


AsiaNet 75323 (1671)



嶺南文化を呼び物とする「Guangzhou Night(広州の夜)」イベントが9月19日夜、中国北部の天津で開催された世界経済フォーラムのNew Champions 2018年次会合(夏のダボス会議)と並行して開かれた。

「Shaping Innovative Societies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution(第4次産業革命における革新的社会の形成)」をテーマに今年開かれた夏のダボス会議で広州市政府が同市のプレゼンテーションを行うのは今回で4年連続。広州市は、「Dynamic Guangzhou for the World(世界にとってのダイナミックな広州」)」をテーマとする「広州の夜」でダボスからの約400人のゲストにその活力と多様性、そして現代の技術革新を示した。

「広州の夜」では広州の歴史に関する壮大な3Dアニメーションスクロール「South China Commercial Capital(中国南部の商業首都)」が驚異的デビューを飾った。それは有名な中国絵画である嶺南の「清明上河図」として称賛された。広州の文化と技術革新のすべての要素は、オーディエンスの注目を引き、嶺南の特徴を備えた技術的な広州を示した。



Cedar Holdingsはフォーチュン・グローバル500社リストにおける広州を本拠とする地元民間企業を代表している。Cedarは現代のスマートサプライチェーンの企業として、海外進出のイニシアチブをとることにより世界をリードしてきた。専門家は、広州がイノベーション主導の開発戦略を実行し、新経済の活力を発揮し、過去40年にわたる中国の改革開放の間にイノベーション能力を強化する方法の典型であると指摘する。



かつて米シリコンバレーに設立された中国のスタートアップ企業、JingChiは昨年12月本社を広州に移転した。このスマートモビリティー企業は今年5月、GAC(Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.)のGE3 EVモデルをなんとか自動運転バージョンに転換し、路上走行させた。JingChiのチャン・リー運用担当副社長は「広州には中国のトップ3の自動運転車メーカーのうち2社がある。当社はここで著しい進歩と遂げつつあり、中国開発の自動運転テクノロジーを発展させ、人々が旅行する方法を変えるのだ」と述べた。


広州南沙新区を本拠とする別の革新的スタートアップ企業、Pony.aiが米カリフォルニア州でこのほど、同社の自動運転乗用車の道路走行テストで成功を収めた。Investment and Trade Promotion Bureau of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone(広州南沙開発区投資・貿易新興局)のシエ・シャオフイ書記は「われわれは地元の革新的企業の育成を高く評価している。可燃氷プロジェクトのほか、AI Roboticsなどいくつかの革新的企業がここに進出している」と語った。

Guangzhou Starway Communicationのジア・ペンチェン社長は「広州が進めている業界リーダーを支援する戦略はわれわれに、スタートアップ段階での多くの資金的支援を提供してきた」と述べた。



現在広州はフォーチュンのBrainstorm Tech、China Innovation Conference、China Innovation、Entrepreneurship Fairなど大規模イベントの恒久的開催地となり、技術革新における世界の人材の定期的な場所となっている。革新的リソースを引き付け、事業を開始し、イノベーションを行う雰囲気は広州で育まれつつある。

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Institute(広東・香港・マカオ大湾岸圏研究所)が発表したThe Report on Chinese City Business Environment 2017(2017年中国都市ビジネス環境リポート)によると、広州はビジネス環境であり、2017年世界各都市ビジネス環境リポートでは最も傑出した都市の1つだった。

一流のイノベーション・エコシステムを備えた広州は急速な経済的・社会的発展を遂げてきた。Global Urban Competitiveness Report 2017-2018(2017-2018年世界都市競争力リポート)によると、広州は世界経済競争力指数で15位となっている。


ソース:The People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality

Guangzhou: leading city in shaping urban innovation ecosystem -- "Guangzhou Night" event ignites the Summer Davos


GUANGZHOU, China, Sept. 20, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On the evening of September 19, the "Guangzhou Night" event, featuring the

Lingnan culture, was held on the sidelines of World Economic Forum's Annual

Meeting of the New Champions 2018 (Summer Davos) in Tianjin, northern China.

It is the fourth year in a row that the Guangzhou government has presented the

city at the Summer Davos, which was held under the theme of "Shaping Innovative

Societies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution" this year. At the Guangzhou

Night, with a theme of "Dynamic Guangzhou for the World", the city demonstrated

its vitality and diversity as well as modern technological innovation to some

400 guests from Davos.

The night witnessed an astonishing debut of South China Commercial Capital, a

grand 3D animation scroll on Guangzhou's history. It was hailed as Lingnan's

"Along the River During the Qingming Festival", a renowned Chinese painting.

