Luye Pharmaがアストラゼネカ主力製品のSeroquelとSeroquel XRを買収

Luye Pharma

Luye Pharmaがアストラゼネカ主力製品のSeroquelとSeroquel XRを買収

Asianet 73728 (0943)

【香港2018年5月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


Luye Pharma Groupはこのほど、アストラゼネカ(AstraZeneca)の主力中枢神経系(CNS)製品のSeroquelとSeroquel XRを買収したと発表した。LipusuやXuezhikang、Beixi、Rivastigmine Transdermal Patchなど最近の取得と同じように、SeroquelとSeroquel XRの買収はLuye Pharmaが包括的な対象評価によって決定した。検討した要素に含まれたのは(1)対象が高販売と高利益率の有力製品か(2)競争上で有利な位置にあるか(3)今ある主力製品にどれほど役立つか(4)グループの営業力を改善し戦略リソース統合を最適化できるか、という点だった。


Seroquel(クエチアピンフマル酸塩、即放性)とSeroquel XR(徐放性製剤)は抗うつ特性を持つ非定型抗精神病薬である。Seroquelの主な処方は統合失調症と双極性障害の治療で、Seroquel XRは一部市場で主要抑うつ障害と一般不安障害にも認可されている。Seroquel製品はその即効性と認容性、患者の高いコンプライアンスから医師と患者に広く認知されており、世界80カ国以上で販売され、処方件数は1000万件を上回る。

Luye Pharmaは買収合意に基づき、中国、英国、ブラジル、オーストラリア、サウジアラビア、メキシコ、韓国、タイ、アルゼンチン、マレーシア、並びにアジア、中南米、アフリカ、オセアニア、東欧にあるその他の国・地域を含む51カ国でSeroquelとSeroquel XRの資産を手に入れる。この資産にはマーケティング権限と規制情報、一部特許、関連事業資材およびデータ、製造ノウハウ、販売ネットワークなどが対象になる。さらにアストラゼネカは商標ライセンスの独占・永続・無料・二次供与と、その他のライセンス権をLuye Pharmaに与えることに合意した。買収総額は5億4600万ドルで、Luye Pharmaは今後数年間に4回に分けて支払い、1回目は2億6000万ドルになる。

世界保健機関(WHO)によると、世界では現在、うつ病に苦しむ人が約3億人、双極性障害の人が6000万人、統合失調症の人が2300万人いる。中国疾病対策予防センターの精神保健センターのデータでは、中国では何らかの精神疾患を抱える人が1億人を超え、このうち640万人以上が統合失調症、約110万人が双極性障害を患っている。中国を含むアジア諸国・地域では2017年のSeroquelシリーズ製品の売上高が約7400万ドルに上った。Seroquelは中国の国家基本医療保険リスト(NDRL)2009年版でカテゴリーBリストに入り、Seroquel XRも2017年に医療保険交渉によってNDRLに加わった。IMSのデータによると、中国でのSeroquelとSeroquel XRの売上高は現在、10億人民元を超えており、国際市場でも販売が増加する余地は大きい。

Luye Pharma(International)のイーホン・チャン社長は「中枢神経系疾患は世界中の患者を苦しめ、医療制度に課題を突き付けている。今回の案件は、われわれがこの問題に対応してポートフォリオとプラットフォームを築く努力の一歩であり、国際展開を加速する努力の表れである」と話した。


Luye Pharmaは事業戦略と新製品開発に関しては、持続的で組織的な発展を目指す長期計画の原則を順守する。Acinoの貼り薬とインプラント事業の買収、さらに欧州での会社設立も合わせ、Luye Pharmaは世界のCNS市場での治療ソリューションの豊富なポートフォリオを備え、中国内外での研究開発(R&D)と製造、販売の間での相乗効果によってグローバルな事業展開モデルの構築に成功した。そのことがミクロスフェア技術の国際的普及への強固な基盤となる。Seroquelの世界販路とブランド力、成熟技術の導入は、Luye Pharmaのグローバルな製品群と、さまざまな戦略市場の間の相乗効果を豊かにする重要な役割を果たす。


Luye Pharmaの中核治療分野の4本柱のうちの1つであるCNSの新製品開発について、Luye Pharmaは現在、中国と海外市場の双方で複数の薬品候補を持っている。統合失調症と双極性障害の治療向けのRisperidone Extended-Release Microspheres for Injection(LY03004)は、米国での年内の新薬承認申請で食品医薬品局(FDA)から小児試験を免除された。Luye Pharmaは年末までに中国と米国でLY03004を販売開始する計画である。パーキンソン病向けの Rotigotine Extended-Release Microspheres for Injection(LY03003)は、中国でフェーズ3臨床試験を認可され、米国でのフェーズ2臨床試験を免除され、中国と米国で来年に販売開始の予定である。うつ病治療のAnsofaxine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets(LY03005)は中国でフェーズ2の臨床試験を終え、主要な有効性エンドポイントを達成した。軽度から中度のアルツハイマー病を治療するRivastigmine Multi-Day Transdermal Patch(30410)など、その他の新薬開発プロジェクトも順調に進んでいる。

