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【パリ2018年5月28日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
グローバル・フード・セーフティ・イニシアチブ(Global Food Safety Initiative、GFSI)は2019年グローバルマーケット賞(Global Markets Awards)の応募受け付け開始を発表した。今回が3回目の賞は、世界トップ級の食品安全管理システムの実現に向けてGFSIのグローバルマーケット・プログラム(Global Markets Programme)を模範的に活用した世界中の企業を表彰する。
(Logo: )
グローバルマーケット賞は、「全ての消費者に安全な食品を(Safe food for consumers everywhere)」というGFSIのビジョンに沿って、食品事業者が安全食品の製造能力を高める努力に脚光を当てる特異な機会である。
認証手順を構築するグローバルマーケット・プログラム( )は7年前、生産・製造活動の中で能力を高めるよう工夫された段階的プログラムによって、非公認エントリーポイントを提供するため創設された。食品安全管理システムが高度化されていない企業が食品安全の課題に対応できるやり方を設定し、同時に、世界的な食品サプライチェーンの障害を軽減し、GFSI認定プログラムオーナー証明を通じて市場アクセスを向上させるものである。
2018年の賞選考委員会( )は多彩な経歴、官民両部門、4大陸(ナイジェリア、ケニア、メキシコ、ウクライナ、米国、日本)にまたがる専門家で構成されていた。選考委員長は米食品医薬品局(FDA)元副局長のマイク・テーラー氏が務めている。
賞の応募は2018年9月26日午後6時(中部欧州標準時)に締め切られる。詳しい情報、応募については を参照。
グローバル・フード・セーフティ・イニシアチブ(Global Food Safety Initiative、GFSI)は食品産業の主要当事者を結集し、世界の食品安全管理システムの継続的改善を協力して推進する。食品業界のリーダーは2000年「全ての消費者に安全な食品を(Safe food for consumers everywhere)」のビジョンに沿ってGFSIを創設した。サプライチェーン全体の信頼を構築しながら、特に食品安全リスク、監査の重複、コストの軽減を図る集団的関心に協力して解決を見いだすためである。GFSIコミュニティーはボランティアベースで活動し、小売り、製造、食品サービス企業から国際機関、政府、学界、グローバル食品業界向けサービスプロバイダーに至る世界トップレベルの安全食品専門家で構成されている。GFSIは「より良いビジネスを通してより良い暮らしを(Better Lives Through Better Business)」のビジョンをサポートする国際的な業界ネットワークのコンシューマー・グッズ・フォーラム(CGF)( )が運営している。
ソース:Global Food Safety Initiative
Official Launch: GFSI Global Markets Awards Now Open for Applications
PARIS, May 28, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
If you're an SME, it's time to showcase your commitment to delivering safe food
to consumers everywhere
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is pleased to announce the launch of
its Global Markets Awards 2019. For this third edition, the Awards will
recognise companies from across the globe that have leveraged GFSI's Global
Markets Programme in an exemplary way on their journey towards a world-class
food safety management system.
(Logo: )
Award recipients will travel to the GFSI Conference [ ] in Nice, France from 25th-28th February 2019,
where they will benefit from networking opportunities and be recognised for
their excellence throughout the conference week.
The Journey towards Safe Food for Consumers Everywhere
The Global Markets Awards are a unique opportunity to highlight the efforts of
food business operators to scale up their capabilities to produce safe food, in
line with the GFSI vision of safe food for consumers everywhere.
The Global Markets Programme [ ], building a
pathway to certification, was created seven years ago providing an unaccredited
entry point for companies with a step-by-step programme designed to build
capacity within production and manufacturing operations, setting out how
companies with less sophisticated food safety management systems can meet the
challenge of food safety, while simultaneously reducing hazards in global food
supply chains and improving market access through certification to one of the
GFSI-recognised certification programme owners.
Recognising Food and Beverage Companies from Around the World
Food companies, farms or facilities can apply by demonstrating their food
safety journey and illustrating their use of the Global Markets Programme to
create an enabling environment for safer food.
The Awards intend to reflect the geographic diversity of the Global Markets
Programme's implementation, with categories for Africa, Asia, Latin America and
the rest of the world, as well as an honourary award for France, as the host
country of the GFSI Conference 2019.
A Selection Committee Made Up of Notable Food Safety Experts and Academics
A Selection Committee was formed for the 2018 edition of the Awards [
], composed of experts from diverse backgrounds, with representatives from both
the public and private sector and spanning four continents (Nigeria, Kenya,
Mexico, Ukraine, USA and Japan). The Selection Committee is chaired by Mike
Taylor, former Deputy Commissioner to the US Food and Drug Administration.
The Selection Committee will be paying special attention to food safety culture
and market access.
GFSI is pleased to partner with greenfence, who is generously sponsoring these
significant awards for the third year running.
"Greenfence was honoured to be part of the celebratory awards ceremony at the
2018 conference in Tokyo, in which four companies were recognised for their
application of the GFSI Global Markets Programme. These exemplary companies,
all from different regions across the world, showed how small companies can
provide safe food, reduce risk in the supply chain and become trusted trading
partners. The second edition of the awards already received many excellent
applications and we are confident that the 2019 edition will attract even more
exceptional applications. We are therefore delighted to continue to sponsor
this prestigious award, which is fully aligned with greenfence's objective to
provide the food industry with a trusted, effective way to identify and
authenticate suppliers of products and services," said Mitch Chait, CEO and
founder, greenfence.
Awards applications close on 26th September 2018 at 6.00pm Central European
time. To learn more and apply, visit
About the Global Food Safety Initiative
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) brings together key actors of the food
industry to collaboratively drive continuous improvement in food safety
management systems around the world. With a vision of Safe food for consumers
everywhere, food industry leaders created GFSI in 2000 to find collaborative
solutions to collective concerns, notably to reduce food safety risks, audit
duplication and costs while building trust throughout the supply chain. The
GFSI community works on a volunteer basis and is composed of the world's
leading food safety experts from retail, manufacturing and food service
companies, as well as international organisations, governments, academia and
service providers to the global food industry. GFSI is powered by The Consumer
Goods Forum (CGF) [ ], a global industry
network working to support Better Lives Through Better Business.
SOURCE: Global Food Safety Initiative