ムンタースグループが「Best Data Centre Energy Solution」を受賞
ムンタースグループが「Best Data Centre Energy Solution」を受賞
AsiaNet 72919 (0588)
【上海2018年4月2日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】データセンターとクラウドテクノロジーの年次主要会議であるDatacloud Asiaは2018年3月22日、カペラシンガポール(Capella Singapore)で成功裏に開催された。エネルギー効率の良い空気処理および気候ソリューションの世界的リーダーであるムンタースグループ(Munters Group)は、アジアのデータセンターと通信におけるエネルギー効率の良いサービス推進への顕著な貢献と重要な影響が認められ「Best Data Centre Energy Solution(最優秀データセンター・エネルギー・ソリューション賞)」を授与された。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180402/2094037-1-a
(「Best Data Centre Energy Solution」を授与されたムンタースグループ)
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180402/2094037-1-b
Datacloud Asiaの主催者でBroadGroupの社長であるフィリップ・ロー氏は「Datacloud Asiaの力は強まっており、賞を取った人たちは力強いアジア経済の中で起業家精神を発揮している。アジアのデータ経済の急速な発展は、世界のイノベーションをリードし、多くの側面から古い考え方を取り壊すことができる」と述べた。ムンタースグループはこの賞を新たな出発点と捉え、データセンターおよび通信産業に対してエネルギー消費を低減する製品とソリューションを提供し、エネルギー消費低減と排出量削減に向けた世界的な環境保護の取り組みに一層貢献していく。
ソース:Munters China
Munters Group Awarded "Best Data Centre Energy Solution"
SHANGHAI, April 2, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
On March 22, 2018, Datacloud Asia, annual premier congress for data centres and
cloud technology, was successfully held at Capella Singapore. Munters Group,
the global leader of energy efficient air treatment and climate solutions, was
awarded "Best Data Centre Energy Solution" in recognition of its outstanding
contribution to and significant influence on promoting energy-efficient
services in Asian data centres and telecommunications.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180402/2094037-1-a
(Munters Group Awarded "Best Data Centre Energy Solution")
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180402/2094037-1-b
(Munters APAC team (3 people on the right) took award from Datacloud)
Munters was one of the three nominees for this award. With its strength and
service quality in the industry, especially Oasis(TM), the indirect evaporative
cooling system designated for operation environments in data centres, Munters
managed to outweigh the other two competitors and win the award from the
assessing panel.
Munters Oasis(TM), the indirect evaporative cooling system, is equipped with an
independent and comprehensive calculation controller for a natural cooling
solution and the most energy efficient complementary cooling system with frozen
water. Compared with the traditional DX cooling solution, Oasis(TM) can reduce
the scale of mechanic cooling equipment, giving rise to lower annual overall
cost. As a matter of fact, most award-winning data centres are equipped with
Oasis(TM). With Munters cooling system installed, internal temperature at data
centres is estimated to be in the range of 23-25 degrees Celsius on an annual
basis, reducing PUE down to 1.1 in overall project. With Munters
energy-efficient solutions, data centres realize energy savings of up to 75%
and CO2 savings equivalent to emission of 45,000 cars p.a.
As mentioned by Philip Low, host of Datacloud Asia and president of BroadGroup,
"The strength of Datacloud Asia is building up and award-winning individuals
demonstrate entrepreneurship in the dynamic Asian economy. The rapid
development of Asian data economy can lead global innovation and break down old
mindsets from many aspects." Munters Group will take this award as a brand new
starting point, provide data centres and telecommunication industry with
products and solutions that drive down energy consumption, and contribute more
to global environmental protection efforts for lower energy consumption and
less emission.
SOURCE Munters China