LUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞の2018年授賞式開く

LUI Che Woo Prize Limited

LUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞の2018年授賞式開く

AsiaNet 75510 (1760)

【香港2018年10月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*LUI Che Woo Prizeは香港特別行政区行政長官の林鄭月娥氏、呂志和博士ら名誉来賓が出席した3日夜の式典で正式授与された

よりよい世界の構築に励む人々と組織の無償の努力を支持して、前向きの変化を起こさせるLUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞は3日夜、香港コンベンション&エキジビションセンターで恒例の授賞式を行った。

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2018年のLUI Che Woo Prize受賞者は、ハンズジョセフ・フェル(Hans-Josef Fell)氏、世界気象機関(WMO)、Pratham Education Foundation(プラタム教育基金)である。

式典には香港特別行政区行政長官の林鄭月娥(キャリー・ラム)氏、中国人民政治協商会議第13期全国委員会の董建華副主席、中央政府駐香港連絡弁公室の王志民主任、LUI Che Woo Prizeの創設者で評議員会・賞評議会会長の呂志和博士、賞推薦委員会委員長のローレンス・J・ロー教授ら貴賓が出席した。LUI Che Woo Prizeの運営組織である賞評議会、賞推薦委員会、選定委員会のメンバーも出席した。

呂志和博士は授賞式で「志を同じくする人々にとって、遠すぎる距離はない」とあいさつし、「われわれはここに集まるために何千マイルもの旅をしてきた。同様のビジョンと哲学を持っているからだ。今年の3受賞者は、LUI Che Woo Prizeとビジョンを共有している。彼らはよりよい世界の構築を信じているだけではなく、勇気、知恵、無私無欲によって困難を克服する。彼らはそれぞれの分野の模範であり、世界に大きく貢献し、より多くの人々が参加して、ともに将来をつくるよう刺激している。今夜、3受賞者がこの賞を受け取るために参列してくれたことは光栄である」と語った。

林鄭月娥氏も式典であいさつし、「非識字の除去、自然災害の影響の低減、再生可能エネルギーの開発それぞれへの彼らの目覚ましい貢献は、LUI Che Woo Prizeの素晴らしい使命と完全に合致する。香港特別行政区は呂博士のビジョンと寛容の上に構築され、この地で発展した国際的な賞を誇りに思う」と今年の受賞者に祝意を述べた。

▽2018年LUI Che Woo Prizeの受賞者

授賞式でそれぞれの賞を手にした2018年LUI Che Woo Prize の3受賞者は、ハンズジョセフ・フェル氏、世界気象機関、Pratham Education Foundationである。


フェル氏は授賞式で謝意を表明し、「賞を創設し、よりよい世界のための活動を評価、奨励した呂博士に感謝したい。われわれ人類は、100%クリーンな再生可能エネルギーとクリーンな二酸化炭素削減農業の助けによって、地球温暖化を阻止するチャンスに恵まれている。これは、LUI Che Woo Prizeの強力な支援を得て、Energy Watch Groupとともに私が取り組もうとしていることである」と語った。


授賞式でWMOを代表したのは事務局長のペッテリ・ターラス教授だった。教授は受賞あいさつで「自然災害の増勢は極めてタイムリーなテーマである。Lui Che Woo prizeによって、WMOは世界の災害リスク軽減をサポートすることが可能になる。われわれは、途上国専門家の教育、世界気象警報システムの改善、人道的な国連組織向けの早期警戒サービスのためにリソースを使う計画を立てていた。われわれにこの大きな栄誉を授けてくれた呂志和博士と選定委員会に最大の謝意を表したい」と語った。

*今年の特定分野「非識字の除去」の積極的活力賞はPratham Education Foundationに授与された。Prathamは、年間100万人の子どもが基礎的な国語と算数を身に付けることを直接助けている。それは根拠に基づくモデルに深く結びついて、今やインド最大級のNGOになり、教育体制の格差に取り組む高品質、低コストの介入に集中している。結果重視の成績責任を強調する複製可能でスケーラブルなモデルを通じて、Prathamはインドの教育環境とそれ以外でも、持続して広く影響を与える成功を達成し、政府が採用可能な展示モデルを生み出している。

Pratham Education Foundationの最高経営責任者(CEO)であるルクミニ・バネルジ博士は授賞式で表彰された。博士は「この賞に選定されたのは大きな栄誉である。本日、ほかの受賞者とともにこの舞台に立てた機会は、われわれの地域でも協力が可能な世界が存在するしるしである。われわれは活動の中で、多大な人生が変化し、さらに多くの人々のために希望とポジティブエネルギーの波をつくり出すのを見た。LUI Che Woo Prizeのサポートで、われわれはこのポジティブエネルギーを伸ばし続けたい」と語った。


授賞式ではウォーレン・モック氏とMusic Children Foundationの特別公演も行われた。香港の恵まれない子ども数百人に無料のオーケストラ、合唱プログラムを提供する非営利組織のFoundationは、音楽の力を通じて若者の生活を転換することに専心している。それは、誰でも夢を実現する機会を与えられるべきだとするLUI Che Woo Prizeの信念を共有している。

授賞式の準備にあたって、世界的に有名なテノール歌手のモック氏は子どもたちと緊密に協力し、合同リハーサルで新スキルを伝授した。調和とポジティブエネルギーを推進するというLUI Che Woo Prizeの目的に沿って、これは自分たちのような人物が努力と希望の力を通じて、どのように成長して類のない物事を達成するか、子どもたちが目にする素晴らしいまれな機会になった。式典で子どもたちとモック氏は、力づける歌を歌ってその大きな努力を披露した。それはLUI Che Woo Prizeの祝祭と2018年受賞者がよりよい世界の構築を支援したあらゆる激務に調和するものであった。

高解像写真はフォトライブラリー( )を参照。

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LUI Che Woo Prizeに関する詳しい情報は公式ウエブサイト を参照。

▽LUI Che Woo Prizeについて

呂志和博士が2015年に創設した「LUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞」は世界文明を発展させ、人々が調和した世界を構築するよう啓発するため毎年授与され、この種のものとしては初めての国際的で分野横断的、革新的な賞である。優れた貢献を行っている世界中の個人や組織を表彰し、栄誉を授けることを目指し、世界の持続可能な開発、人類の福祉の改善、積極的な生活態度の推進と積極的活力の強化という3つの目標を奨励している 。


LUI Che Woo Prizeは香港で組み込まれた保証契約による有限責任の慈善企業であるLUI Che Woo Prize Limitedによって管理・運営されている。Prize Companyは、評議員会により指導・監督される。


PR representatives at Golin

Cyndi Cheng

+852 2501 7929

Iris Yeung

+852 2501 7949

ソース:LUI Che Woo Prize Limited

LUI Che Woo Prize Holds 2018 Prize Presentation Ceremony


HONG KONG, Oct. 4, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-The LUI Che Woo Prize was officially presented at tonight's ceremony, attended

by honourable guests including Chief Executive Carrie Lam and Dr. Lui Che Woo-

Motivating positive change by supporting the selfless efforts of people and

organisations working to build a better world, the LUI Che Woo Prize -- Prize

for World Civilisation, held its annual Prize Presentation Ceremony tonight at

the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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The three laureates receiving the 2018 LUI Che Woo Prize are Mr. Hans-Josef

Fell, the World Meteorological Organization and Pratham Education Foundation.  

The ceremony was attended by VIP guests including The Hon. Mrs. Carrie Lam

Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative

Region; Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, Vice Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the

CPPCC; Mr. Wang Zhimin, Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s

Government in Hong Kong; Dr. Lui Che Woo, Founder of the LUI Che Woo Prize and

Chairman of the Board of Governors cum Prize Council of the LUI Che Woo Prize;

and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Chairman of the Prize Recommendation Committee.

Members of the LUI Che Woo Prize governing bodies – the Prize Council, the

Prize Recommendation Committee and the Selection Panels – were also in


Dr. Lui Che Woo presented at the ceremony to commemorate the occasion. "No

distance are too far for like-minded people," he said. “We have travelled

thousands of miles to come together because we have a similar vision and

philosophy. The three laureates this year share the same vision with the LUI

Che Woo Prize.  They not only believe in making a better world, but also

overcome difficulties with courage, wisdom, and selflessness. They are role

models in their fields and have greatly contributed to the world; inspiring

more people to participate and jointly create our future. It is our honour to

have the three laureates attending in person tonight to accept the Prize."  

Mrs. Carrie Lam also gave a speech at the ceremony and extended her

congratulations to this year's awardees. “Their singular contributions to the

elimination of illiteracy, the reduction of the impact of natural disasters,

and the development of renewable energy respectively, match perfectly the

laudable mission of the Lui Che Woo Prize," she said. “The Hong Kong Special

Administrative Region is proud to have this home-grown international prize

built on Dr Lui’s vision and generosity."

Laureates of the 2018 LUI Che Woo Prize

Accepting their respective awards at the Prize Presentation Ceremony were the

three laureates of the 2018 LUI Che Woo Prize -- Mr. Hans-Josef Fell, the World

Meteorological Organization, and Pratham Education Foundation.

The 2018 Sustainability Prize - this year with the Specific Area of Focus

Development of Renewable Energy -- was officially presented to Mr. Hans-Josef

Fell. Internationally recognised as a founding figure of the global renewable

energy movement, Mr. Fell has worked as an environmental pioneer since the

1970s. He established the world's first energy community to produce solar power

in 1994, transforming the market for renewable energy, and successfully fought

for the adoption of the Renewable Energy Act in the German Parliament. This law

has since been replicated over 100 times around the globe, contributing to

changes in renewable energy practices worldwide.

"Thank you, Dr. Lui, for establishing the prize, honouring and encouraging

activities for a better world," said Mr. Fell during his gratitude remarks at

the Prize Presentation Ceremony. "We, as humanity, have the chance to stop

global warming with the help of 100% clean renewable energy and a clean

carbon-reducing agriculture. This is what I plan to work on together with the

Energy Watch Group, with the strong support of LUI Che Woo Prize," he added.

The 2018 Welfare Betterment Prize -- with Reduction of the Impact of Natural

Disasters being this year's specific area of focus -- was awarded to the World

Meteorological Organization (WMO). WMO sets worldwide standards and provides

the framework for international cooperation by supporting its 191 member states

and territories to implement the adopted policies, leading to better

monitoring, forecasting and communication of meteorological hazards on a global

scale. Its persistent effort is pivotal in the tenfold reduction in global loss

of life from extreme weather, climate and water-related events observed over

the past half-century.

Representing WMO at the Prize Presentation Ceremony was Professor Petteri

Taalas, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization. "The growing

amount of natural disasters is a very timely theme. The Lui Che Woo prize will

allow WMO to support disaster risk reduction worldwide. We have planned to use

the resources for education of developing country experts, for improving the

global meteoalarm system and for early warning services for humanitarian UN

organizations. I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Dr Lui Che Woo

and the selection committee for offering us this great honour," he said during

his acceptance speech.

The 2018 Positive Energy Prize -- which this year had the Specific Area of

Focus Elimination of Illiteracy -- was awarded to Pratham Education Foundation.

Pratham directly helps one million children attain basic literacy and numeracy

annually. Profoundly wedded to evidence-based models, it is now one of the

largest NGOs in India and focusses on high-quality, low-cost interventions

which address gaps in the education system. Through replicable, scalable models

that emphasises on result-driven accountability, Pratham is able to achieve

lasting and widely influential success in India's educational landscape and

beyond, creating an adaptable demonstration model for governments.    

Dr. Rukmini Banerji, CEO of Pratham Education Foundation, accepted the

recognition at the Prize Presentation Ceremony. "We are extremely honoured and

privileged to have been selected for this Prize. The opportunity to share this

stage with our fellow laureates today is an indication that a world of

possibilities of collaboration exist in our region as well. In our work we have

seen millions of lives changing, creating waves of hope and positive energy for

millions more. With the support of the LUI Che Woo Prize, we hope to continue

to grow this positive energy," she said.

Spreading Positive Energy Through Musical Performance

The Prize Presentation Ceremony also included a special performance by Mr.

Warren Mok and the Music Children Foundation. A non-profit organisation

providing free orchestra and choir programmes to hundreds of underprivileged

children in Hong Kong, the Foundation is dedicated to transforming young lives

through the power of music. It shares a belief with the LUI Che Woo Prize that

everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their dreams.

In preparation for the Prize Presentation Ceremony, world-famous tenor Mr. Mok

worked closely with the children to teach them new skills as they rehearsed the

performance together. In line with the aim of the LUI Che Woo Prize to promote

harmony and positive energy, this was a fantastic and rare opportunity for the

children to see how a person just like them can grow up to achieve exceptional

things, through the power of effort and hope. At the ceremony, the children and

Mr. Mok showed off their hard work by singing an empowering song; in harmonious

celebration of the LUI Che Woo Prize and all the hard work done by the 2018

laureates to help build a better world.

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To find out more about the LUI Che Woo Prize, please visit the official website

About the LUI Che Woo Prize

Founded by Dr. LUI Che Woo in 2015, the "LUI Che Woo Prize C Prize for World

Civilisation" is an annual, first of its kind international cross-sector

innovative award for advancing world civilisation and inspiring people to build

a more harmonious world. It aims to recognise and honour individuals or

organisations all over the world for outstanding contributions and encourages

the continuation of that work in three objectives: sustainable development of

the world, betterment of the welfare of mankind and promotion of positive life

attitude and enhancement of positive energy.

Each laureate received a cash award of HK$20 million (equivalent to

approximately US$2.56 million), a certificate and a trophy. Each Prize is

awarded to a single recipient, who can either be an individual or an


The LUI Che Woo Prize is administrated and managed by LUI Che Woo Prize

Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in Hong Kong.

The Prize Company is led and supervised by the Board of Governors.

For enquiries, please contact PR representatives at Golin:

Cyndi Cheng


Iris Yeung


SOURCE: LUI Che Woo Prize Limited




