AsiaNet 73428
マンチェスター(英国イングランド)、2018年5月7日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
マンチェスター・シティ(Manchester City)のプレミアリーグ優勝を祝って、昨夜は世界中の選手の出身地で光のプロジェクションが行われました。このプロジェクションは3大陸25都市に広がり、昨日エティハド・スタジアム(Etihad Stadium)でプレミアリーグの優勝杯を受け取った選手たちには格別のサプライズとなりました。
投影場所にはガブリエル・ジェズスが初めてサッカーを覚えたサンパウロのスラム街、幼いダビド・シルバが技を練習したグラン・カナリア島、今では若いサッカー選手たちが毎年ケヴィン・デ・ブライネ杯を目指して競い合う、ケヴィン・デ・ブライネが初めて所属したベルギーのクラブなどが含まれています。プロジェクションは、レロイ・サネが背中にタトゥーを入れているドイツの地元のランドマークでも行われました。またシティ・フットボール・アカデミー(City Football Academy)を卒業した若き選手たちを称え、マンチェスターにあるアカデミーでも行われました。
http://www.mancity.com/ かクラブのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームにアクセスしてください。
・全チーム:英国マンチェスター市庁舎(Manchester Town Hall)
・ペップ・グアルディオラ:故郷であるスペインのサンパドー市庁舎(Santpedor town hall)
・カイル・ウォーカー:子供時代に友人たちとサッカーをした英国シェフィールド、 シャロウのランズダウン・エステート(Lansdowne Estate)
・ジョン・ストーンズ:ジョンが通った英国バーンズリーのペニストーン・グラマースクール(Penistone Grammar School)
・ラヒーム・スターリング:少年時代サッカーチームに所属していた英国ウェンブリーのコップランド・コミュニティースクール(Copland Community School)
・ファビアン・デルフ:出身校である英国ブラッドフォードのトング・リーダーシップ・アカデミー(Tong Leadership Academy)
・ブラヒム・ディアス:初めてサッカー選手としてトレーニングしたマラガのTiro Pichónサッカースクール
・フィル・フォーデン:故郷のストックポート鉄道橋(Stockport viaduct)
・ベルナルド・シウバ:出身校であるリスボンのヴァルサシナ・カレッジ(Colégio Valsassina)
・バンジャマン・メンディ:初めて所属したフランス、パリのサッカーチーム、USパレゾー(US Palaiseau)
・イルカイ・ギュンドガン:初めてサッカーをプレーしたドイツのゲルゼンキルヒェンヘスラー06(Gelsenkirchen Hessler 06)のスタジアム
・ヴァンサン・コンパニー:幼少時を過ごしたベルギー、ブリュッセルのHelihavenlaan 35高層ビル
・オレクサンドル・ジンチェンコ:故郷ウクライナ、ラドミシのラドミシ城(Castle Radomyshl)
・ヤヤ・トゥーレ:以前所属していたサッカー協会であるコートジボワール、アビジャンのASECミモザ(ASEC Mimosas)
・セルヒオ・アグエロ:初めて所属したサッカークラブであるアルゼンチン、ブエノスアイレスのロマアレグレ・サッカークラブ(Loma Alegre Football Club)
・エリアカン・マンガラ:ベルギーに移って最初にプレーしたベルギー、ナミュールのACリュスタン(AC Lustin)サッカークラブ
・トシン・アダラビオヨ、ダニエル ・グリムショー、ルーカス・ヌメチャ、アリジャネ・ムリッチ:クラブズ・アカデミー(Club's Academy)時代にトレーニングしたの英国マンチェスターのシティ・フットボール・アカデミー
The World Lights Up for Manchester City's Premier League Win
MANCHESTER, England, May 7, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- Images of the City players have been projected onto buildings in each of
their home cities around the world
- Locations were selected due to a personal connection to each player -
including childhood football clubs and former schools
- Players were surprised with the light projections to celebrate their
achievement of winning the Premier League
To celebrate Manchester City's Premier League win, a series of light
projections took place last night in each of the players' home cities around
the world. These projections, which spread across 25 cities over three
continents, were a special surprise to the players after they lifted the
Premier League trophy at the Etihad Stadium yesterday.
