


AsiaNet 75040 (1537)

【北京2018年9月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


世界最大の薄膜パワーソリューション企業であるHanergy Thin Film Power Group(漢能薄膜発電集団、00566.hk)は本日(9月7日)、日本の建設・太陽光発電複合企業であるフォレストグループとの間で、1億3000万米ドルものHanTileプレセール契約を締結したと発表した。総発電量は100MW。同契約の調印は、このほど純利益が30倍というずば抜けた中間報告を発表し、地元パートナーと430万米ドルの契約を確定させることでラテンアメリカ市場への参入を確実なものにするなど、Hanergyの一連の明るいニュースに続くものである。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180907/2228699-1



Hanergy Thin Film Power Group(0566.HK)とフォレストグループ傘下で太陽光発電事業に重点的に取り組む子会社であるFGSとの間で締結された契約は、両社の専門知識と豊富な分野ごとの経験を活用・結集して、日本の太陽光発電市場の可能性を最大限に高めることを意図している。この提携では、3年以内に日本の家庭用太陽光発電市場の少なくとも30%を手中に収めることを目指している。



Hanergy Thin Film Power Groupのルフ・ユアン副社長は「フォレストグループと提携し、日本市場に参入できることを喜ばしく思っている。われわれはHanergyで、研究・開発への堅実な投資、絶え間ない技術革新、および多数の特許出願など、同業他社の先を進み続けるために多大な努力を行っている。こうしたたゆまぬ努力の結果として、日本の大手企業フォレストグループと迅速に契約を結ぶことができた。われわれは、Hanergyの戦略的市場でもある日本市場には大きな将来性があると考えている」と語った。






現在までに、Hanergy Thin Film Power Groupは3700件を超える特許を出願、そのうち900件が認められている。Hanergyは、高度な技術を備えたさまざまな製品を通じて、世界のモバイルエネルギー業界に革命を起こす準備をすべて整えている。

▽Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltdについて

Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd(漢能薄膜発電集団、00566.hk)は、香港上場会社であり、Hanergy Holding Group Ltdの子会社である。Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltdは、世界有数の薄膜太陽電池会社として「モバイルエネルギーづくり」にコミットしている。2009年以来、Hanergyは世界の太陽光発電技術を結集し、薄膜太陽光発電分野の研究と技術革新に堅実な投資を行うことに粉骨砕身している。薄膜太陽光技術は、HanTile、HanWall、HanCar、HanWindow、Humbrella、HanPack、HanPaperを含む一連の商業用、民生用製品に応用されている。



Hanergy Signs US$130M Solar Roof Tile Contract with Japan's Forest Group


BEIJING, Sept. 7, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

A new testament of Hanergy's entry into international market

The world's largest thin-film power solution company, Hanergy Thin Film Power

Group (00566.hk), today (Sep.7) announced that it has signed a prolific US$130

million HanTile presale contract with Japanese construction and solar power

conglomerate, Forest Group with a total power generation of 100MW. The signing

of the contract follows the string of positive news of Hanergy, which recently

released its mid-term outstanding report with a 30 times surge in its net

profit and confirmed its entry into Latin America market by securing US$4.3

million contracts with local partners.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180907/2228699-1

Hanergy signs with Forest Group for a US$130 million contract

The company's fresh move reaffirms its earnestness to enter international

market. This synergistic association with Forest Group is a testimony of

Hanergy's par excellence technology and its product quality reaching the

highest standard of international market.

The contract that is signed between Hanergy Thin Film Power Group (0566.HK) and

FGS, a subsidiary company focused on solar power business under Forest Group,

intends to bring to use and put together the expertise and the rich sectorial

experiences of both companies to optimize Japan's photovoltaic market. The

association is aimed at harvesting at least 30% of Japan's home photovoltaics

market within 3 years.

Mori Haruyuki, President of Forest Group said, "We're thrilled to work with

Hanergy and utilize its expertise in thin film power sector to revolutionize

Japan's photovoltaic market. We have great confidence in Hanergy's products and

we're sure that we'll together win accolades in the sector. Further, in the

backdrop, we hope that within the next 5 to 10 years, Japan's household market

reaches the goal of zero emission, realising a great potential for solar power


The current contract will prove to be a milestone for Hanergy's HanTile

product, leading its way in other international markets. Despite, Japan

particularly has strict certification system with dozens of testing and

approval procedures, Hanergy's acquisition of the presale contract further

reiterates its high standard product quality and advanced technologies.

Lv Yuan, vice president of Hanergy Thin Film Power Group, said, "We're pleased

to join hands with Forest Group, marking an entry in Japanese market. At

Hanergy, we make enormous efforts to stay ahead of our peers, be it through

robust investment in R&D, the constant breakthroughs in technology, and

numerous patent applications. It's an upshot of these unremitting efforts, that

we could swiftly secure the contract with the leading Forest Group in Japan. We

see a great potential in Japanese market, which is also a strategic market for


Subsequently, in March, 2018, Japanese government issued an energy strategic

plan, proposing renewable energy as the "main source of power generation".

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) this August also revised

its energy development plan, in which a key factor is encouraging solar power

usage. The government predicts by 2030 solar power could attribute to 7% within

Japan's energy mix, a great potential for photovoltaics market.

Currently, HanTile, Hanergy's flagship solar roof tile solution product, has

been on a presale campaign in around 20 countries worldwide after it was

released this April. The product has received praises from the clients across

nations and the feedback has been extraordinarily good.

It's likely that the company will recently sign another 10,000 Humbrella sales

contract also with a Japanese client. Humbrella is Hanergy's latest thin film

solar umbrella product.

Forest Group is a top Japanese construction and photovoltaics company, having

businesses in America, Japan, Singapore, China and Sri Lanka. Its photovoltaics

subsidiary, FGS, has an annual instalment capacity of 200MW, and owns

professional teams providing design, construction and aftersales services for

photovoltaics power station and household solar power generation in and out of


Since 2009, Hanergy is painstakingly working to integrate worldwide solar

technology, and making robust investment for the research and innovation in

field of thin-film solar power.

By now, Hanergy Thin Film Power Group has filed over 3,700 patents, among which

900 have been granted. Hanergy is all set to revolutionize the global mobile

energy industry through its varied offerings equipped with advanced


About Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd.

Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd (0566.HK) is a Hong Kong listed company, and

a subsidiary of Hanergy Holding Group Ltd. As a leading thin film solar company

in the world, Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Ltd is committed to "Building

Mobile Energy". Since 2009, Hanergy is painstakingly working to integrate

worldwide solar technology, and making robust investment for the research and

innovation in field of thin-film solar power. The thin film solar technology

has been applied to a series of commercial and civilian products, including

HanTile, HanWall, HanCar, HanWindow, Humbrella, HanPack and HanPaper.

SOURCE: Hanergy




