
The Organizing Committee of the 2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum


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【成都(中国)2018年9月20日新華社=共同通信JBN】2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum(2018年成都国際書店フォーラム)が9月14日、中国南西部四川省の省都・成都で開幕した。2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forumの組織委員会によれば、書店、出版およびカルチャー産業のステークホルダーがこのフォーラムに集結し、世界に起こっている新たな読書熱について討論した。

「Reading, the New Wave(読書、新しい潮流)」をテーマとするこのフォーラムは、London Review Bookshop(U.K)、Australian Booksellers Association(ABA)などの書店ならびにBloomsbury Publishing(China)、Shanghai Century Publishing(Group)Co., Ltd.を含む出版プラットフォームの代表者を集めた。彼らは「looking for future readers(未来の読者を探す)」「reaching readers through bookstores(書店を通じて読者にリーチする)」「different practices of innovation(イノベーションのさまざまな実践)」の3つのトピックを深く掘り下げた。後援者はこのフォーラムがアイデアを啓発し、国際的な書籍業界で未来の交流と協力を促進する英知を広めることを期待した。


Chengdu International Bookstore Forumは3年連続で開催されている。

London Review Bookshopのナタリア・デラ・オッサ氏は「多くのデータが示しているように、過去2年間、電子書籍のシェアは縮小してきている。紙の書籍は最終的には電子書籍と肩を並べているだろうと思う」と述べた。


中国の出版・書店業界の権威ある組織であるBooks and Periodicals Distribution Association of Chinaは、2017年の中国の書店実店舗の発展をまとめ、書店の数・規模・活動および影響力などの諸要素の評価に基づき、成都に「2017 City of Bookstores in China(2017年中国の書店の都市)」のタイトルを与えた。統計によれば、2017年には成都には3463の書店があり、北京に次いで第2位である。成都は書店実店舗の数と質において中国トップクラスの都市である。

しかし、「City of Bookstores in China」として、成都は新規書店を建設しただけではなかった。成都では、書店は書籍を販売するだけでなく文化交流のスペースを提供し、この都市の人生の美学の追求を披露する。成都の地元住民の人生を愛する気持ちと豊かな美的嗜好はそれらの書店実店舗で余すところなく明らかにされている。

膨大な蔵書数に加え、成都の書店はその特徴でも知られている。9 Square Shopping MallのWinshare BooksとZhongshuge Bookstore Chengduは2017年の「中国の最も美しい書店」に選ばれた。さまざまな緑の植物で装飾されたWinshare Booksは森林のような読書スペースに心地よい雰囲気を作り出し、ここには子供専用のKids Winshareがある。さらに、この書店は展示スペースと講義用エリアを持ち、定期的に多数のイベントが開催されている。大胆で誇張された装飾スタイルで有名なZhongshuge Bookstoreは、複合的な事業形態を取っている。成都には他にもJP Books、Fang Suo Commune、Yan Ji You、Sisypheなどの有名書店があり、いずれも独自の特徴を備えている。これらの書店には1つの共通点がある-元の高品質の読書体験を確保しながら、絶えずマルチレベルの業態を試行していることである。



成都では、歴史ある都市の文化的背景が新しいファッショナブルなライフスタイルと統合されている。経済とインフラが急速な発展と向上を遂げたことに加え、成都は独自の文化的優位性を失わなかった。2300年の文明の歴史を持つこの古都はますます多くのショッピングモール、高級ブランド、現代のエンターテインメント会場を受け入れているが、ほとんどすべてのショッピングモールに1つかそれ以上の洗練された書店が入り「falling in love with reading in Chengdu(成都で読書と恋に落ちる)」という評判が広がりつつある。

Fang Suo Communeの創設者マオ・ジホン氏は「読書は成都の人々にとって快適な生活様式である」と述べた。成都では、書店、展示会および講義が市民の文化的生活の不可欠な一部となった。


ソース:The Organizing Committee of the 2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum

Chengdu -- City of Bookstores in China


CHENGDU, China, Sept. 20, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

The 2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum kicked off on September 14 in

Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan Province. Stakeholders from

bookstores, publishing and culture gathered at the forum to discuss the new

reading craze hitting the world, according to the Organizing Committee of the

2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum.

