
中欧国際工商学院(China Europe International Business School)


AsiaNet 75403 (1708)

【プラハ2018年9月26日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】歴史的なプラハ城が、中国と中東部欧州(中東欧、CEE)諸国が相互の経済成長促進で協力できる方法をめぐる率直で実り多い討議の会場になった。約200人が参加したイベントで、新任チェコ駐在中国大使のチャン・ジャンミン氏、チェコ国立銀行のジリ・ルスノク総裁、New Silk Road Institute Prague(プラハ新シルクロード研究所)の所長兼大統領顧問のヤン・コホウト氏、中欧国際工商学院(China Europe International Business School、CEIBS)学長のリー・ミンジュン教授、CEIBSのスー・ビン経済財政教授が基調演説を行った。中欧国際工商学院とプラハ新シルクロード研究所が共催した。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180926/2248175-1






このフォーラムはまさに歴史的な瞬間に合わせて開かれた。すなわち中国の改革開放40周年、中国・EU包括的戦略パートナーシップ15周年、「一帯一路構想」5周年である。中国は、CEE(中東欧)を欧州の経済成長の潜在的な推進力であり、かつ重要なパートナーであり投資先であるとみなしており、CEIBSのリー・ミンジュン教授(学長)が歓迎スピーチで指摘したようにチェコ共和国は中国の対CEE関係の重要な要素である。リー教授は「両国間の政治的、経済的、文化的交流は継続的に進展しており、2国間貿易は健全に発展してきた。中国は、EU以外ではチェコの最大の貿易相手国であり、チェコの第2位の輸入品源となっている。一方、チェコ共和国は中東欧諸国における中国の第2位の貿易相手国である。中国の『一帯一路』構想と『16+1協力』のビジョンの下に、中国・チェコ関係の『黄金時代』のモメンタムを踏まえ、われわれは今日ここに大いなる希望をもって、企業間の意見交換と協力のためのプラットフォームを提供するために集まった」と指摘した。彼はまた、この関連で、ERICEEを立ち上げるためのSINO-CEE Fund(中国・中東欧基金)との昨年の協力などCEIBSがこれまでに実施してきた取り組みについて語った。ERICEEは、CEIBSのCEE16カ国との学術協力をもたらしたイニシアチブで、その国家レベルのシンクタンク、有名なビジネススクール、CEEでの協力のための関連省庁への知的支援を提供する。これらの努力はすべて、「中国と欧州間のビジネス協力を促進するために欧州のパートナーと協力する架け橋」であるプラハ・フォーラムによって補完される、とリー教授は述べた。

今回のイベントは、中国とチェコの主要な企業幹部が参加した2つのパネル討議で締めくくられた。最初の討議は、両国への投資のためのプラクティスと実例を取り上げた。パネリストには、SINO-CEEF Europeの最高経営責任者(CEO)のジン・チェン、チェコ商業会議所プレジデントのウラジミル・ドルーイ、COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Central Europe) s.r.o.のエグゼクティブディレクターのジョンミン・ルオ、Zhejiang Huajie Investment Development Co., Ltd.社長のフェンディー・ジャン、Deloitte (Czech Republic)会長のジョセフ・コトルバの各氏が含まれていた。

同日は、「New Space for China-Czech Cooperation(中国・チェコ協力のための新たな空間)」に関するパネル討議で終了した。討議では、CEZ ESCOの取締役会長兼マネジングディレクターのカミル・チェルマク、チェコ共和国中小企業協会会長のカレル・ハブリチェク、Dahua Technology Czech s.r.oのカントリーマネジャーのジェンユー・フー、Czech General Aircraftの取締役会長のペトル・ハイル、Huawei Technologies (Czech)のビジネスグループマネジャーのペテル・バセクの各氏から意見が出された。

このフォーラムは、欧州のパートナーと協力し、中国の主要な国際的ビジネススクールであるCEIBSが主催する5つのフォーラムの1つである。このイベントは、CEIBSが果たした役割を観察することにより中国・EU包括的戦略パートナーシップ15周年を記念して開始された幅広いCEIBS Insights 2018イニシアチブの一環であり、中国・欧州関係の強化に引き続き貢献している。今回のプラハのイベントに先立ち、CEIBSは7月17日と19日にそれぞれミュンヘンとロンドンでフォーラムを開催した。CEIBS Insights Europe Forum 2018シリーズの次のイベントは、10月19日にパリで、10月24日にチューリヒでそれぞれ開催される予定。


中欧国際工商学院(China Europe International Business School、CEIBS)は、アジアでトップの国際ビジネススクールの1つで、ファイナンシャル・タイムズのMBA、EMBAおよびExecutive Educationプログラムのトップ30のリストにそれぞれ同時にランクされたアジアでは唯一のビジネススクールである。

CEIBSは世界80カ国以上からの2万人以上の卒業生を擁しており、国内外の15万人以上の経営幹部に幅広い管理プログラムを提供している。CEIBSの教授陣は、授業と研究の両面で「China Depth and Global Breadth(中国深度、全球広度)」のコンビネーションを独自に提供する能力を備えている。


ソース:China Europe International Business School

Focus on China-CEE Cooperation During Prague Leg of CEIBS Europe Forum


PRAGUE, Sept. 26, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The historic Prague Castle was the venue for a frank and fruitful discussion on

how China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe can work together to

drive mutual economic growth. Attended by about 200 participants, the event saw

keynote speeches from China's new Ambassador to the Czech Republic, H.E.

Jianmin Zhang; Governor of Czech National Bank, Mr. Jiri Rusnok; President of

the New Silk Road Institute Prague and Adviser to the President of the Czech

Republic, Mr. Jan Kohout; CEIBS President, Professor Li Mingjun; and CEIBS

Professor of Economics and Finance, Xu Bin. It was co-organised by China Europe

International Business School (CEIBS) and the New Silk Road Institute Prague.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180926/2248175-1

In his first official speech as China's Ambassador to the Czech Republic, H.E

Jianmin Zhang spoke of the need for both countries to work together, especially

with the rise of unilateralism and protectionism in some parts of the world.

"The trade war has led to tensions in economic and trade relations among the

big powers and the uncertainties have increased. China has always adhered to

the principles of multilateral trading system and free trade… We will open up

even further to the outside world," he said. He noted that Sino-Czech relations

have been "developing well" with data showing that two-way investment is

growing rapidly. The next step, he said would be to accelerate collaboration

between both sides.

The issue of collaboration between the two countries was also touched upon by

Jan Kohout who is also former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign

Affairs for the Czech Republic. He spoke of the gains already made but also

noted that there was "still a lot to be achieved" and suggested areas in which

both sides can deepen their collaboration. A lot of Chinese investors, he said,

were interested in infrastructural projects, acquiring IT and high-tech

companies, as well as selling their goods in the wider CEE market. "We also

have expectations for China to open up their markets more. Over the past few

years we have had a mutual understanding. We should also be clear about our

long-term strategy as well as the laws and regulations," he said. "We have been

making progress. Today's forum will be a great platform where we can exchange

ideas that might lead to inspiration for future collaboration. One possible

outcome of this forum is future projects. We welcome Chinese investors to the

Czech Republic, especially in the previously mentioned areas." He also spoke of

his country as a source for high-quality labour, its interest in gaining access

to the Chinese market and the potential for both countries to collaborate in


Governor of Czech National Bank (CNB), Jiri Rusnok also spoke of how both

countries are working, and can continue to work, together in the field of

finance. The working relationship which began in 2010 with an MOU between China

Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) and the CNB -- one of the first the CBRC

signed with an EU supervisory authority -- deepened in 2016 when crisis

management was added to its scope. In his speech, Mr. Rusnok outlined some of

the policies needed to ensure, going forward, mutual financial stability under

the China-led Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). He also spoke about how the

financial markets of both countries can deepen their collaboration. "We need a

solid banking system, we need to reduce the negative factors for the protection

of consumers and we also need financial literacy," he said. He then gave

examples of the benefits seen from the CNB's system of "integrated supervision"

which allows for a focus on systemic risk, information-sharing synergies,

strong technical and professional support, and autonomous decision-making. He

also noted that there is a consolidation of financial market regulation, and

supervision at the national level that creates conditions for the effective

exchange and integration of relevant data, and potential consolidation of

analytical work. "We are working with our Chinese counterparts on knowledge and

experience sharing, for example on topics such as financial stability," he

said. "I firmly believe we can work together to share more experience between


Areas of future potential cooperation between China and the Czech Republic, he

noted, could include financial stability and stress-testing; supervision of the

consumer credit markets and non-banking financial sector; as well as

macro-prudential policy that could prevent bubbles in asset markets, build up

sufficient capital buffers, and see a coordination with monetary policies. He

also spoke of the challenges ahead that may constitute hurdles to his vision of

cooperation, including what he described as a "substantial imbalance in mutual

trade", less transparent governance and ownership structures of some Chinese

entities, and unclear investment strategies of some Chinese investors. "Future

Czech-Chinese relations should be mutually beneficial," he stressed. "We truly

welcome the initiative taken by China to open up their market further to the

outside world. We believe this could help us to promote our cooperation


The theme of a mutually beneficial relationship was continued by CEIBS

Professor of Economics and Finance, Xu Bin who used economic data to provide

lessons China and the Czech Republic can learn from each other and highlight

how they can collaborate. He pointed to similarities between the two countries:

