメールや設計書、証言者リストほか、刑事訴追を助ける決定的情報を提供した。タカタの隠蔽についての捜査に関心を示していた米国上院議員はリリー氏より、上院の捜査 (https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-113shrg95291/pdf/CHRG-113shrg95291.pdf )において決定的重要性をもつタカタの隠蔽を証拠を入手した。


米国議会におけるタカタ聴問会 (https://www.commerce.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/hearings?ID=D71026CD-07A0-41A7-BC48-5CC08043ACC1 )の後、ジョン・トゥーン上院議員(サウスダコタ州代表共和党上院議員)とビル・ネルソン上院議員(フロリダ州代表民主党上院議員)は自動車安全公益通報者法 (https://www.freep.com/story/opinion/contributors/2016/05/12/auto-whistle-blower-law-help-keep-public-safe/84020634/ )を共同執筆し、2015年に米国議会で同法を成立させた。この法は、安全に関わる深刻な違反を報告した自動車業界関係者に対し金銭的褒賞を与えるものである。このプログラムでは、自動車業界の従業員または自動車製造業者の契約業者が連邦自動車安全法に対する深刻な違反を報告した場合、その情報に基づいて米国政府が違反者から徴収する100万米ドル異常の罰金の1割から3割の褒賞を授与される。リリー氏および第二の公益通報者は同法のもと情報を提供した。




https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/wayne-t-lamprey/# )、


https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/mary-inman/ )、


https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/ari-yampolsky/ )、


https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/hallie-noecker/ )


「タカタは、実質的に数十年にわたって、何百万台もの自動車のハンドルとグラブコンパートメントに1億もの時限爆弾を仕込んできたことになります」同事務所のサンフランシスコ・オフィスのパートナーであるランプレー弁護士は語る。「当事務所の依頼人の協力が無かったら、タカタの行為にいつ歯止めをかけることができたでしょうか? あと何人の死者が出ていたでしょうか? 自動車安全への脅威に対して立ち上がった公益通報者に感謝したいと思います。」



当和解合意の発表に加えコンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所は、タカタ 事件における司法正義の施行に尽力した立法者と政府関係者の努力を評価する。これは、自動車安全公益通報者法を共同執筆したトゥーン議員とネルソン議員のほか、タカタの安全問題に関心を寄せてくれたリチャード・ブルメンタール上院議員(コネチカット州代表民主党上院議員)、上院商務・科学・運輸委員会スタッフを含む。また、オットー・マテキ、アリージャ・フラワーズ、スティーブン・ヘンチ、エリザベス・H・ミキュテューク各氏を含む、タカタ捜査に関係した米国道路交通安全局のスタッフにも謝意を表する。コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所はまた、タカタの刑事訴追を担とした米国連邦地検ミシガン東地区のジョン・K・ニール検事、エリン・S・ショー検事および米国司法省のブライアン・K・キッド検事、クリストファー・D・ジャクソン検事、アンドリュー・R・タイラー検事にも謝意を表する。

刑事事件名はUnited States of America v. Takata Corporation, 16-cr-20810-GCS(ミシガン東地区)。


コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所の公益通報者担当弁護士は連邦・州の各管轄区において、また証券取引委員会、国税庁、商品先物取引委員会、運輸省などに協力した公益通報者の法定代理人として、豊富な経験を有しています。当チーム21人の弁護士の公益通報者の法定代理経験年数は、合わせて100年におよび、コンスタンティン・キャノンは公益通報人関連案件においては全米最大かつ最も経験のある法律事務所のひとつです。また、当事務所のロンドン・オフィスは欧州とアジアにおける公益通報者の代理において比肩なき能力を備えています。当事務所が米国公益通報者関連業務を全世界の公益通報者が集うロンドンに拡張したことは、最近の「ニューヨーク・タイムズ」紙 (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/business/dealbook/whistle-blower-law-firm-britain.html )でも取り上げられました。コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所の公益通報者関連業務についての詳細はこちら (https://constantinecannon.com/whistleblower/ )をご覧ください。


コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所はニューヨーク、ワシントンDC、サンフランシスコとロンドンに拠点を構え、競争法、複合的商務訴訟、公益通報者代理、政府関連案件、証券関連案件、eディスカバリを含む各種業務に豊富な知識と経験を有しています。競争法関連においては、当事務所は全米でも最大で著名な活動を展開しています。コンスタンティン・キャノン法律事務所の経験分野は、医療・ヘルスケア、銀行、電子支払い、保険、ハイテク、電信通信、インターネット、政府契約など多岐な業界にわたっています。当事務所についての情報は、こちら (https://constantinecannon.com/ )をご覧ください。


PRCG | Haggerty LLC

Andrea M. Garcia

(212) 683-8100



Constantine Cannon Announces Whistleblower Award in Takata Airbag Crisis Settlement


SAN FRANCISCO, March 27, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Two whistleblowers will receive more than $1 million for information that

exposed Takata's deadly airbag disaster. The whistleblowers are the first with

claims under a new federal auto-safety whistleblower program to receive

financial recoveries.

Constantine Cannon LLP (https://constantinecannon.com/ ) announced today that

two of its whistleblower clients will receive more than $1.13 million to settle

their claims for whistleblower awards for information they provided to the U.S.

government in its criminal case against Takata, the now-bankrupt maker of

defective airbags which exploded and claimed the lives of 22 people and set off

a worldwide recall of nearly 100 million airbag inflators.

The whistleblowers, Mark Lillie and another man who remains anonymous, are both

former Takata employees who provided extensive assistance to government

investigators under the newly enacted Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act, a

federal whistleblower-reward program. The information they supplied to the

Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Department of

Transportation's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration was vital in

prosecuting Takata and bringing justice and compensation to Takata's victims.

In January 2017, Takata pled guilty to wire fraud and agreed to pay $1 billion

in criminal penalties stemming from the company's fraudulent conduct in

relation to sales of defective airbag inflators. The criminal action also

resulted in three high-level Takata executives pleading guilty to wire fraud

and conspiracy charges.

Lillie, the first whistleblower in the case, resigned from his position as a

top-level engineer in 2001, after countless efforts to warn Takata executives

that the company's airbags would kill motorists. Lillie resigned in protest

after Takata switched to a lethal and cheaper propellant to inflate its

airbags, ammonium nitrate, the same explosive compound used in the Oklahoma

City bombing.

Lillie warned high-level Takata executives, "If we go forward with this,

somebody will be killed." Lillie's warnings were ignored.

Lillie handed evidence to the government showing Takata knew as early as 1999

that its airbags could be deadly. He also provided emails, designs, witness

lists, and other crucial information that helped steer the criminal case. U.S.

senators interested in unmasking Takata's cover-up got evidence from Lillie

that was critical in the Senate's investigation (

https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CHRG-113shrg95291/pdf/CHRG-113shrg95291.pdf ).

The second whistleblower to step forward helped prove Takata falsified data,

subverted testing procedures, and concealed reports its airbags were prone to

failure. He then recounted how Takata systematically terminated employees who

objected to the fraudulent production practices. Ultimately, Takata admitted to

blatant manipulation of the lot-acceptance-testing process, the very conduct

the second whistleblower reported.

After Congressional hearings (


) on Takata, Senator John Thune (R-SD) and Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)

co-sponsored and led Congress to enact the Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower

Act (


) of 2015. That law offers monetary rewards to auto-industry insiders who

report serious safety violations. The program allows auto-industry employees or

contractors who report serious violations of federal vehicle-safety laws to

receive between from 10 percent to 30 percent of any monetary sanction over $1

million that the government recovers based on the whistleblower's information.

Lillie and the second whistleblower submitted tips under the law.

Congress directed DOT to propose rules to implement the program by June 2017.