SeroquelとSeroquel XRは中国内外の市場でRisperidone Extended-Release MicrospheresやAnsofaxine Extended-Release Tabletsを補ってくれる。両薬が同じ患者層に役立ち、販売経路と販売促進資源が共通なので、排他的な競争がないためだ。SeroquelとSeroquel XRは国内外ですぐに入手できる商業リソースで、Risperidone Extended-Release MicrospheresやAnsofaxine Extended-release tabletsなどのCNS新薬の発売開始と入手のしやすさにも貢献でき、Luye PharmaのCNS製品の国際競争力の包括的な向上にもつながる。


移管作業は初回金支払いの完了を待って開始され、両薬の生産技術は徐々にLuye Pharmaへ移される。Seroquelシリーズ製品、特にSeroquel XRは最新の生産過程を伴うことから、Luye Pharmaは買収後にこの生産技術を中国に紹介する計画である。Seroquel XRの生産技術が中国に導入されるのはこれが初めてである。将来はShandong Luye Pharmaceutical Co., LtdがSeroquelシリーズの世界供給の生産基地となり、新製剤の製造能力が高まるばかりか、今後は世界の生産品質制度との提携が可能になる。

Seroquelシリーズの買収の成功は、生産での相乗効果に加え、国際市場での販路の構築を含むLuye Pharma事業の全体的発展と戦略計画にも相乗効果をもたらす。Luye Pharmaは効率的管理システムと広い事業ネットワークを通じ、国際市場でのSeroquelの販売の可能性を十分利用して市場展開を促進するため、リソースを投資する。今回の買収がもたらす国際的な商業ネットワークは欧州でのLuye Pharma販売力を高め、これには既存市場の販売チームの統合と新興市場での商業網拡大が含まれる。


買収はLuye Pharmaのブランド均質化を促し、将来はもっと一流パートナーと協力する機会が生まれると期待される。国際化への途上でLuye PharmaはベストのM&A(企業の合併・買収)の機会を積極的に模索している。


今回の買収は、中国の「一帯一路」構想が対象とするアジアと東欧の多くの国や地域の事業に関係する。これによってLuye Pharmaの主要市場の製品は「一帯一路」市場での販売開始、販売促進ができるようになる。

ソース:Luye Pharma

Luye Pharma Acquires AstraZeneca's Signature Products Seroquel and Seroquel XR


HONG KONG, May 28, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-A Move Aimed at Enriching the Existing CNS Portfolio and Enhancing Strategic

Synergy across International Markets-

Luye Pharma Group recently announced their acquisition of AstraZeneca's core

CNS products - Seroquel and Seroquel XR. As with previous acquisitions such as

Lipusu, Xuezhikang, Beixi and Rivastigmine Transdermal Patch, the decision to

acquire Seroquel and Seroquel XR was made by Luye Pharma based on a

comprehensive evaluation of the target. Factors considered include: whether the

target is a signature product with a high sales volume and high margins,

whether it has good competitive positioning, how much it can contribute to

existing core product portfolio and whether it can help improve the group's

operating capabilities or optimize strategic resource integration.

1.    Revenues Driven by Acquisition of Signature Products

Seroquel (quetiapine fumarate, immediate release, IR) and Seroquel XR (extended

release formulation) are atypical anti-psychotic medicines with antidepressant

properties. The main indications for Seroquel are the treatment of

schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Seroquel XR is also approved in some

markets for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Because

of their fast onset, good tolerability and high patient compliance, Seroquel

series products are widely recognized by doctors and patients, and are

currently marketed in more than 80 countries around the world with total number

of prescriptions exceeding 10 million.

In accordance with the acquisition agreement, Luye Pharma will acquire the

assets of Seroquel and Seroquel XR in 51 countries and regions including China,

the United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, South Korea,

Thailand, Argentina, Malaysia and other countries and regions in Asia, Latin

America, Africa, Oceania and Eastern Europe. The assets include marketing

authorizations, regulatory information, certain patents, relevant business

materials and data, manufacturing know-how and sales networks, among others. In

addition, AstraZeneca has agreed to grant exclusive, permanent, free and

sub-licensable trademark licensing, along with other licensing rights, to Luye

Pharma. The total transaction amount of 546 million U.S. dollars will be paid

by Luye Pharma in four installments over the coming years, with an initial

payment of US$260 million.