services account for a large share of their GDPs and help both countries

maintain low unemployment levels, both are very attractive to outside

investors, both are still growing (relatively) very fast and economic growth in

both is being driven by capital and technology. After providing a

macro-economic comparison of both countries Prof. Xu then highlighted six

things China can learn from the Czech Republic including how to urbanise but

still preserve its cultural heritage; how to improve trade in services; how to

provide healthcare to an aging population; how to find the right balance in

taxes on income, profits and capital gains; how to tackle air pollution; and

how to successfully manage exchange rate and other financial sector issues

related to international trade and foreign direct investment.    

The forum comes at a historic moment in time: the 40th year of China's reform

and opening up, the 15th anniversary of the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic

Partnership, and the 5th anniversary of the Belt & Road Initiative. China

regards the CEE as a potential driver of European economic growth, as well as a

significant partner and destination for investment and, as CEIBS President

Professor Li Mingjun noted in his welcome speech, the Czech Republic is a major

component of China's relationship with the CEE. "The political, economic, and

cultural exchanges between both countries have continued to advance and

bilateral trade has developed healthily. China is the Czech Republic's largest

trading partner outside the EU and the second largest source of imported goods

in the Czech Republic; meanwhile the Czech Republic is China's second largest

trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe," he noted. "Under the vision of

China's 'One Belt, One Road' initiative and '16+1 cooperation', building on the

momentum of the 'Golden Age' of Sino-Czech relations, we are here today full of

hope, to provide a platform for an exchange of views and cooperation between

enterprises." He also spoke of the work CEIBS has already done in this regard,

such as last year's collaboration with the SINO-CEE Fund to launch the ERICEE,

an initiative that has led to CEIBS' academic collaboration with the 16

countries of the CEE, its national-level think tanks, and renowned business

schools, and providing intellectual support to the relevant state departments

for cooperation in the CEE. All these efforts are complemented by the Prague

forum, which is a "bridge to work with European partners to promote business

cooperation between China and Europe," said Prof. Li.

The event was rounded out with two panel discussions featuring leading Chinese

and Czech executives. The first discussion covered practices and examples for

investing in both countries. Panellists included CEO of SINO-CEEF Europe, Jin

Chen; President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce, Vladimir Dlouhy; Executive

Director of COSCO SHIPPING Lines (Central Europe) s.r.o., Zhongming Luo;

President of Zhejiang Huajie Investment Development Co., Ltd. Fengde Zhang; and

Chairman of Deloitte (Czech Republic) Josef Kotrba.

The day ended with a panel discussion on "New Space for China-Czech

Cooperation" which saw input from Chairman of the Board and Managing Director

at CEZ ESCO, Kamil Cermak; Chairman of the Association of Small and

Medium-sized Enterprises of the Czech Republic, Karel Havlicek; Country Manager

at Dahua Technology Czech s.r.o, Zhenyu Hu; Chairman of the Board at Czech

General Aircraft, Petr Hyl; and Business Group Manager of Huawei Technologies

(Czech), Peter Basek.

The forum is one of five being hosted by CEIBS, China's leading international

business school, with partners across Europe. The events are part of the wider

CEIBS Insights 2018 initiative, launched to mark the 15th anniversary of the

China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership by observing the role that CEIBS

has played and continues to play in fostering Sino-European ties. Prior to the

Prague event, CEIBS hosted forums in Munich and London on July 17 and 19,

respectively. The next events in the CEIBS Insights Europe Forum 2018 series

will be held in Paris on October 19 and Zurich on October 24.


China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) is among the top

international business schools in Asia, where it is the only one to have

simultaneously made it to the Financial Times' top 30 list of MBA, EMBA, and

Executive Education programmes.

CEIBS has more than 20,000 alumni from more than 80 countries worldwide, and

has provided a broad range of management programmes for more than 150,000

executives both at home and abroad. CEIBS' faculty team is uniquely equipped to

deliver a combination of China Depth and Global Breadth in both teaching and


CEIBS has campuses in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Zurich, and Accra.

Source: China Europe International Business School




