AAIC(R) 2018で集中血圧治療が軽度認知障害と認知症の新症例を減らす初の臨床試験発表(下)

Alzheimer's Association International Conference

AAIC(R) 2018で集中血圧治療が軽度認知障害と認知症の新症例を減らす初の臨床試験発表(下)

AsiaNet 74539(後半)(1312)




米食品医薬品局(FDA)は、現時点ではアルツハイマー型認知症患者のこれらの症状に対する薬物治療を承認していない。Alzheimer's Associationは、認知症関連行動の治療のための薬理学的治療の第1の代替手段として、非薬理学的アプローチを推奨している。こうした療法にはバリデーション療法、回想、およびその他の個別の心理社会的治療介入が含まれる。

AAIC 2018で報告された合成カンナビノイドであるナビロンの無作為化・二重盲検臨床試験で、アルツハイマー病患者の興奮に改善がみられたことは、それが中等度から重度のアルツハイマー病患者の興奮の治療に効果的である可能性を示唆している。感情的な発言や行動、精神的苦痛、情動不安、ペーシングなどの興奮は、アルツハイマー病の進行にかかわる最も一般的な行動変化の1つであり、介護者のストレスの大きな原因となる可能性がある。14週間超の試験期間中、39人の参加者(男性77%、平均年齢87)に6週間、カプセルタイプのナビロンを投与、続いて6週間、偽薬を投与した。各治療期間は1週間、間をあけて設定した。偽薬と比較してナビロンを服用している患者では、興奮が有意に改善した。多くの人が偽薬(16%)に比べナビロン(45%)で鎮痛状態を経験した。

注:マリフアナはアルツハイマー病やその他の認知症の治療ないしは管理のために米食品医薬品局(FDA)に認可されていない。現時点でアルツハイマー病認知症の治療あるいは関連の問題にマリフアナの使用を裏付ける確実で一貫した治験データはない。Alzheimer's Associationは、この分野における研究がさらに必要であると確信している。

▽AAIC 2018で報告された他の2件の研究


*ゾルピデム、ゾビクロン、ザレプロンなどの「Z薬」は、高齢者の不眠症治療のために一般的に処方されるが、高齢の認知症患者への使用の場合には骨折リスクを40%高めることに関連し、高容量投与ではリスクが最大となる。Z薬の使用はまた、特に股関節骨折および死亡の大きなリスクと関連していた。このデータは、UK Clinical Practice Research Datalinkおよび3件の認知症患者臨床研究の分析から得られたものである。




AAIC 2018で報告されているように、Alzheimer's Associationが開催するワークグループは医師および看護師向けの20項目の勧告を作成し、現場の指導者からのインプットで磨きをかけて年内に発表することを目指している。この勧告は、症状を認識する取り組みの強化から、患者個人およびその介護者との思いやりのあるコミュニケーションに及んでいる。勧告の内容は以下の通り:







AAIC 2018で報告された4件の新たな研究は、腸や肝臓の機能を含む消化器系が脳の変化、アルツハイマー病や他の認知症などの脳障害とどのように関連しているかを調査したものだ。




National Institutes of Health(NIH)(米国国立衛生研究所)のNational Institutes on Aging(NIA)(国立老化研究所)の代表はAAIC 2018で、Alzheimer's Associationの助けを借り、National Strategy for Recruitment and Participation in Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Research(アルツハイマー病臨床研究での募集・参加のための国家戦略)の進展を報告した。これは研究サイトや研究者がアルツハイマー研究のボランティアを募集し保持するのに役立つ実践的で積極的なアプローチを概説するために招集された取り組みの一環である。地方レベルでは、アフリカ系米国人コミュニティーで活動する2件のアルツハイマー病研究募集プログラムはAAIC 2018で、Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch(R) (https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/research_progress/clinical-trials/about-clinical-trials )への登録を含む成功した努力と方法を報告した。

▽Alzheimer’s Association International Conference(R)(AAIC(R))(アルツハイマー病協会国際会議)について

