Chiba Prefecture Mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" in Publicity Blitz in Bangkok, Thailand

CHIBA, Japan, Feb. 1, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Chiba Prefectural Government

Chiba Prefecture Mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" in Publicity Blitz in Bangkok, Thailand

- Appearing in Outdoor Advertisement and Thai TV Program to Publicize Chiba Prefecture's Charms -

Chiba Prefecture has been conducting promotional activities in Bangkok, Thailand, together with its mascot "CHI-BA+KUN" since 2016. This time, the Chiba Prefectural Government will communicate Chiba’s attractive features from many angles by holding various events such as putting up outdoor advertisements and broadcasting a TV commercial for a month to February 15, 2019.


1. Outdoor Advertisement ( from Jan. 16 (Wed.) to Feb. 15 (Fri), 2019 )

A 30-second film in which CHI-BA+KUN conveys Chiba’s charms was produced. The film is shown at “Terminal 21,” a major shopping mall in the city of Bangkok, as well as on road-side screens at 15 locations in the Thai capital.

Outdoor Advertisement

2. Broadcast of TV commercial

A promotional film showcasing Chiba’s attractive features will be broadcast on news programs by Thai broadcaster “Channel 5” for one month. CHI-BA+KUN is scheduled to appear live on the news program on Feb. 11 (Mon.).

Broadcast of TV commercial

3. CHI-BA+KUN to take part in the following events:

(1) Madoo Japan Fan Club

- Date: Feb. 9 (Sat.), 2019

- Venue: Naiipa Art Complex

- Content: Thai citizens (who like Japan will gather to learn about Chiba together with CHI-BA+KUN. Thailand’s popular blogger “BeamSensei” ( will be invited to help participants learn how to send SNS messages and upload information on the event and CHI-BA+KUN.

Chiba Fair1Chiba Fair2

(2) Visit local Japanese-language school

- Visiting day: Feb. 11 (Mon.), 2019

- Visiting place: Jeducation in Asoke

- Content: Visiting the Japanese-language school to publicize Chiba Prefecture and CHI-BA+KUN.

4. Create and operate Facebook account

The Facebook page titled “Let’s go to Chiba!” was created to showcase scenes of CHI-BA+KUN visiting tourist spots and media organizations in Chiba Prefecture.

The Facebook page has proven popular and already received more than 10,000 “likes,” or “iine” in Japanese, since its launch in November 2018.


Create and operate Facebook account



Outdoor Advertisement

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Broadcast of TV commercial

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Create and operate Facebook account

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Chiba Fair1

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Chiba Fair2

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