
Liaoning Provincial Party Committee


AsiaNet 74966 (1499)

【瀋陽(中国)2018年8月31日新華社=共同通信JBN】「Top 500 Summit for China's Private Enterprises(中国民間企業トップ500社サミット)」のため1000近くの企業が8月末、瀋陽に集結した。遼寧省党委員会によると、ファーウェイ、Suning、Evergrande、MI、FOSUNを含む有名な中国の民間企業がサミットに積極的に参加した。サミットはまた、米国のボーイング、オラクル、Visa、オランダのING Bank、インドステイト銀行およびその他の国際企業から大きな注目と関心を引き付けた。中国の旧工業基地として、遼寧省は再び国内外の投資家の注目を集めている。

サミット期間中、「Private Enterprises Boost Liaoning High-quality Development Conference(民間企業推進遼寧高品質発展会議)」で 76のプロジェクトの調印式が行われた。これらのプロジェクトの契約総額は3000億元だった。これらのプロジェクトの中には、投資額が100億元を超す大型案件が10以上含まれた。Changjiang & Jinggong Steel Building(Group)Co. Ltd.戦略投資部門ゼネラルマネジャーのワン・シャオチュン氏は、遼寧省は強固な工業基盤と明らかな地域的な優位性を持っていると述べた。中国東北部の戦略の展開によって、遼寧省は投資家に潤沢な機会をもたらすことになろう。



近年には、Dalian Development Zone(大連開発区)、 China and Germany (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park(中独(瀋陽)ハイエンド設備製造産業園)、Liaoning Free Trade Pilot Zone(遼寧自由貿易試験区)を含む多数の開発区が遼寧省内に構築された。これらの開発区は国内および外国企業が遼寧省で投資し協力する機会を提供する上で積極的な役割を果たしており、これは投資家の一層の発展につながる。現在、世界のトップ企業500社のうち190社が遼寧省に投資している。


サミット期間中、唐一軍遼寧省長は、遼寧省は中国東北部において独自の地理的優位性を持つと述べた。「一帯一路」構築の重要な中継地として、遼寧省は中国東北部を背にして環渤海経済圏(Bohai rim)に隣接し、北東アジアに開け、また活気と活力に満ちている。


ソース:Liaoning Provincial Party Committee

Heavy Investment from Home and Overseas Surges into Liaoning, China's Old Industrial Base


SHENYANG, China, Aug. 31, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

Nearly a thousand entrepreneurs gathered in Shenyang at the end of August for

the "Top 500 Summit for China's Private Enterprises". According to Liaoning

Provincial Party Committee, Huawei, Suning, Evergrande, MI, FOSUN and other

Chinese well-known private enterprises actively participated in the summit.

This summit also attracted great attention and interest from Boeing, Oracle,

Visa in the United States, ING Bank from the Netherlands, State Bank of India

and other international enterprises. As China's old industrial base, Liaoning

has again attracted the attention of investors at home and abroad.

During the summit, the signing ceremony for 76 projects was held at the

"Private Enterprises Boost Liaoning High-quality Development Conference". The

total amount of these projects' contracts were 300 billion yuan. Among these

projects, there are more than 10 large projects with investment of more than 10

billion yuan. Mr. Wang Xiaochun, the general manager of the strategy and

investment department of Changjiang & Jinggong Steel Building (Group) Co. Ltd.,

said that Liaoning has a strong industrial foundation and obvious regional

advantages. With the development of northeast China strategy, Liaoning will

bring a lot of opportunities to investors.

Liaoning once made great contributions to the development of new China and it

is still an important national advanced equipment-manufacturing base. Liaoning

still has great advantages in aviation, machinery, automobile, electronics,

automation. Liaoning has witnessed the difficulties in the reform and

extrication of state-owned enterprises in the previous years of the development

of the market economy, and also experienced the pain of economic growth which

was once ranked the bottom among the provinces in China.

In recent years, following the country's development strategy, Liaoning

province has been constantly implementing new development concepts, focusing on

building a modernized economic system, and embarking on a path of all-round

revitalization featuring innovative development. Since last year, there is an

overall positive economic trend in Liaoning. In the first half of this year,

the provincial GDP increased by 5.5%, fixed asset investment increased by 12

percent, actual utilization of foreign capital increased by 14%, and the

introduction of domestic capital increased by 36%. The quality and efficiency

of economic development were further improved. Meanwhile, Liaoning has been

focusing on improving the business environment, and issued the first national

regulation on business environment optimization. In addition, Liaoning attaches

great importance to continuous beautification of the ecological environment and

create a favorable environment for overall development.

A number of development parks have been established in Liaoning in recent

years, including Dalian Development Zone, China and Germany (Shenyang) High-end

Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Liaoning Free Trade Pilot Zone. These

development parks have played a positive role in providing opportunities for

domestic and overseas enterprise to invest and make cooperation in Liaoning,

which are conducive to the further development of investors. Currently, 190 of

the world's top 500 companies have investments in Liaoning.

"Our business in Dalian has made a great progress in the past decade," said

Meng Hongxia, Vice President, Greater China, Cisco. "We hope to create more

opportunities in Liaoning and support the development of more state-owned

enterprises and private enterprises in China," said Hu Ying, senior vice

president of customer service in China, Oracle.

During the summit, Liaoning provincial governor Tang Yijun said that Liaoning

has the unique geographical advantage in northeast China. As an important node

of "one belt one road" construction, Liaoning is backed by northeast China,

adjacent to the Bohai rim and open to northeast Asia, and also is full of

vitality and vigor.

Tang Yijun said, "Liaoning will provide best policies, best services and

highest efficiency to all entrepreneurs. We will make all entrepreneurs enjoy

comfortable investment, stable entrepreneurship and comfortable life."

Source: Liaoning Provincial Party Committee




