Workforce of the Future調査:約半数のミレニアル世代とジェネレーションZの科学技術人材が石油・ガス業界へ


Workforce of the Future調査:約半数のミレニアル世代とジェネレーションZの科学技術人材が石油・ガス業界へ

AsiaNet 77823 (0415)

【ヒューストン2019年3月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】石油・ガス業界は科学・技術・工学・数学分野(STEM)の人材集めにしのぎを削っている。世界最高のエネルギー・イベントであるIHSマークイット(IHS Makit)主催のCERAWeekでアブダビ国営石油会社(ADNOC)が13日発表した同社初の世界規模調査「Workforce of the Future(将来の労働力)」によると、石油・ガス業界に職を求めるSTEMミレニアル世代およびジェネレーションZ(Gen Z)は44%だったが、テクノロジー分野では77%、ライフサイエンス・製薬分野では58%、医療分野では57%だった。今回の調査はADNOCの委託を受け、石油・ガス業界がSTEM人材を引き付け、第4次産業時代(4th Industrial Age)を実現するために、同業界の将来の労働力および雇用のトレンドを調査した。これは人材を育成するとともに最新テクノロジーを採用してリソースを最適化するダイナミックかつパフォーマンス主導の文化を育むことにより、エネルギーおよび高付加価値製品に対する高まる世界需要に応えることに寄与するというADNOCのOil & Gas 4.0ミッションに沿ったものである。






アラブ首長国連邦の国務相でADNOC Groupの最高経営責任者(CEO)であるスルタン・アハマド・ジャベル博士は「ADNOCの『Workforce of the Future』調査結果によって、より多くのSTEMミレニアル世代・ジェネレーションーZは石油・ガスと新しいテクノロジーを結びつければ、石油・ガス業界で働くことにより関心を示すことが分かった。石油・ガス業界はテクノロジーの最先端に立ち、画期的なイノベーションがアップストリームおよびダウンストリームのバリューチェーンにおける事業全般にとって不可欠であることを示すべきである。第4次産業時代に入る際、われわれは業界として団結し、テクノロジー産業パートナーとともに協力して、われわれのダイナミックな業界が優れた技術を備える若い人材に提供するエキサイティングな機会をさらに強調すべきである」と語った。




ジャベル博士は「石油・ガスは、テクノロジーとイノベーションの先頭に立つ将来性のある産業であり、今後もそれが継続する。われわれはオペレーション全体におけるデジタルおよびテクノロジー変革に向けて、Oil & Gas 4.0ミッションを推進し、新しいテクノロジーおよびパートナーシップを受け入れており、この業界に加わるSTEM人材にとってエキサイティングなときである」と語った。

ADNOC初の世界規模の調査「Workforce of the Future」のコピーはウェブサイト からダウンロードできる。

PSB Researchの詳細はウェブサイト を参照。

ADNOCの詳細はウェブサイト を参照。


Workforce of the Future Survey: Nearly Half of Millennial and Generation Z STEM Talent Are Interested in a Career in the Oil and Gas Industry


HOUSTON, March 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The oil and gas industry is facing strong competition in attracting science,

technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent, with 44% of STEM

Millennials and Generation Zs (Gen Z) interested in pursuing a career in oil

and gas, compared to 77% in the technology sector, 58% in life sciences and

pharmaceuticals, and 57% in healthcare – according to the inaugural global

"Workforce of the Future" survey released today by the Abu Dhabi National Oil

Company (ADNOC) at CERAWeek by IHS Markit, the world's premier energy event.

The survey was commissioned by ADNOC to examine future workforce and employment

trends in the oil and gas industry, particularly as the industry looks to

attract STEM talent and enable the 4th Industrial Age. This is in line with

ADNOC's Oil & Gas 4.0 mission to help meet the world's increasing demand for

energy and higher-value products – by fostering a dynamic and performance-led

culture that cultivates talent and applies the latest technology to optimize


The survey interviewed STEM students and young professionals aged 15 to 35 in

10 countries – across North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East,

representing a mix of significant global economies, and producers and consumers

of oil and gas – and looked at their perceptions across multiple STEM-related

industries, including oil and gas, and the skills they value and believe are

required to succeed in these industries.

Key findings include:

- "Salary," "work-life balance," "job stability," "on-the-job fulfilment," and

"a good work environment" are ranked the top five drivers behind potential

career choices for STEM Millennials and Gen Zs.

- Young STEM talent also associate the oil and gas industry with high salaries

and see it as an industry that is invaluable. "The industry pays well," "the

industry is crucial for their country's economy and development," and it is "an

industry we couldn't live without," are ranked as the top three positive

attributes about the industry.

- STEM Millennials and Gen Zs show the most interest in industries that they

believe will be most impacted by new technologies. Globally, 42% say that new

technologies will have a major impact on the oil and gas industry, while 56%

say the same for healthcare, 53% for life sciences and pharmaceuticals, and 73%

for the technology industry.

His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of State and ADNOC Group

CEO, said: "The findings from the ADNOC 'Workforce of the Future' survey show

that the more STEM Millennials and Gen Zs associate oil and gas with new

technologies, the more interested they will be in a career in the industry. The

oil and gas industry should position itself at the cutting-edge of technology

and showcase how breakthrough innovation is vital to every aspect of our

business – across the upstream and downstream value chain.

"As we enter the 4th Industrial Age, we need to come together as an industry


– with our technology industry partners – better highlight the exciting

opportunities our dynamic industry offers to young talent with strong

technology skills," he added.

The results also show that STEM Millennials and Gen Zs appear divided on

whether oil and gas is an industry of the future (45%) or the past (44%). The

data also indicates a mismatch between what STEM Millennials and Gen Zs see as

the most important skills to succeed professionally versus what they see are

the most important skills for a career in the oil and gas industry.

"Information technology and computer" skills (37%) and "creativity and

innovative thinking" (33%) are seen as the most important skill-sets for

succeeding in the future, but only 18% see "IT and computer" and "creativity

and innovative thinking" as important skills for a career in oil and gas.

Similarly, while 26% say programing languages are key for future professional

success, only 11% view it as an important skill in the oil and gas industry.

The data also shows that some experience in the job market and a tertiary

education in STEM subjects can help change perceptions positively towards a

career in the oil and gas sector. While interest is low among secondary

school-age STEM students (37% are interested in a career in oil and gas), this

figure rises to approximately half (51%) of young professionals being

interested in pursuing a career in the sector – representing a 14-point


H.E. Dr. Al Jaber added: "Oil and gas has always been – and will continue to be

– an industry of the future that is at the forefront of technology and

innovation. It is an exciting time for STEM talent to join the industry,

particularly as we advance our Oil & Gas 4.0 mission and embrace new

technologies and partnerships for digital and technological transformation

across our entire operations," concluded H.E. Dr. Al Jaber.

To download a copy of ADNOC's inaugural global "Workforce of the Future"

survey, please visit

For more information about PSB Research, please visit

For more information about, ADNOC please visit





