
ムスリム世界連盟(Muslim World League)


AsiaNet 77922(0442)

【メッカ(サウジアラビア)2019年3月19日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ムスリム世界連盟(Muslim World League)事務局長でムスリム学者世界機構(World Organization of Muslim Scholars)理事会議長のムハンマド・ビン・アブドルカリム・アリッサ博士はクライストチャーチ襲撃事件の犠牲者、家族、地域社会に弔意を伝え、負傷者を見舞うためニュージーランドを訪問すると発表した。ニュージーランドのジェームズ・モンロー駐サウジアラビア大使との同日の会談で、アリッサ博士は全イスラム教徒を代表しての訪問であると述べ、このような災いに直面して国際社会は愛情、調和、平和の価値でのみ応えることができると繰り返した。

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ソース:Muslim World League

The Secretary General of the Muslim World League to Lead Delegation To New Zealand


MAKKAH, Saudi Arabia, March 19, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

His Excellency the Secretary General of the Muslim World League, Chairman of

the Board of Directors of the World Organization of Muslim Scholars Sheikh Dr.

Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Alissa has announced a visit to New Zealand to offer

condolences to the victims, families and communities of the Christchurch attack

and will also visit those wounded in the tragedy.  In a meeting today with

Ambassador James Monroe, New Zealand's representative to the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia, Dr. Alissa said that his visit will be on behalf of all Muslims and

reiterated that in the face of such evil, the global community can answer only

with the values of love, harmony and peace.

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Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/837642/IMG_9215_ID_974d58c09b48.jpg

Ambassador Monroe said that the tragedy of the two mosques will not alter New

Zealand's national harmony or diversity and welcomed Dr. Alissa's visit.

In a statement issued on Friday, March 15, 2019, Dr. Alissa said, "To address

the scourge extremism and Islamophobia, we need governments and faith

organizations around the world to work together to encourage religious

tolerance and understanding and prevent all forms of incitement and hatred,

including all types of hatred leveled against any religion or ethnicity."

The Muslim World League has pledged to increase its efforts to work with

multi-faith groups in order to create initiatives that promote greater

understanding and tolerance.  

SOURCE Muslim World League