This Forum, themed "Reading, the New Wave", gathered the representatives from

bookstores such as London Review Bookshop (U.K), Australian Booksellers

Association (ABA), as well as publishing platforms including Bloomsbury

Publishing (China) and Shanghai Century Publishing (Group) Co., Ltd. They

delved into the three topics, i.e. "looking for future readers", "reaching

readers through bookstores", and "different practices of innovation". The

sponsor hoped this forum would enlighten ideas and circulate wisdom to promote

future exchanges and cooperation in the international book industry.

The UK was the first guest of honor at the forum. At the opening ceremony,

Carma Elliot CMG OBE, Minister (Culture and Education) at the British Embassy

in Beijing, representative of the guest of honor, noted that China and the UK

would have more and more cultural exchanges.

The Chengdu International Bookstore Forum has been held for three consecutive


"As shown by a lot of data, the share of e-books was declining in the past two

years. I believe that paper books will keep pace with e-books ultimately," said

Natalia de la Ossa, manager of London Review Bookshop.

The enduring core strengths of physical bookstores lie in the irreplaceable

user experience and their aesthetics of life. Chengdu, as the host city of the

forum, has vigorously promoted the construction and development of physical

bookstores in recent years.

The Books and Periodicals Distribution Association of China, an authoritative

organization in China's publishing and bookstore industry, summarized the

development of physical bookstores in China in 2017, and granted the title of

"2017 City of Bookstores in China" to Chengdu upon evaluation of factors

including numbers, sizes, activity, and influence of bookshops. According to

statistics, Chengdu had 3,463 bookstores in 2017, ranking second only to

Beijing. Chengdu is among the top cities in China in quantity or quality of

physical bookstores.

However, as the "City of Bookstores in China", Chengdu did more than

constructing new bookstores. In Chengdu, bookstores not only sell books, but

also offer spaces for cultural exchange, as well as showcasing the city's

pursuit of aesthetics of life. The love of life and rich aesthetic taste of

local people in Chengdu are fully revealed through those physical bookstores.

In addition to the huge volume, bookstores in Chengdu are also famous for their

characteristics. Winshare Books at 9 Square Shopping Mall and Zhongshuge

Bookstore Chengdu were titled China's Most Beautiful Bookstores in 2017.

Decorated with various green plants, Winshare Books has created cozy atmosphere

in its forest-like reading spaces, where the Kids Winshare is dedicated for

children. In addition, the bookstore has also an exhibition space and a lecture

area where a number of events are held regularly. Zhongshuge Bookstore, famous

for its bold and exaggerated decoration style, employs a complex mode of

business operation. There are other famous bookstores in Chengdu, such as JP

Books, Fang Suo Commune, Yan Ji You and Sisyphe and each has its own

characteristics. These bookstores have one thing in common: constantly trying a

multi-level mode of business while ensuring the original high-quality reading


The bookstores in Chengdu have made great efforts in the extended reading and

trans-boundary integration to improve reading experience, which can also be

regarded as the future trends of reading.

Li Lu, a new graduate from Sichuan University, wants to stay in Chengdu, even

though her parents have arranged a stable job for her in her hometown. "Because

such bookstores in Chengdu cannot be found in my hometown," said Lu. Lu chose

Chengdu not only because of the bookstore, but also the unique cultural

atmosphere here.

In Chengdu, the historical urban cultural background is integrated with the new

fashionable lifestyle. In addition to the rapid development and improvement of

economy and infrastructure, Chengdu has not lost its unique cultural advantage.

Although this ancient city with a history of 2,300 years of civilization is

embracing more and more shopping malls, luxury brands and modern entertainment

venues, almost every shopping mall has one or more elegant bookstores, and the

fame of "falling in love with reading in Chengdu" is gradually spreading.

"Reading is a comfortable way of life for Chengdu people," said Mao Jihong,

founder of Fang Suo Commune. In Chengdu, bookstores, exhibitions and lectures

have become an integral part of the citizens' cultural life.

Chengdu is shifting away from the stereotype that ties the city only with giant

pandas. It is now becoming the forefront of Chinese cities as a livable city

which spreads modern culture and embraces the aesthetics of life.

Source: The Organizing Committee of the 2018 Chengdu International Bookstore Forum





