AsiaNet 77604
【東京2019年3月4日PR Newswire】世界有数の再生可能エネルギー向けパワーコンディショナメーカーであるSungrowは、第9回スマートグリッドEXPO東京展で、新しい蓄電システム(ESS)、および日本の太陽光市場に合わせた水上PV(太陽光発電)システムを公開した。「エネルギー基本計画(Basic Energy Plan)」により支援を受けているソーラーエネルギーは、日本の再生可能エネルギーの主要な柱の1つである。Sungrowは現在、この大きな市場の需要に対応する製品を提供している。
日本市場の電力縮減を考慮して、SungrowはまたDC/DCリンクESSソリューションを公開した。これはDCDCコンバータ、リチウムバッテリーバンク、および高度なバッテリー管理システムの統合を特徴としている。2018年、Sungrowは日本に30MWhのPV+ESSソリューションを出荷し、24時間連続売電を実現した。720件以上の実績で、Sungrow ESSは世界中の顧客から高く評価されている。
Sungrowは、1997年に大学教授である曹仁賢氏により創設され、以来、太陽光発電用インバータの研究開発分野で世界をリードする企業となりました。2018年12月現在、太陽光発電用インバータを主力とする世界有数のメーカーとして、累積実績79GW以上のインバータを全世界に提供しています。Sungrowは、より多くの皆様へ再生可能エネルギーの高効率化・低コスト化を図った電力導入をサポートすべく、様々なソリューションとサービスを提供致します。今後も、再生可能エネルギー産業にイノベーションを起こし、クリーンで安全な地球環境の実現と継続ができるよう、責任を持って取り組んで参ります。Sungrowに関する詳しい情報は を参照。
ソース:Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd
Photo caption: 第9回スマートグリッドEXPO東京展のSungrowブース
Sungrow Presents New PV Inverters and Storage Systems at the 9th Smart Grid Expo in Tokyo
TOKYO, Mar. 4, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
Sungrow, the global leading inverter solution supplier for renewables, unveiled
its new PV inverter solutions, turnkey energy storage systems (ESS) as well as
floating PV systems tailored for Japanese solar market at the 9th Int'l Smart
Grid Expo in Tokyo. Backed by the "Basic Energy Plan", solar energy is one of
the main pillars of renewable energy in Japan. Sungrow is now providing a
comprehensive product portfolio to address the large market demand.
Photo -
(caption: Sungrow Booth at Smart Grid Expo)
The PV inverter series showcased 1500Vdc systems, in particular a turnkey
station SG3400HV-MV, which was introduced at the Tokyo show for the first time
and has been deployed at gigawatt volume globally. The solution is designed for
higher yield with three-level topology innovation and maximum conversion
efficiency up to 99%. Featuring a high DC/AC ratio of 1.5, the turnkey solution
integrates a 3.4 MW central inverter, MV transformer and switchgear in a
20-foot container, which significantly saves on initial investment and future
operating and maintenance costs. Complimented by a virtual central solution,
the Company's 1500Vdc string inverter SG111HV has garnered wide attention at
the show as well.
As an important supplement to Sungrow string inverter pipeline led by SG49K5J
and SG33K3J, Sungrow's new string inverter SG5K5J is designed for 50kW solar
systems. The 5.5kW string inverter with 2 MPPTs is equipped with an exceptional
DC/AC ratio of up to 220%, fulfilling local grid demands.
Given the power constrictions in the Japanese market, Sungrow also presented
its DC-coupled turnkey ESS, which features the integration of energy storage
converters, lithium-ion battery banks and advanced battery management systems.
In 2018, Sungrow shipped its turnkey ESS to a 30MWh PV plus storage project in
Japan, achieving 24 hours of continuous power yield. With over 720 application
cases, Sungrow ESS is highly appreciated by customers worldwide.
Sungrow's floating systems, covering one third of the global market share, were
also on display as the organization expands its innovation portfolio. Its
flexible solutions have been well received and applied in several projects,
including a floating solar plant in Fukushima, Japan.
"We are determined to explore new solar markets while consolidating our leading
role in the established ones, in particular Japan, Europe and the US.
Meanwhile, we will keep relentlessly pursuing technical innovations to maximize
LCOE even though Japan's FIT cuts has reached another critical point," said
Jack Gu, President of Sungrow PV & Energy Storage Division. "Defined by
superior quality and unprecedented service, our products are installed in over
6 continents," he added.
About Sungrow
Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd ("Sungrow") is a global leading inverter solution
supplier for renewables with over 79GW installed worldwide as of December 2018.
Founded in 1997 by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the
research and development of solar inverters, with the largest dedicated R&D
team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter
solutions and energy storage systems for utility-scale, commercial, and
residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV
plant solutions. With a strong 22-year track record in the PV space, Sungrow
products power installations in over 60 countries, maintaining a worldwide
market share of over 15%. Learn more about Sungrow by visiting
Source: Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd