
The People's Government of Shandong Province


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【曲阜(中国)2018年9月30日新華社=共同通信JBN】孔子(紀元前551ー同479、偉大な中国の教育者、哲学者、政治思想家)の誕生日である9月28日、Wuxu Period Confucius Grand Ceremony(Wuxu期孔子グランド・セレモニー)が35th China (Qufu)International Confucius Cultural Festival(第35回中国(曲阜)国際孔子文化フェスティバル)で開催された。山東省人民政府が主催し、昔の学者たちを尊敬しようという人びとの情熱に火を付けた。

中国の儀式と音楽は数千年前に山東から生まれ、その両方とも孔子一族に起因するかもしれないと言われている。9月28日朝、Wuxu Period Confucius Grand Ceremonyが曲阜で開かれた。孔子廟が手続きに従って開門、部屋の扉が開かれ、花かごが供され、音楽にあわせ記念舞踊が演じられ、追悼の式辞が読み上げられるという手順で進められ、昔の学者と賢者への深い尊敬の念を示した。


開会式、Awarding Ceremony of the 13th UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy(第13回ユネスコ孔子文学賞の受賞式)、Ceremony of Confucius in 2018(2018年孔子式典)という伝統的イベントのほかに、今年の孔子文化フェスティバルは多くの行事も計画された。「The Doctrine of Confucius and Mencius and Chinese National Spirit」(孔孟思想と中国の国民精神)、2018 China(Jining)Educational Tourism International Marketing Conference(2018中国(済寧)教育観光国際マーケティング会議)、International Education Seminar of UNESCO(ユネスコ国際教育セミナー)、Tourism in Holy City in the East by Guests of the 1st Confucian Businessmen Conference(第1回孔子ビジネスマン会議ゲストによる東の聖都観光)、さらにはExhibition of Selected Calligraphy and Painting Works on Family Sayings of Confucius(孔子の格言を書や絵で描いた厳選作品の展示)などである。

ソース:The People's Government of Shandong Province





At 2018 Qufu International Confucius Culture Festival, the Ceremony of Confucius was unusually brilliant


QUFU, China, Sept. 30, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On September 28, the birthday of Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC, a great Chinese

teacher, philosopher, and political theorist), the Wuxu Period Confucius Grand

Ceremony was held at the 35th China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural

Festival, which is hosted by the People's Government of Shandong Province and

ignited people's passion to respect the scholars of the past.

It is said that Chinese rituals and music originated from Shandong thousands of

years ago, both of which could be attributed to the Confucius family. On the

morning of September 28, the Wuxu Period Confucius Grand Ceremony was held in

Qufu, which involved procedures of opening the gate of the Confucius Temple,

opening the door of the room, offering flower baskets, performing a memorial

dance accompanied by music, reading funeral orations etc., which showed great

respect to the scholars and sages of the past.   

The Confucius Grand Ceremony is a large scale music dance dedicated the

birthday of Confucius. The name, time, site, important set of etiquette,

sacrificial offerings and sacrificial utensils, dance accompanied by music, and

congratulatory messages, etc. are strictly stipulated in The Standard of Public

Memorial Service of Confucius Grand Ceremony at Confucius Temple in Qufu. At

the Ceremony this year, the details of the stage set were improved and the

sense of ceremony enhanced, which become a bright spot.    

Besides the conventional events, such as the Opening Ceremony, Awarding

Ceremony of the 13th UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy, Ceremony of Confucius

in 2018, the Confucius Culture Festival this year has also planned many other

activities, including International Symposium on "The Doctrine of Confucius and

Mencius and Chinese National Spirit", 2018 China (Jining) Educational Tourism

International Marketing Conference, International Education Seminar of UNESCO,

and Tourism in Holy City in the East by Guests of the 1st Confucian Businessmen

Conference, Exhibition of Selected Calligraphy and Painting Works on Family

Sayings of Confucius etc.


Source: The People's Government of Shandong Province

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