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference(AAIC)は世界中のアルツハイマー病とその他の認知症に専念する研究者の世界最大の集まりである。Alzheimer’s Associationの研究プログラムの一環であるAAICは認知症に関する新しい知識を生み出し、活気ある共同研究コミュニティーを育成するための触媒の働きをする会議である。

AAIC 2018ホームページ: alz.org/aaic

AAIC 2018ニュースルーム: alz.org/aaic/press

▽Alzheimer's Association(R)(アルツハイマー病協会)について

Alzheimer’s Associationは、アルツハイマー病のケア、支援、研究において世界をリードするボランティア健康組織である。同協会の使命は研究を前進させアルツハイマー病を撲滅し、すべての患者へのケアと支援を提供、強化し、脳の健康の推進を通じて認知症のリスクを軽減することである。同協会のビジョンはアルツハイマー病のない世界である。詳しい情報はalz.or もしくは電話800-272-3900まで。

ソース:Alzheimer's Association International Conference


Alzheimer's Association AAIC Press Office

+1 312-949-8710,


Niles Frantz

Alzheimer's Association

+1 312-335-5777


AAIC(R) 2018 Features First Clinical Trial to Show Intensive Blood Pressure Treatment Reduces New Cases of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia


The findings highlight the need for culturally competent health care and

practice for older LGB+ individuals at risk for, or currently living with,

Alzheimer's disease or another dementia. Given the concerns of social isolation

and sometimes limited access to friend and family caregivers, there is a strong

need to create a supportive health care environment and caregiving resources.

Preliminary Successes and Ongoing Challenges Treating Non-Cognitive Symptoms of


While the memory and thinking symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease are

the most well known, it is the behavioral and psychological symptoms of

dementia -- agitation, anxiety, apathy, depression, wandering, insomnia,

incontinence, disinhibition -- that often cause the greatest caregiving

challenges and are the leading causes for placement in assisted living or a

nursing home.  Left untreated, these symptoms can accelerate decline and reduce

quality of life.

At this time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved any drug

treatments for these symptoms in people with Alzheimer's dementia. The

Alzheimer's Association recommends non-drug approaches as first-line

alternatives to drug therapy for the treatment of dementia-related behaviors.

These therapies include validation therapy, reminiscence and other personalized

psychosocial interventions.

A randomized, double-blind clinical trial of nabilone -- a synthetic

cannabinoid -- reported at AAIC 2018 suggests it may be effective in treating

agitation in people with moderate to severe Alzheimer's. Agitation, including

verbal or physical outbursts, emotional distress, restlessness and pacing, is

one of the most common behavioral changes associated with Alzheimer's, and can

be a significant cause of caregiver stress. Over the 14-week trial, 39

participants (77 percent male, average age 87) received nabilone in capsule

form for six weeks, followed by six weeks of placebo, with one week between

each treatment period. Agitation improved significantly in those taking

nabilone, compared to placebo. More people in the study experienced sedation on

nabilone (45 percent) compared to placebo (16 percent).

Note: Marijuana is not approved by the FDA for the treatment or management of

Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. There is currently no robust,

consistent clinical trial data supporting the use of marijuana for treatment of

Alzheimer's dementia -- nor for related issues. The Alzheimer's Association

believes that more research in this area is needed.

In two other studies reported at AAIC 2018:

    -- A small study of a customized lighting intervention, studied in 43

       people in 10 nursing homes, found that study participants experienced

       significant decrease in sleep disturbance, depression and agitation.

    -- "Z-drugs," such as zolpidem, zopiclone and zaleplon -- often prescribed

       to help treat insomnia in older adults -- when used by older adults

       with dementia, were associated with a 40 percent increased risk of

       fracture, with risk being greatest for those on higher doses. Z-drug

       use was also associated with a greater risk specifically of hip

       fracture and death. The data came from analyzing the UK Clinical

       Practice Research Datalink, and from three clinical studies of people

       with dementia.

Better alternatives are needed to the drugs currently being prescribed for

sleep problems and other non-cognitive symptoms of dementia.

