取引後決済サービスの大手プロバイダーSernova FinancialがISO 27001認証を取得
取引後決済サービスの大手プロバイダーSernova FinancialがISO 27001認証を取得
AsiaNet 77714 (0365)
【ロンドン2019年3月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
取引後決済サービスの大手プロバイダーであるSernova Financial (http://www.sernovafinancial.com )は6日、同社のクラウドベースのサービス提供が、情報セキュリティー管理システムのベストプラクティスであることを示すISO/IEC 27001:2013認証を取得したと発表した。
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/830944/Sernova_Logo.jpg )
Sernova Financialのイアン・ホームズ最高技術責任者は「Sernovaのセキュリティチームの主な仕事は、回復力と確実性を備えた製品、サービスを生み出すことだ。そうすることで、われわれの事業運営も同様に安全であると確信することができる。われわれは、ISO 27001認証に投資することで、当社の顧客に一層の透明性を提供した」と語った。
ISO 27001認証を取得したSernova Financialは、クラウドベースの役に立つ決済サービスの導入をさらに容易にしていく。ブレグジット(英国のEU離脱)をめぐる不確実性や、市場アクセスと流動性の変動をヘッジするための複数のCCPアクセスモデルの必要性から、そうした需要は高まっている。
▽Sernova Financialについて
Twitter: sernovafin (https://twitter.com/sernovafin )
LinkedIn: sernova-financial (https://www.linkedin.com/company/sernova-financial )
▽ISO 27001認証について
ISO認証には、インフラストラクチャー、開発、セキュリティー、システム、運用、サポート、取引後のデリバティブ決済サービス提供のための法務・人材の各分野における情報セキュリティー、有効性、完全性、プライバシー、およびコンプライアンスの管理が含まれる。国際標準化機構(ISO)によって確立されたこの規格は、データセキュリティーや事業の継続性といった分野で、組織の情報セキュリティー管理統制の認証を求めている。同管理システムは、英国認証機関認定審議会(UKAS)、米国適合性認定機関(ANAB)、Raad voor Accreditatie(RvA)、中国合格評定国家認可委員会(CNAS)、日本適合性認定協会(JAB)を通じて、管理システム認証の認証機関であるBSIグループによって検査された。
info@sernovafinancial.com +44(0)203-813-3101
ソース:Sernova Financial
Sernova Financial, the Leading Post-Trade Clearing Service Provider, Achieves ISO 27001 Certification
LONDON, March 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Certification demonstrates Sernova's commitment and leadership in
Compliance and Security for their cloud-based clearing post-trade services
Sernova Financial [ http://www.sernovafinancial.com ], the leading
post-trade clearing service provider, today announced that it has achieved
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification for their cloud-based service offering, which
outlines the best practices for information security management systems.
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/830944/Sernova_Logo.jpg)
Obtaining this certification demonstrates Sernova's commitment to a
repeatable, continuously improving, risk-based security program to protect
clients' data and Sernova systems, which altogether guarantees that the Sernova
Cloud services are following global information security standards and best
practices always subjected to rigorous independent audit reviews.
"The primary job of Sernova's security team is to create products and
services that are resilient and assured. In doing so, we can be sure that our
business operations are equally secure. We've invested in the ISO 27001
certification to provide additional transparency to our customers," - said Ian
Holmes, Chief Technology Officer, Sernova Financial.
With ISO 27001 certification, Sernova Financial further facilitates easier
adoption of their cloud-based utility clearing services. There has been
increasing demand for such given the uncertainty around Brexit and the need for
multiple CCP access models to hedge for market access and liquidity fluidity.
About Sernova Financial
Sernova is an innovative provider of cloud-based post-trade services with a
focus on derivatives clearing and extending into collateral and integrated risk
management. Our solution supports the full front-to-back management of ETD &
OTC derivatives and collateral, enables clients to benefit from a seamless
transition to a clearing member, reduced risk, lower costs, capital efficiency,
greater flexibility, increased control and ability to follow CCP liquidity.
Twitter: sernovafin [ https://twitter.com/sernovafin ] LinkedIn:
sernova-financial [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/sernova-financial ]
About ISO 27001 Certification
The ISO certification includes management of information security,
availability, integrity, privacy and compliance in the areas of infrastructure,
development, security, systems, operations, support, legal and HR for the
provision of post-trade derivatives clearing services. Established by the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the standard requires the
certification of an organization's information security management controls for
areas such as data security and business continuity. The management system was
inspected by BSI Group, a certification body for management systems accredited
through the United Kingdom Accreditation Services (UKAS), ANSI-ASQ National
Accreditation Board (ANAB), Raad voor Accreditatie (RvA), China National
Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and Japan Accreditation
Board (JAB).
Contact info@sernovafinancial.com +44(0)203-813-3101
Source: Sernova Financial