
International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC)


AsiaNet 73699 (0927)

【セビリア(スペイン)2018年5月24日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



*著名な専門家のジョルディ・サラスサルバド教授とラモン・エストルッチ博士がNutrition Research Update(最新の栄養研究)に参加


国際ナッツ・ドライフルーツ評議会(International Nut & Dried Fruit Council、INC)は2018年5月21-23日、スペインのセビリアで第37回世界ナッツ・ドライフルーツ大会を開催し、1500人近くが参加した。ナッツ・ドライフルーツ業界唯一・最大のこのイベントは参加者数記録を更新した。

Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/696365/INC_Logo.jpg

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/696366/XXXVII_World_Nut_and_Dried_Fruit_Congress.jpg







「インターネット伝記作家」として知られ「世界観察者」を名乗るアンドルー・ベア博士が「The Internet of Things that Matter(問題のインターネット・オブ・シングス)」の洞察を提供する一方、著名な法学者でガリーゲス財団会長、ガリーゲス法律事務所名誉会長のアントニオ・ガリーゲス・ウォーカー氏は今日の地政学的トレンドについて概説した。ガリーゲス氏は現在の世界的なポピュリズム台頭に関し「われわれには悲観的になる権利はなく、問題に直面して解決する権利がある」と解説した。

大会には、INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination(栄養調査と普及のINC世界フォーラム)議長のジョルディ・サラスサルバド教授、受賞したPREDIMED Study(地中海食研究)のコーディネーター、ラモン・エストルッチ博士ら名高い栄養学者も参集した。サラスサルバド教授は「New Findings on Nuts and Dried Fruits and Health(ナッツ・ドライフルーツと健康の新たな発見)」について話し、エストルッチ博士はPREDIMED research(地中海食調査)についてレクチャーした。PREDIMED researchは過去最大の無作為抽出の1次予防トライアルで、ナッツが補充された典型的な地中海食が心血管系リスクの高い被験者の主要な慢性疾患発生に対して有益であることを示している。この研究はスペインの16センターで約7500人が参加し、追跡期間の中央値は4.8年である。エストルッチ博士は「調査結果は心臓まひ、脳卒中、心血管系死亡の複合エンドポイントの大幅(28-30%)軽減を示している」と説明した。また「研究員たちは、1日に少量(30g)のミックスナッツ(クルミ、アーモンド、ヘーゼルナッツ)とともに地中海食を食べれば、心臓病、メタボリック症候群、糖尿病、体重、脳機能の改善に役立つことを発見した」と結論付けた。

大会プログラムには、ピノ・カルカーニ氏が司会をしたScientific Seminar(科学セミナー)もあり、来賓後援者のアリソン・ブラックウェル博士がBacteriophage Management of Salmonella Contaminants of Vine Fruits(バインフルーツのサルモネラ菌汚染のバクテリオファージ管理)について話をした。ブラックウェル博士は「バクテリアの天敵であるバクテリオファージは、特に有機的に生産される従来型殺菌薬の可能な選択肢の1つである」と主張し「現在の研究はドライフルーツへのバクテリオファージ利用法に集中している。乾燥マット上の初期汚染リスクを削減し、加工中の病原性細菌に対する保護を強化することを目指している」と付け加えた。


INC Awards(INC賞)は、ナッツ・ドライフルーツ業界の卓越性に貢献した顕著なリーダーや先見の明がある人を表彰することが目的である。セビリアのINC大会では複数の個人と企業が表彰された。Individual Golden Nut Award(金のナッツ個人賞)は、INC部門に貢献したガイルッズ・ハッキング氏に贈られ、Borges Agricultural and Industrial NutsがCorporate Golden Nut Award(金のナッツ企業賞)を受賞した。Award for Excellence in Research(最優秀研究賞)はPREDIMED Study Groupに、Award for Excellence in Gastronomy(最優秀美食賞)はCan Boshレストランのオーナーであるホアン・ボッシュ・シェフにそれぞれ贈られた。Setton Pistachio of Terra Bellaは100% All Natural Pistachio Chewy Bites(100%天然ピスタチオのチューイバイツ)でINC Innovation Award(INCイノベーション賞)を受賞した。

