Ascenda 、Loyalty & Awards 2019においてベストイノベーションを受賞
Ascenda 、Loyalty & Awards 2019においてベストイノベーションを受賞
AsiaNet 77903
[シンガポール] - [2019年3月18日] - Ascendaは先月パリで開催されたLoyalty & Awards 2019において、ベストイノベーションを受賞しました。
同カンファレンスの主催者であるグローバル・フライトのマネージングダイレクターであり、Loyalty & Awardsカンファレンスの座長でもあるラヴィンドラ・バグワナニ(Ravindra Bhagwanani)は以下のように述べています。「ロイヤリティインダストリーは業界の問題を見つけ出し、それに対するソリューションを開発するイノベーティブなサプライヤーに依存しています。AscendaのTransferConnectは正にこれに当てはまるもので、フィナンシャルパートナーとフリークエントフライヤープログラムの統合を世界中で容易にします。プログラムには収益の増加という大きなメリットもあります。」
「業界からこのように高く評価されたことを私たちは嬉しく思っています。」AscendaのCEOであるカイル・アームストロング(Kyle Armstrong)は言いました。「私たちはTransferConnectの成功に貢献した、ロイヤリティプログラムパートナーのグローバルネットワークに感謝しています。私たちは今年、非常に興味深い新イノベーションのロードマップを策定ており、今から楽しみにしています。世界の一流金融機関と旅行ブランドと提携し、複雑な要素を取り除いて彼らの最も重要な課題を解決するのです。」
Ascenda(旧Kaligo Solutions)の詳細については、www.ascendaloyalty.comをご覧ください。
Contact: Valerie Perridon,
Ascenda Awarded Best Innovation at Loyalty & Awards 2019
SINGAPORE, March 18, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Ascenda has won the award for Best Innovation at Loyalty & Awards 2019 in Paris
last month.
The Best Innovation category is awarded to the company that has launched a new
innovation that has had the most meaningful impact to sales, profitability and
reputation of loyalty programs over the course of 2018. This year, there were a
record number of nominations across the categories and an independent judging
panel of experienced loyalty professionals selected the winners.
Ascenda received the Best Innovation honour for TransferConnect, a key offering
within Ascenda's end-to-end loyalty program proposition.
TransferConnect is the world's leading loyalty currency network dedicated to
connecting major rewards programs. It enables programs to benefit from the
simplicity of a single technical integration and the opportunity to establish
transfer partnerships with 40+ of the world's leading financial services,
airline and hotel rewards program partners in a rich global ecosystem.
"The loyalty industry depends on innovative suppliers, which recognize an
industry problem and develop the corresponding solution. Ascenda's
TransferConnect fits perfectly to that description as it eases the integration
of financial partners to Frequent Flyer Programs around the world, with
interesting incremental revenue at stake for the programs," said Ravindra
Bhagwanani, Managing Director of conference organiser Global Flight and
chairman of the Loyalty & Awards conference.
"We're pleased to receive such strong industry recognition," said Kyle
Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer of Ascenda. "We'd like to thank our global
network of loyalty program partners that contributed to the success of
TransferConnect. Looking forward, we have an exciting roadmap of new
innovations this year as we collaborate with the world's leading financial
services and travel brands to eliminate complexity and address their most
meaningful challenges."
About Ascenda
Ascenda is a global provider of innovative loyalty solutions and operates
premium rewards propositions for major financial services and travel brands
As a trusted partner empowering over 70 of the world's leading rewards programs,
Ascenda develops end-to-end solutions to address the most meaningful
challenges facing the loyalty industry today.
By deeply profiling local market needs to provide the right technology, content
and value propositions alongside careful management of marketing, servicing,
costs, and fraud, Ascenda delivers highly compelling and beautifully simple
plug & play offerings that eliminate the trade-off between cost and customer value.
For more information about Ascenda(formerly Kaligo Solutions), please visit
Contact: Valerie Perridon,
SOURCE Ascenda