All the elements of Guangzhou's culture and innovation caught the eye of the

audience and showed a technological Guangzhou with Lingnan features.

"Guangzhou represents a core city in promoting the Belt and Road Initiative and

constructing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It enjoys a

time-honored history and culture, and boasts an efficient transportation system

and an influx of innovative resources. Hopefully we all can share the

opportunities provided by a thriving Guangzhou in a new era," addressed

Guangzhou's mayor Wen Guohui at the event.

In China, the regional innovation ecosystem is being shaped. The practices of

urban innovation led by Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, etc., will help make

China an innovative economy. Guangzhou, due to its cultural diversity, has

fostered an inclusive and innovation-friendly atmosphere and has thrived, from

a millennium-old business city to an international hub. Even today, innovation

remains a thrust for the hub city to connect the rest of China and beyond.

Cedar Holdings represents a Guangzhou-based home-grown private company in the

Fortune Global 500 list. As an enterprise of the modern smart supply chain,

Cedar has led the world by taking initiative to go global. Experts say it is

the epitome of how Guangzhou has carried out the strategy of innovation-driven

development to unleash vitality of a new economy and enhance innovation

capacity during the past 40 years of China's reform and opening-up.

"As the cradle of enterprises, Guangzhou boasts the most favorable climate for

private companies and for innovation," said Zhang Jin, Cedar's president and

founder and representative of the new champions.

In 2017, Guangzhou unveiled its strategy on IAB (information technology,

artificial intelligence and biomedicine). Thanks to its location advantage,

solid industrial base and scientific and technological innovation strength, the

city saw a rapid growth of emerging industries. The clustering of innovative

enterprises is speeding up here.

The Chinese startup JingChi, which was previously founded in Silicon Valley,

the US, relocated its headquarters to Guangzhou last December. In May this

year, the smart mobility company, managed to convert the GE3 EV model of GAC

(Guangzhou Automobile Group Co., Ltd.) into a self-driving version and put it

on the road. "Guangzhou is home to two of the Top 3 self-driving companies in

China. We are making marked progress here and will advance the China-developed

self-driving technology in ways to change the way people travel," said Zhang

Li, vice president of operation at JingChi.

Openness and diversity have been the bedrock of an innovation ecosystem that

Guangzhou is shaping. For three consecutive years, Guangzhou has ranked third

among domestic cities by the number of China's Top 50 innovative companies it

hosts. It has now housed 286 incubators and 181 maker spaces, with an area of

more than 10 million square meters.

Another innovative startup Pony.ai, which is based in Nansha New Area,

Guangzhou, has conducted successful road tests for its self-driving cars in

California, the US. "We value the cultivation of local innovative enterprises,"

said Xie Xiaohui, secretary of Investment and Trade Promotion Bureau of

Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone. "On tops of the combustible ice project, a

number of futuristic companies like AI Robotics have settled here."

"The policy to support industrial leaders that Guangzhou carried out has

offered us much financial support at our start-up stage," said Jia Pengcheng,

president of Guangzhou Starway Communication firm.

Metro check-in with mobile payment, facial recognition at airport security

check, making a doctor appointment on WeChat... These have become part of

people's daily life in Guangzhou. Facing a new round of global technological

revolution, the city is striving to seize the initiative. It will promote

innovation and foster a sound technology-oriented climate.

Innovation promotes industrial upgrading and boosts the economy of a city. The

just-released economic data show that in the first half of 2018, Guangzhou's

GDP reached 1.0653 trillion RMB (155.5 billion USD), an increase of 6.2% over

the same period of 2017.

Today, Guangzhou has become a regular venue for global talents in technological

innovation, with grand events like the Fortune's Brainstorm Tech, China

Innovation Conference and China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair

permanently settling here. An atmosphere to attract innovative resources, start

a business and make innovations is being fostered in Guangzhou.

The Report on Chinese City Business Environment 2017 released by the

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Institute shows that Guangzhou

ranked first in terms of the business environment, and it was one of the most

outstanding cities in the 2017 report on the business environment of global


With a leading innovation ecosystem, Guangzhou has seen rapid economic and

social development. According to the Global Urban Competitiveness Report

2017-2018, Guangzhou ranks 15th by the global economic competitiveness index.

"Guangzhou is acting as a new drive for China's economic growth and has become

one of the centers of the global economy. Numerous global firms intend to

jointly work with the city in constructing the Greater Bay Area," said Klaus

Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.

SOURCE: The People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality  