大会3日目の最後にINCのゴレッティ・グアーシュ専務理事がINC年次報告を公表した。マーケティング活動の一環として、Nuts for a Healthier World(より健康な世界のためのナッツ)キャンペーンがセビリアにも紹介された。この販売促進活動は連帯プロジェクト関連のビデオシリーズで構成され、健康で公正な世界に貢献する産業の振興を目指している。いつでもソーシャルメディアでビデオを共有した人々には、ナッツとドライフルーツをミックスしたバッグが提供される。


国際ナッツ・ドライフルーツ評議会(International Nut & Dried Fruit Council、INC)は70カ国以上のナッツ・ドライフルーツ部門企業約800社で構成されている。INCはナッツ・ドライフルーツ、健康、栄養、統計、食品の安全、国際的な基準や規制に関する国際組織である。

詳しい情報はhttp://www.nutfruit.org を参照。





ソース:International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC)

Nearly 1,500 Professionals from Over 60 Countries Attend the XXXVII World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress in Seville, Spain


SEVILLE, Spain, May 24, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    - The largest international event in the nut and dried fruit industry

breaks its attendance record with just under 1,500 participants from more than

60 countries.  

    - The industry forecasts promising nut and dried fruit production volumes

for the 2018/2019 season.

    - Renowned experts -Prof. Jordi Salas-Salvadó and Dr. Ramon Estruch- took

part in the Nutrition Research Update.    

    - The following INC Congress will be held in Boca Raton, Florida, from 22

to 25 May, 2019.

    The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) celebrated the XXXVII

World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress between 21-23 May, 2018, in Seville, Spain.

With nearly 1,500 attendees, the only and largest event in the nut and dried

fruit industry has broken its attendance record.

    Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/696365/INC_Logo.jpg



    Professionals from more than 60 countries attended the three-day Congress

to  share knowledge and ideas in market development, supply chain, consumption,

product innovation, food safety, nutrition and research. The Congress consisted

in 18 sessions including round tables, seminars and keynote speakers'


    Promising Nut and Dried Fruit Production

    Industry leaders forecasted promising nut and dried fruit production

volumes for the present season, keeping up with the previous years sustained

growing trend. During the round tables held at the Congress, the 2018/2019

world tree nut production has been forecasted at 4.5 million metric tons

(kernel basis, except pistachios in-shell), up by 5% from the prior season and

increased by 27% from the prior 10 year-average. This early estimation is

consistent with the positive trend observed during the last decade.

    Almond production keeps increasing year on year, 2018/19 crop has been

forecasted to reach 1.3 million MT (kernel basis). Up by 5%, cashew crop is

expected to amount to over 800,000 MT. The largest increments this season are

expected for Brazil nuts, pistachios, macadamias and pecans. Forecasted at

around 29,000 MT, Brazil nut production is foreseen to recover from last season

shortage and to return to normal levels during 2018/19. World pistachio crop is

also expected to be raised by 31%, mainly due to a large USA crop (back to a

regular "on year") and a bumper crop expected in Turkey. Overall 2018 macadamia

and pecan crops are forecasted to be increased by 12% and 10%, respectively and

due to the increasing planted areas in the main producing countries, macadamia

supply is projected to keep growing in the years to come. Hazelnut supply is

forecasted to be similar to the previous season. According to the early

estimations, walnut and pine nut crops will remain within last years' average

levels. World peanut 2018/19 production is expected to reach 38.7 million MT

(in-shell basis), raised by 3% from the previous 10 years average.