New Guidelines for Clinical Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias

Despite more than two decades of advances in diagnostic criteria and

technology, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias too often go

unrecognized or are misattributed, causing delays in appropriate diagnoses and

care that are both harmful and costly. There currently are no consensus

diagnostic recommendations for primary care physicians.

As reported at AAIC 2018, a workgroup convened by the Alzheimer's Association

has developed 20 recommendations for physicians and nurse practitioners, and is

honing them with input from leaders in the field with the goal of publishing

them later this year. The recommendations range from enhancing efforts to

recognize symptoms to compassionately communicating with individuals and their

caregivers. They include:

    -- All individuals who self-report or whose care partner or clinician

       report cognitive, behavioral or functional changes should undergo an


    -- Concerns should not be dismissed as "normal aging" without a proper


    -- Evaluation should involve not only the patient and clinician but,

       almost always, also a care partner (e.g., family member or confidant).

The goal is to provide practical and specific U.S. guidelines that are relevant

in both primary and specialty settings. The recommendations can then guide U.S.

health care practitioners in the evaluation of individuals for memory,

thinking, communication and personality changes, and symptoms of cognitive

impairment, Alzheimer's disease or another dementia.

How Gut Bacteria and Lipid Metabolism May Influence Alzheimer's and Other Brain


In research reports over the last few years, we've learned how diet,

particularly overall eating patterns, may be linked to brain health, cognitive

decline and possibly even dementia as we age. We've also seen inflammation and

its markers -- in the brain and other parts of the body -- associated with

Alzheimer's and other dementias. Emerging science has correlated certain

changes in the gut bacteria with a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune

conditions. And studies have shown that changes in diet can change the gut


Four new studies reported at AAIC 2018 investigated how the digestive system,

including gut and liver functions, may be related to changes in the brain, and

to brain disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

"While still in its infancy, gut microbiome research is very exciting since it

may give us a new window into why diet and nutrition are so important for brain

health," said Carrillo. "This work may tell us more about how and why 'good

fats' help keep the brain healthy, and help guide brain-healthy dietary


"In addition, if it turns out these gut bacteria are effective and accurate

markers of Alzheimer's disease, they might be useful as a non-invasive

screening tool -- a simple blood test," Carrillo said. "However, we are only at

step one. We don't know yet exactly what the changes they are seeing mean --

whether they are cause or effect."

National Strategy for Recruitment and Participation in Alzheimer's Disease

Clinical Trials

At AAIC 2018, representatives of the National Institutes on Aging (NIA) at the

National Institutes of Health (NIH), with facilitation by the Alzheimer's

Association, reported on progress of the National Strategy for Recruitment and

Participation in Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Research -- an effort convened to

outline practical, proactive approaches to help study sites and researchers

recruit and retain volunteers for Alzheimer's research studies. At the local

level, two Alzheimer's research recruitment programs working in African

American communities reported successful efforts and methods at AAIC 2018,

including registration in Alzheimer's Association TrialMatch(R) (



The Alzheimer's Association International Conference(R) (AAIC(R))

The Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) is the world's

largest gathering of researchers from around the world focused on Alzheimer's

and other dementias. As a part of the Alzheimer's Association's research

program, AAIC serves as a catalyst for generating new knowledge about dementia

and fostering a vital, collegial research community.

AAIC 2018 home page: alz.org/aaic

AAIC 2018 newsroom: alz.org/aaic/press   

About the Alzheimer's Association(R)

The Alzheimer's Association is the leading voluntary health organization in

Alzheimer's care, support and research. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's

disease through the advancement of research, to provide and enhance care and

support for all affected, and to reduce the risk of dementia through the

promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's. Visit

alz.org or call 800.272.3900.

SOURCE  Alzheimer's Association International Conference

CONTACT: Alzheimer's Association AAIC Press Office, +1 312-949-8710,

aaicmedia@alz.org; Niles Frantz, Alzheimer's Association, +1 312-335-5777,





