Honorが画期的なGPU Turboテクノロジーの販売ポイントをスペインに転じる


Honorが画期的なGPU Turboテクノロジーの販売ポイントをスペインに転じる

AsiaNet 74522(1299)

【バルセロナ2018年7月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


スペインはHonorの画期的なGPU Turboテクノロジーの発射台になり、同国のミレニアル・スマートフォンユーザーの転換期となる。先週のロンドン、マドリードでのGPU Turbo発表の成功を受け、Honorは今後、同社の焦点をスペインに合わせ、モバイルゲーミングを定義する画期的なテクノロジーの脚光を浴びるキャンペーンを準備している。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180724/2194613-1

新しいキャンペーンは屋外広告も使用され、GPU Turboの革新的な能力を展示して、スペインのミレニアル世代に一連のアイコニックな若々しいデザインを紹介するとともにHonorの継続的なコミットメントを示すことで、同社はますます重要性を増すこの国との関係を深めることに努める。




Honorはeスポーツがスペインの若者に最も人気の高いアクティビティーであることを理解して2017年のMovistar Riders eSportsのスポンサーとなり、地元の若者が互いに対戦できる独自のプラットフォームを提供した。Honorは2017年、バグジャンプやFISスノーボード・チャンピオンシップなどスペインのシエラネバダ・スキーリゾートで一連のウィンタースポーツのスポンサーを務めた。







Honorはファーウェイ・グループ傘下の大手スマートフォンeブランドである。同ブランドは「For the Brave(勇者のために)」というスローガンに従い、優れたユーザー体験を提供し、行動を促し、創造性を育成し、若者に夢をかなえる力を与えるインターネットに最適化された製品を通じてデジタルネーティブのニーズを満たすために作られた。そのためHonorは、他と違う事をし、最新の技術とイノベーションをユーザーに提供するのに必要なステップを踏むための勇気を示すことによって、他社とは一線を画している。

詳細はHonorのウェブサイトwww.hihonor.com を参照するか、以下でフォローを。






Spain set to become focal point for Honor's groundbreaking GPU Turbo Technology


BARCELONA, July 25, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

New OOH campaign marks 'pivot' towards Spanish Millennials

Spain is set to become a launchpad for Honor's groundbreaking GPU Turbo

technology, heralding a turning point for millennial smartphone users across

the country. Following the successful launch of GPU Turbo in London and Madrid

last week, Honor will now turn its focus to Spain as it prepares a high profile

campaign around the breakthrough technology, which is redefining mobile gaming

as we know it.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180724/2194613-1

The new campaign, which will include the use of outdoor advertising will

exhibit the game changing capabilities of GPU Turbo, showcase a series of

iconic, youthful designs and demonstrate Honor's lasting commitment to Spanish

millennials as the company seeks to deepen the relationship with this

increasingly important base.

Honor's pivot towards Spain coincides with the rapid emergence of the domestic

gaming industry. Spain is in the midst of a gaming industry boom and is fast

becoming a global Mecca for both gamers and developers, with recent figures

showing the Spanish gaming sector was worth almost $2 billion in 2017 alone[1].

Notorious trendsetters, Spain is renowned for fast fashion and edgy, affordable

design. Spain's reputation as the worlds fast-fashion capital makes it a

natural focus for Honor, which is globally recognized as an industry leader,

offering iconic styles and youthfully designed products at an affordable price.

The new campaign is an affirmation of Honor's deep commitment to engage with

and understand the aspirations and desires of Spanish millennials. Through

substantial investments across Spain, Honor has been able to build strong

connections with local millennials, resulting in the development of products

that are uniquely designed and tailored for the local audience.

Understanding that eSports are amongst the most popular activities for young

people in Spain, Honor sponsored the Movistar Riders eSports team in 2017,

providing a unique platform for local youth to engage with each other. In

addition, Honor sponsored a series of winter sports in Sierra Nevada ski resort

in Spain during 2017, including bag jumps and FIS snowboard championship.

Citing recent research that shows Spanish millennials have a penchant for risk

taking[2], Honor Global President, George Zhao likened the company's renewed

focus on Spain as somewhat of a homecoming.

"Our brand is built on many of the characteristics that are synonymous with

Spanish millennials. Our iconic designs reflect Spanish millennial's

willingness to be brave and take risks to get what they want in life," said Mr.


"Spain is increasingly becoming a second home for Honor because the Spanish

culture reflects our corporate culture. Spain's emerging e-commerce sector and

booming e-gaming industry are both integral components to Honor's business

model and so it's only natural that we seek to build even deeper relationships

with Spanish millennials as we turn our focus to this increasingly important

market," Mr Zhao concluded.

[1] https://newzoo.com/insights/infographics/the-spanish-gamer-2017/

[2] http://irismillennials.com/articles/spain/

About Honor

Honor is a leading smartphone e-brand under the Huawei Group. In line with its

slogan, "For the Brave", the brand was created to meet the needs of digital

natives through internet-optimized products that offer superior user

experiences, inspire action, foster creativity and empower the young to achieve

their dreams. In doing this, Honor has set itself apart by showcasing its own

bravery to do things differently and to take the steps needed to usher in the

latest technologies and innovations for its customers.

For more information, please visit Honor online at www.hihonor.com or follow us