    Global dried fruit production has been forecasted to reach almost 3.2

million MT in 2018/19; 6% up from the prior season and 23% over the last

10-year average, on account of an expected increased production of raisins,

Sultanas and currants (9%), table dates (7%), sweetened dried cranberries (6%)

and prunes (5%). World dried apricots and dried figs early estimates predict

average production levels of over 214,000 MT and 126,000 MT, respectively.

    Keynote Speakers and Seminars

    Dr. Andreu Veà, known as "The Internet Biographer" and who described

himself as an "observer of the world" provided an insight into "The Internet of

Things that Matter", whereas renowned jurist Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman

of the Garrigues Foundation and Honorary and Chairman of law firm Garrigues,

gave an overview on today´s geopolitical trends. "We don't have the right to be

pessimistic, we have the right to face and solve problems", Mr. Garrigues

explained in reference to the current rise of populism across the globe.

    The Congress also gathered distinguished nutritionists such as Prof. Jordi

Salas-Salvadó, Chairman of the INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and

Dissemination, and Dr. Ramon Estruch, Coordinator of the awarded PREDIMED

Study. Prof. Salas-Salvadó presented the "New Findings on Nuts and Dried Fruits

and Health", while Dr. Estruch gave a lecture on the PREDIMED research, which

is the largest ever randomized primary prevention trial showing that a typical

Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts is beneficial against the incidence

of several major chronic diseases in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. The

study was conducted in 16 centers in Spain with nearly 7,500 participants and a

median follow-up of 4.8 years. "Results showed a significant (28-30%) reduction

in the combined endpoint of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death",

explained Dr. Estruch. "Researchers found eating a Mediterranean diet with a

30g handful of mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts) a day may help

improve heart disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight and brain

function", he concluded.

    The Congress' program also included a Scientific Seminar, chaired by Pino

Calcagni and with Dr. Alison Blackwell as guest speaker who gave a conference

on Bacteriophage Management of Salmonella Contaminants of Vine Fruits. "The use

of bacteriophage - natural enemies of bacteria- is one possible alternative to

the application of conventional bactericidal agents, especially in the organic

production", claimed Dr. Blackwell. "At present -Dr. Blackwell has added-

studies are focused on methods of bacteriophage application to the dried fruit

with the aim of reducing the risk of the initial contamination on the drying

mats, as well as to provide extended protection against the pathogenic bacteria

during processing".

    INC Awards: Highlighting the Best in Industry

    INC Awards are aimed at recognizing outstanding leaders and visionaries who

contribute to the excellence of the nut and dried fruit industry. Several

prominent individuals and companies received a recognition at the INC Congress

in Seville. The Individual Golden Nut Award was given to Mr. Giles Hacking, for

his contribution to the INC sector; Borges Agricultural and Industrial Nuts

received the Corporate Golden Nut Award; the Award for Excellence in Research

went to the PREDIMED Study Group while Can Bosh Restaurant owner Chef Joan

Bosch was distinguished with the Award for Excellence in Gastronomy. Setton

Pistachio of Terra Bella was recognized with the INC Innovation Award for its

100% All Natural Pistachio Chewy Bites.

    Finally, INC Executive Director Goretti Guasch presented the INC Annual

Report on the last day of the Congress. As part of the marketing activities,

the Nuts for a Healthier World campaign was also introduced in Seville. This

marketing action consists of a series of videos linked to a solidarity project

with the aim to promote the industry while contributing to a healthier and

fairer world. A bag of Nut & Dried Fruit mix will be donated to people in need

whenever the videos are shared on social media.

    About the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council

    The International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC) groups nearly 800

companies of the nut and dried fruit sector from over 70 countries. INC is the

international organization of reference as regards nuts and dried fruits,

health, nutrition, statistics, food-safety, international standards and


    For more information, please visit http://www.nutfruit.org.

    Bàrbara Branco, press@nutfruit.org, +34-660-392-994

SOURCE: International Nut & Dried Fruit Council (INC)




