ジャイルズ・テーラー氏がFAW Groupに「デザイン担当グローバル・バイス・プレジデント兼最高クリエーティブ責任者」で入社

FAW Corporation

ジャイルズ・テーラー氏がFAW Groupに「デザイン担当グローバル・バイス・プレジデント兼最高クリエーティブ責任者」で入社

AsiaNet 75067 (1552)

【ミュンヘン2018年9月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】FAW(第一汽車)は、ジャイルズ・テーラー(Giles Taylor)氏が同社に「デザイン担当グローバル・バイス・プレジデント兼最高クリエーティブ責任者(CCO)」として正式に入社したと発表した。テーラー氏はこれまで英国のロールス・ロイス・モーターカーズ(Rolls-Royce Motorcars)のデザイン担当ディレクターの地位にあった。

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/740684/Giles_Taylor_FAW_Corporation.jpg



ロンドンの有名なロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートのビークルデザイン学科を1992年に修士号を取って卒業したテーラー氏は、超高級乗用車のデザインで豊富な経験を持つ。英国の高級ブランドJaguar Carsに13年間勤務し、この間に現在の「ジャガーXJ」、2005年発売の「ジャガーXK」スポーツカーのチーフデザイナーを務めた。2011年にテーラー氏は ロールス・ロイス・モーターカーズに入社し、2012年から最近までデザイン担当ディレクターだった。同氏はドロップヘッド型の「ドーン(Dawn)」、象徴的な「ファントム(Phantom)VIII」リムジン、最近発売されたSUV「カリナン(Cullinan)」など多くの成功した乗用車を設計した。2016年に手掛けた「ロールスロイス103ex」コンセプトカーは、2040年以降を見据えた特別「自動運転高級車」のビジョンを提示している。




ソース:FAW Corporation

Giles Taylor Joins the China FAW Group as "Global Vice President of Design and Chief Creative Officer"


MUNICH, September 7, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    FAW announces that Giles Taylor has formally joined the corporation as the

"Global Vice President of Design and Chief Creative Officer (CCO)". Mr. Taylor

previously held the position Director of Design for Rolls-Royce Motorcars, UK.


https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/740684/Giles_Taylor_FAW_Corporation.jpg )

    In joining FAW, he will be chiefly responsible for creating design

strategies and unique style concepts for the FAW luxury brand HONGQI. As well

as establishing an FAW design development system he will oversee the infusion

of internationalized design philosophies into the complete range of FAW

products including autonomous passenger cars.

    Mr. Taylor will be located in Munich, Germany. He will lead the

establishment of a new FAW Advanced Design Center in Munich, housing a

globalized high-end design team. The Center will principally undertake project

work for the HONGQI brand including both forward-looking concepts and

production projects.

    Mr. Taylor, a master's graduate in 1992 from the vehicle design discipline

of the renown Royal College of Art in London, has rich experiences in

super-luxury car design. He spent 13 years at British luxury marque Jaguar Cars

during which time he held the position of Chief Designer for the current XJ

saloon and XK sportscar launched in 2005. In 2011, Taylor joined Rolls-Royce

Motorcars where from 2012 he served as Director of Design up until now. He led

the design of many successful cars including the drop-head Dawn, iconic Phantom

VIII limousine and the recently launched Cullinan SUV. In 2016, his Rolls-Royce

103ex concept vehicle laid an extraordinary "autonomous luxury" vision beyond


    Upon becoming a formal member of FAW Taylor said: "I am very much looking

forward to embarking on an exciting new career path with FAW. HONGQI, as the

oldest and most famous Chinese car brand, carries with it a deeply significant

and diverse cultural history. There are many inspirational elements surrounding

the marque with which to create fresh, modern vehicles for the new era. I look

forward to working with the FAW Executive team to deliver this fascinating

mission for HONGQI as well as exciting future products for FAW."

    Mr Xu Liuping, Chairman of FAW, welcomed Taylor's joining. He said: "Under

the general trend of globalization, China's auto industry is facing an

excellent opportunity of setting not only a benchmark but also a precedent

within the global auto industry. We need a more internationalized, specialized

and diversified team with a more globalized mind and vision in order to deeply

fuse China's rich high-level culture with other advanced global cultures,

modern fashion designs, leading-edge science and technologies, including

fine-grained emotional experiences into brilliant products and services."  

    Mr. Xu said: "Mr. Taylor is familiar with HONGQI and Chinese culture. He

possesses a deep understanding for this brand. His rich experiences in the

design of high-end luxury cars and his insight into the trend of global designs

and innovations highly match the brand positioning, product layout and future

planning of FAW and HONGQI. I believe, his joining will help HONGQI achieve the

target of building a 'new noble brand' - the best in China and famous around

the world."

SOURCE: FAW Corporation




