

AsiaNet 75351


ニューヨーク(米国)、2018年9月22日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --


国連開発計画(UNDP:The United Nations Development Program)は、ニューヨーク市で行われた総会に合わせてムハンマド・ビン・ラーシド・アール・マクトゥーム・ナレッジ財団(MBRF:Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation)に「ナレッジ・パートナー(Knowledge Partner)」の栄誉を授けました。


同財団の指名はUNDPとの10年におよぶパートナーシップを示しており、アラブの団体が「ナレッジ・パートナー」に選ばれるのは初めてです。131か国に及ぶ結果が2017年ナレッジサミット(Knowledge Summit 2017)で公表された第1回グローバルナレッジ指数(Global Knowledge Index)など、MBRFの数多くのイニシアティブを表彰しています。




MBRFのCEOはその後、2015年のアラブ・ナレッジ指数(Arab Knowledge Index)と電子プラットフォーム、ナレッジ・フォー・オール(Knowledge4All)の立ち上げ、またアラブ読書指数(Arab Reading Index)の開始を挙げました。閣下は、グローバルナレッジ指数のおかげでパートナーシップが2017年にはアラブ地域外にまで広がったことに言及し、パートナーシップが「アラブ世界の読書に対する誤解を系統的に暴くことに成功した」と指摘しました。

またアヒム・シュタイナーは、MBRFとUNDPのパートナーシップが持続可能な開発の手段としてのナレッジの中心をなす共通のビジョンに根差していることに言及し、ナレッジへの投資が野心的なビジョン2030(Vision 2030)達成を目指す国の最優先課題とされるべきだと述べました。


     (写真: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/747533/MBRF_UN_Knowledge_Partner.jpg )



ソース: ムハンマド・ビン・ラーシド・アール・マクトゥーム財団(Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation)


Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation 1st Arab Organisation Named 'Knowledge Partner' by UN


NEW YORK, Sept. 22, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Ceremony took place on the sidelines of the General Assembly's meeting

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has honoured the Mohammed bin

Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) as a "Knowledge Partner" on the

sidelines of the General Assembly's meeting in New York City.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


Honouring the Foundation marks 10 years of partnership with the UNDP and the

first time any Arab organisation is named "Knowledge Partner". It recognises

MBRF's many initiatives, most notably, the first Global Knowledge Index

covering 131 countries, whose results were announced at the Knowledge Summit


MBRF's CEO H.E. Jamal bin Huwaireb attended the ceremony, representing H.H.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Foundation's Chairman,

along with UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner; H.E. Saud Al Shamsi, UAE's Deputy

Permanent Representative to the UN; and H.E. Mourad Wahba, UNDP's Deputy

Assistant Administrator and Deputy Regional Director for the Regional Bureau

for Arab States.

H.E. bin Huwaireb underlined the strong partnership that has brought MBRF

together with the UNDP for a decade, asserting that the collaboration was

"guided by the vision of the UAE's leadership, who has long advocated both

local and international partnerships to build knowledge societies founded on

sustainability and investment in human capital."

H.E.'s speech highlighted the major milestones achieved during the decade-long

partnership, namely: "Launching three Knowledge Reports since 2009 to study the

realities of knowledge in the Arab world and the youth's role in its

production, dissemination and localisation."

The MBRF CEO went on to cite the 2015 launch of the Arab Knowledge Index and

Knowledge4All electronic platform, as well as the 2016 inauguration of the Arab

Reading Index which "succeeded in systematically debunking misconceptions about

reading in the Arab world," H.E. said, noting that the partnership began

expanding beyond the Arab region in 2017 with the Global Knowledge Index.

For his part, Achim Steiner said that investing in knowledge should be a

priority for any country trying to achieve the ambitious Vision 2030, noting

that the MBRF-UNDP partnership is rooted in a shared vision centred around

knowledge as a tool for sustainable development.

Meanwhile, Saud Al Shamsi noted that knowledge is the main engine for

employment and economic growth. "The Global Knowledge Index offers a roadmap

for reforms and investment in many sectors - from school enrolment to labour,"

he concluded.


https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/747533/MBRF_UN_Knowledge_Partner.jpg )

SOURCE: Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation





