Greeの省エネ商用エアコン、GMV ECOが広州交易会で好評

Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Greeの省エネ商用エアコン、GMV ECOが広州交易会で好評

AsiaNet 75733 (1889)



中国有数の家電メーカーであるGree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhaiは第124回中国輸出入商品交易会(以下、「広州交易会」)2日目の10日16日、同社の新世代省エネ商用エアコン、GMV ECOを発表した。この新タイプのVRF(Variable Refrigerant Flow)(可変冷媒フロー)ユニットは「50%節電」が特長で、エネルギーの無駄を大幅に削減し、グリーンなライフスタイルを世界にもたらすもので、国内外のバイヤー、出展者を魅了した。


発表会で、Gree Overseas Sales Companyのアシスタントゼネラルマネジャー、チャオ・グオリャン氏は、GMG ECOを詳しく紹介した。



1年前の9月27日、Greeの「Different Volume Switching Compressor Technology(容量可変型コンプレッサー技術)に基づく高効率家庭用VRFユニット」が、この種の製品としては世界初で、世界トップクラスだと専門家によって認定された。現在、この製品は2つの国際特許と36の国内発明特許を申請しており、19が認められている。

ウクライナのStep Trading Company LLCのゼネラルマネジャー、ビタリー・シュリガ氏は「当社が16年にわたりGreeと業務上の協力と良好な関係を結んできた理由は、品質の良さ、新鮮で優れたデザイン、省エネルギー、環境に優しいということだ。50%節電を実現した新世代のGMV ECOは、市場で売り上げナンバーワンになると信じている。当社も、この製品を大量発注した。Greeによって素晴らしい製品が次々に生み出され、世界で愛されるようになることも確信している」と語った。




Gree Electric Appliances会長で、こうした開発哲学の実践者である董明珠氏は2014年9月、国連から「Messenger of Sustainable Urban Development Project(持続可能な都市開発計画のメッセンジャー)」に公式に任命された。董氏は「企業は生き残りのためではなく、時代を変えるためのものである。これはわれわれの責任である。当社は、中国だけでなく、世界のために、技術を利用した新しい生き方と、持続可能な開発の新しいモデルを生み出す努力をしている」と語った。

ソース:Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai

Gree's Energy-saving CAC GMV ECO Favored at Canton Fair, Offering Green Solutions


GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 16, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On October 16, the second day of the 124th China Import and Export Fair (or

Canton Fair), Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, a leading household

appliances manufacturer in China, held a product launch of GMV ECO, its new

generation energy-saving commercial AC. This new type of VRF (Variable

Refrigerant Flow) unit attracted buyers and exhibitors from home and abroad as

it features "50% power savings", which greatly reduces energy waste and brings

green lifestyle to the world.

A World's First and Leading Technology Helps to Promote the Energy-saving


During the launch, Mr. Zhao Guoliang, the Assistant GM of Gree Overseas Sales

Company, introduced the GMV ECO in details.

He mentioned that the secret for "50% power savings" of this new product lies

in its inverter and variable volume technology, which was created by Gree and

leads the rest of the world.

According to the Chinese market big data survey, household central air

conditioners run at low load (below 30%) for 60% of the time when Chinese

consumers are using them. Gree's inverter and variable volume technology,

however, can reduce the minimum output to improve the efficiency. The minimum

cooling capacity can be as low as 5% of the rated one, which is 42% lower than

that of a conventional VRF unit, and its energy efficiency can reach 3.55. When

the load rate is 10%, the energy efficiency is up to 4.25, 130% higher compared

with the conventional VRF unit. With such advanced energy-saving technologies

for green development, Gree has indeed realized "50% power savings".

A year ago, on September 27, Gree's "High-efficiency Household VRF Unit Based

on Different Volume Switching Compressor Technology" was identified by experts

as the first of its kind in the world with world-leading level. At present,

this product has applied for 2 international patents as well as 36 national

invention patents, with 19 granted.

"The reasons behind our 16-year professional cooperation and good relations

with Gree are the following: good quality, fresh and leading design,

energy-saving and environment friendly. With 50% power savings, I believe the

new generation GMV ECO will become the No.1 seller in the market. We ourselves

have made big orders for the product. We are also confident that more and more

beautiful products will be created by Gree, and loved by the world," said Mr.

Vitaliy Shuryga, the general manager of Step Trading Company LLC from Ukraine.

Other prime products of Gree's three brands, i.e. GREE, KINGHOME, TOSOT, under

the display theme of "New Energy, New Technology, New refrigerant" are also the

highlights at the Fair.

Promoting Green and Innovation-driven Development: Made in China, Loved by the


Gree established the R&D institution for central air conditioning back in 1991

and it's among the earliest enterprises engaged in R&D, production and sales of

such product in China. Thanks to independent innovation, Gree has been

continuously making breakthroughs in the field of VRF units and striding

forward along the green development path.

Ms. Dong Mingzhu, Chairperson of Gree Electric Appliances and a practitioner of

such development philosophy, was officially appointed as the "Messenger of

Sustainable Urban Development Project" by the United Nations in September 2014.

"Enterprises are not for survival, but for changing an era. This is our

responsibility. We strive, not only for China, but also for the world, to

create new ways of life with technologies, a new mode of sustainable

development," said Ms. Dong.

Source: Gree Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai