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687661/Manchester_City_David_Silva.jpg
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687662/Manchester_City_Gabriel_Jesus.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687664/Manchester_City_Kevin_De_Bruyne.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687665/Manchester_City_Sergio_Aguero.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687666/Manchester_City_Leroy_Sane.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687667/Manchester_City_Pep_Guardiola.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687669/Manchester_City_Town_Hall.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/687670/Manchester_City_Vincent_Kompany.jpg )
Every player who has been part of the title-winning campaign, manager Pep
Guardiola and his coaching staff were represented in the projections which
kicked off with an image of the squad on Manchester Town Hall last night. Each
of the locations were selected due to a personal connection with the players,
from the first pitch they ever played football in to their childhood school.
The locations included the favela in Sao Paulo where Gabriel Jesus first
learned to play football, the beach in Gran Canaria where a young David Silva
used to practise his skills and the site of Kevin De Bruyne's first club in
Belgium where young footballers now compete in the 'Kevin De Bruyne Cup' each
year. A projection also took place in Germany on a local landmark that Leroy
Sane has tattooed on his back. Projections also took place across the City
Football Academy in Manchester to recognise the young players who have
graduated from the Academy to the first team this season.
Manchester City's chief operating officer, Omar Berrada said: "This was an
ambitious and exciting project that we have been delighted to reveal over the
last 24 hours. Yesterday was a great day in Manchester as we lifted the Premier
League trophy and we wanted to do something that would resonate with our
players and extend these celebrations to their home towns.
"The reactions from the players have been fantastic - they have loved
seeing their Premier League achievement being marked in such special locations
and allowing local fans to join in. I would also like to thank the friends and
families of the players for their help in making this project possible."
To view photos and videos of each projection, visit http://www.mancity.com
or the Club's social media platforms.
Locations for each projection (arranged by squad number):
- Full squad: Manchester Town Hall, UK
- Pep Guardiola: Santpedor town hall in Pep's hometown in Spain
- Kyle Walker: Lansdowne Estate in Sharrow, Sheffield in the UK where Kyle
used to play football with his friends as a child
- John Stones: John's former school Penistone Grammar School in Barnsley,
- Raheem Sterling: Copland Community School in Wembley, UK which Raheem
played for the football team growing up
- Fabian Delph: Fabian's former school Tong Leadership Academy in
Bradford, UK
- Brahim Diaz: Escuela de Futbol Tiro Pichon in Malaga where Brahim first
trained as a footballer
- Phil Foden: The Stockport viaduct in Phil's hometown
- David Silva: Beach where David used to play football as a child at Playa
las Maranuelas in Arguineguin, Gran Canaria
- Bernardo Silva: Bernardo's former school Colegio Valsassina in Lisbon
- Aymeric Laporte: Place des Laitiers in Agen, France where Aymeric grew up
- Benjamin Mendy: Benjamin's first football club US Palaiseau in Paris,
- Ilkay Guendogan: Gelsenkirchen Hessler 06's stadium in Germany where
Ilkay first played football
- Leroy Sane: Himmelsleitter landmark in Essen, Germany that Leroy has
tattooed on his back
- Vincent Kompany: Helihavenlaan 35 tower block in Brussels, Belgium where
Vincent grew up
- Kevin De Bruyne: At the site of his former team Drogen in Ghent, Belgium
who now organise a Kevin De Bruyne Cup each year
- Oleksandr Zinchenko: The Castle Radomyshl in Oleksandr's hometown of
Radomyshl, Ukraine
- Yaya Toure: Yaya's former football academy ASEC Mimosas in Abidjan,
Ivory Coast
- Claudio Bravo: Shop in Viluco, Santiago, Chile that belongs to his
parents and where he grew up
- Danilo: Danilo's neighbourhood church in Bicas, Brazil that he used to
visit as a child
- Fernandinho: Fernandinho's first football pitch in Londrina Parana,
- Ederson: Ederson's first football pitch in Osasco, Sao Paulo in Brazil
- Gabriel Jesus: Gabriel's first football pitch in the favela in Jardim
Peri, Sao Paulo in Brazil
- Sergio Agueero: Sergio's first football club Loma Alegre Football Club
in Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Nicolas Otamendi: Nicolas's family church in La Paloma, Buenos Aires,
- Eliaquim Mangala: AC Lustin football club in Namur, Belgium where
Eliaquim first played when he moved to Belgium
- Tosin Adarabioyo, Daniel Grimshaw, Lukas Nmecha and Arijanet Muric:
Projections across the City Football Academy in Manchester, UK where the
players have trained throughout their time in the Club's Academy
- Management and coaching staff: The City Football Academy training
complex in Manchester, UK
Additional Photos:
Source: Manchester City