According to World Health Organization statistics, there are currently around

300 million people in the world suffering from depression, 60 million people

affected by bipolar disorder, and 23 million people suffering from

schizophrenia. According to data from the Center for Mental Health at the

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 100 million

people in China with some form of mental illness, more than 6.4 million of

which suffer from schizophrenia and approximately 1.1 million of which suffer

from bipolar disorder. In 2017, sales revenue for Seroquel series products in

Asian countries and regions including China was approximately US$74 million. In

China, Seroquel is listed in category B of the 2009 edition of the National

Drug Reimbursement List (NDRL); Seroquel XR also entered into NDRL via medical

insurance negotiations in July 2017. According to IMS data, sales revenue for

Seroquel and Seroquel XR in China are expected to exceed RMB 1 billion, with a

good deal of space for sales growth in international markets.

Dr. Yehong Zhang, head of Luye Pharma (International) said: "Central nervous

system diseases continue to present a challenge to patients and healthcare

systems across the world. This transaction represents another step in our

effort to build a portfolio and platform to help address this issue. It is an

affirmation of our commitment to accelerate our international presence."

2.    Strategy behind the Acquisition

In terms of business strategy and product pipelines, Luye Pharma adheres to the

principle of long-term planning with the aim of systemic and sustainable

development. Together with the acquisition of Acino's transdermal patch and

implants business, and the establishment of a company in Europe, Luye Pharma

has created a rich portfolio of treatment solutions in the global CNS market,

and successfully built a global business operation model through synergy

achieved between R&D, manufacturing, and sales and marketing at home and

abroad. This lays a solid foundation for the international promotion of its

microsphere technology. The introduction of Seroquel's global channels, brand

reputation and mature technology will play a crucial role in enriching Luye

Pharma's global product portfolio and the synergy between different strategic


1)    Building a Product Portfolio with a Global Competitive Edge

In terms of pipeline development in CNS, one of Luye Pharma's four core

therapeutic areas, Luye Pharma currently has multiple drug candidates under

development in both China and overseas markets: Risperidone Extended-Release

Microspheres for Injection (LY03004) for the treatment of schizophrenia and

bipolar disorder was approved by the FDA for exemption from pediatric trials on

submission of its NDA in the United States. Luye Pharma plans to launch LY03004

in China and the United States by the end of this year. Rotigotine

Extended-Release Microspheres for Injection (LY03003) for the treatment of

Parkinson's disease has been approved for Phase III clinical trials in China,

and exempted from Phase II clinical trials in the United States, with a

scheduled launch time in China and the United States set for next year.

Ansofaxine Hydrochloride Extended-Release Tablets (LY03005) for the treatment

of depression has completed Phase II clinical trials in China and has reached

the primary efficacy endpoint. Other new drug development projects such as the

Rivastigmine Multi-Day Transdermal Patch (30410) for the treatment of mild to

moderate Alzheimer's disease are also progressing smoothly.

Seroquel and Seroquel XR can complement with Risperidone Extended-Release

Microspheres and Ansofaxine Extended-Release Tablets in both domestic and

overseas markets, as they can serve the same patient population and there is no

exclusive competition when these drugs share channels and promotional

resources. Seroquel and Seroquel XR can contribute, with their readily

available domestic and international commercial resources, to the launch and

accessibility of new CNS drugs, such as Risperidone Extended-Release

Microspheres and Ansofaxine Extended-release tablets, as well as

comprehensively enhance the global competitiveness of Luye Pharma's CNS


2)    Enhancing the Synergy across International Markets

Handover work will start upon the completion of the initial payment, with the

production technology for the two drugs gradually transferred to Luye Pharma.

The Seroquel series products, especially Seroquel XR, has a very advanced

production processes, due to this, Luye Pharma plans to introduce these

technologies to China after the acquisition, which will also be the first time

that production technology for Seroquel XR reaches China. Shandong Luye

Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will be the future production base for the global

supply of the Seroquel series, not only strengthening the production capacity

of the new formulations, but also allowing for further alignment with the

global production quality system.

In addition to the synergetic effect on production, the successful acquisition

of the Seroquel series assets will also bring synergies to the overall

development and strategic planning of Luye Pharma's business in the

international market, including in the building of sales channels. Luye Pharma

will invest resources to enhance market development through efficient

management systems and extensive business networks, fully tapping in to

Seroquel's sales potential in the international markets. The global

commercialization network brought about by this acquisition will also

significantly increase the sales efficiency of Luye Pharma in Europe, including

consolidation of sales teams in existing markets as well as increased

commercial coverage in emerging markets.

3)    Brand Equity Enhancement

The acquisition is expected to increase Luye Pharma's brand equity and create

opportunities for cooperation with more and more first-class partners in the

future. On the road to internationalization, Luye Pharma is actively seeking

the best M&A opportunities.

3.    The "One Belt and One Road" Effect

The acquisition involves business in a number of Asian and Eastern European

countries and regions which are also covered by China's "One Belt and One Road

Initiative". This will facilitate the launch and promotion of Luye Pharma's

existing products in major markets into the "One Belt and One Road" markets.    

SOURCE: Luye Pharma