Unfortunately, DOT has not yet done so, which has had the effect of leaving

auto whistleblowers in limbo.

The whistleblowers in this case are represented by Constantine Cannon attorneys

Wayne T. Lamprey (

https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/wayne-t-lamprey/ ), Mary Inman

(https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/mary-inman/ ), Ari Yampolsky

(https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/ari-yampolsky/ ), and Hallie

Noecker (https://constantinecannon.com/blog/attorneys/hallie-noecker/ ).

"Takata essentially installed 100 million ticking time bombs in the steering

wheels and glove compartments of millions of cars," said Lamprey, a San

Francisco partner. "Without our clients' assistance, when would Takata have

been stopped? How many more lives would have been taken? We owe these

whistleblowers gratitude for taking a stand against this menace to auto safety."

"Whistleblowers from the world's leading countries for car manufacturing –

Germany, the UK, Italy, South Korea, Japan, South Africa – must step forward

and alert U.S. DOT authorities on current auto safety lapses," said Inman, a

London partner. "If they exhaust their options to warn companies internally and

decide to blow that whistle — like our clients did — they will not only stand

to reap financial rewards but will help prevent needless deaths."

"Whistleblower-reward programs are immensely valuable because they shine a

light on corporate white-collar crimes, but we can't expect whistleblowers to

step up until they know the rules of the road," said Ari Yampolsky, an

associate in San Francisco. "It's a dark irony that Congress was forced to step

in to fix the auto industry's failures to keep motorists safe from a safety

device. But now, DOT needs to make the rules for the auto-safety whistleblower

program. If DOT's mission is to protect the public, it needs to offer more

guidance than just suggesting we buckle up."

In addition to announcing the settlement, Constantine Cannon recognizes the

efforts of the legislators and public servants who brought Takata to justice.

These include Senators Thune and Nelson, who co-sponsored the Motor Vehicle

Safety Whistleblower Act, and Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), who took

particular interest in Takata's threat to safety, as well as the staff of the

Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Also deserving of

thanks are the dedicated staff of the National Highway Traffic Safety

Administration who investigated Takata, including Otto Matheke, Arija Flowers,

Stephen Hench, and Elizabeth H. Mykytiuk (former). Finally, Constantine Cannon

thanks the lawyers who prosecuted Takata, John K. Neal and Erin S. Shaw in the

U.S. Attorney's Office in the Eastern District of Michigan and Brian K. Kidd,

Christopher D. Jackson, and Andrew R. Tyler at the U.S. Department of Justice.  

The criminal case is United States of America v. Takata Corporation,

16-cr-20810-GCS (E.D. Michigan).

About Constantine Cannon's Whistleblower Practice:

Constantine Cannon's team of dedicated whistleblower lawyers has extensive

experience representing whistleblowers in federal and state courts and before

the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, the

Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the Department of Transportation.  

With a total of 21 attorneys, who have more than 100 years of collective

experience in whistleblower cases, Constantine Cannon is one of the largest and

most expert whistleblower law firms in the United States. Additionally, the

firm's London office allows for the unique ability to serve whistleblower

clients in Europe and Asia.  The firm's expansion of its American whistleblower

practice to London, an international port-of-call for whistleblowers worldwide,

was featured recently in the New York Times (


).  To learn more about Constantine Cannon's whistleblower practice, click here

(http://constantinecannon.com/whistleblower ).   

About Constantine Cannon LLP

Constantine Cannon, with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco

and London, has deep expertise in practice areas that include antitrust and

complex commercial litigation, whistleblower representation, government

relations, securities, and e-discovery. The firm's antitrust practice is among

the largest and most well recognized in the nation. Constantine Cannon's

experience spans multiple industries, including healthcare, banking, electronic

payments, insurance, high tech, telecommunications, the Internet, and

government contracting. To learn more about the firm generally, click here

(http://constantinecannon.com/ ).

Media Contact:

PRCG | Haggerty LLC

Andrea M. Garcia



SOURCE  Constantine Cannon LLP




