Luzhou Laojiaoが全豪オープンと共同で国際化戦略を推進

Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.

Luzhou Laojiaoが全豪オープンと共同で国際化戦略を推進

AsiaNet 77206(0131)

【メルボルン2019年1月24日新華社=共同通信JBN】メルボルンでの2019年全豪オープン(AO)で、中国の高級蒸留酒メーカーLuzhou Laojiao(瀘州老窖)は、同社のブランド「National Cellar 1573」が同テニストーナメントの多くの場面に登場するのを確認している。

Luzhou LaojiaoはAOのグローバルパートナー兼共同スポンサーとして、AOが開催されるメルボルンパークのロッド・レーバー・アリーナで、世界中のテニスファンとともに、もうすぐやって来る中国の春節(旧正月)を祝った。

Luzhou Laojiaoは1月18日、その場において、AOと共同で「National Cellar 1573」AOチャンピオンおよび記念エディションをリリースし、全てのAOのテニス選手とテニスファンに敬意を表した。

Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.の執行副総支配人ワン・ホンボ氏は、Luzhou LaojiaoとAOの協力は同社に広範な発展の機会を提供すると語った。



Luzhou Laojiaoは世界の50以上の国と地域で販売を実現し、海外市場で最も人気のある中国の蒸留酒ブランドの1つとなっている。同社は2018年夏、国際化のプロセスを加速するため、米国に北米オフィスを開設した。

ソース:Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.


Luzhou Laojiao promotes internationalization strategy jointly with Australian Open


MELBOURNE, Jan. 24, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --

At the 2019 Australian Open (AO) in Melbourne, China's high-end liquor maker

Luzhou Laojiao has seen its brand "National Cellar 1573" appearing in many

scenes of the tennis tournament.

As a global partner and co-sponsor of the AO, Luzhou Laojiao celebrated the

upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year at the Rod Laver Arena of Melbourne Park where

the AO takes place, with tennis fans around the world.

On the spot, Luzhou Laojiao released the "National Cellar 1573" AO champion and

commemorative editions jointly with the AO on January 18, paying tribute to all

AO tennis players and tennis fans.

The cooperation between Luzhou Laojiao and the AO will provide a broader

development opportunity for the company, said Wang Hongbo, executive deputy

general manager with Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.

He said that the cooperation is also an important step for the company's

internationalization strategy, which will help enhance its international

reputation. It has truly realized the in-depth cooperation between Chinese

brands and international top events, and further established its brand

internationalization strategy.

At present, the Belt and Road Initiative has created an unprecedented

opportunity for Chinese enterprises and Chinese national brands to go global.

The liquor industry, which is a typical symbol of Chinese traditional culture,

has also launched the internationalization strategy to promote brands overseas.

Luzhou Laojiao has completed its distribution in more than 50 countries and

regions around the world, and has become one of the most popular Chinese liquor

brands at the overseas market. In September 2018, the company established its

North American office in the United States, in a bid to accelerate the process

of internationalization.

Source: Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd.

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