AsiaNet 78094 (0527)
【ボアオ(中国)2019年3月30日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】アジア20カ国のメディア代表者はBoao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019(2019年ボアオ・アジア・フォーラム年次総会)の円卓討論会で、「オムニメディア」時代の世界的ガバナンスとアジアメディアの協力におけるメディアの役割についての展望を共有した。この討論会はChina Media Groupによって開始され、現在は中国南部・海南省のボアオで開催されている。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-a
(写真説明:アジア20カ国のメディア代表者がBoao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019の期間中に開催されたAsia Media Cooperation Conferenceに集結)
Asia Media Cooperation Conference(アジアメディア協力会議)は過去6年にわたって毎年開催されていて、オムニメディア時代では新テクノロジーがメディア産業の変革を促進し、既存メディアのエコロジーを変え、国際コミュニケーションの様式に影響を与えるという考えを共有する。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-b
(写真説明:中国南部の海南省で開催されたBoao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019のAsia Media Cooperation Conferenceで基調講演する中国State Council Information Office副室長のグォ・ウェイミン氏。)
中国のState Council Information office(国務院情報室)副室長のグォ・ウェイミン氏は29日、同会議で基調演説を行った。グォ・ウェイミン氏は、AIは5Gといった新興技術の出現は、メディア情勢に革命的な変化をもたらしていると述べた。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-c
(写真説明:2019年3月29日、中国南部の海南省で開催されたBoao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019のAsia Media Cooperation Conferenceで基調講演するChina Media Groupのバイスプレジデント、ヤン・シャオミン氏)
China Media Groupのバイスプレジデント、ヤン・シァオミン氏は、AIや5Gといった最先端技術は、わずか1年の間にメディアがツールとして報じたものから、当のメディアが実際に使用するツールへと変わったと述べた。
ソース:China Media Group
Asia Media Cooperation Conference calls for greater convergence
BOAO, China, Mar. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Media representatives from 20 Asian countries shared their perspectives on the media's role
in global governance and Asian media's cooperation in the "omnimedia" era during
one of the roundtable discussions at the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019,
which was initiated by the China Media Group and is now underway in Boao,
south China's Hainan Province.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-a
The Asia Media Cooperation Conference, which has been held annually over the
past six year, shares the belief that in the omnimedia era, new technology
promotes the transformation of the media industry, changes the traditional
media ecology and influences the pattern of international communication.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-b
Guo Weimin, vice minister of China's State Council Information Office, made a
keynote speech at the conference on Friday. Guo said the emergence of new
technologies such as AI and 5G has brought revolutionary changes to the media landscape.
He emphasized that the rise of digital media should not be seen as a threat to
traditional media, but rather a boost for common prosperity.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418740-1-c
Yan Xiaoming, vice president of China Media Group, said that in just one year's
time, cutting-edge technologies like AI and 5G have turned from tools that that
media reports about into tools that media use.
In this new era, there's an urgent need for Asian countries to improve their
say on the world stage, to match their economic competence.
Other representatives echoed that Asian media should seize opportunities and work
together to decide Asian media's say and development in the international community.
1.Media representatives from 20 Asian countries gathered at the Asia Media
Cooperation Conference which was held during the Boao Forum for Asia Annual
Conference 2019. [Photo By: Li Jin]
2.Guo Weimin, vice minister of China's State Council Information Office, makes
a keynote speech at the Asia Media Cooperation Conference during the the Boao
Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019 in Boao, south China's Hainan Province,
March 29, 2019. [Photo By: Li Jin]
3.Yan Xiaoming, vice president of China Media Group, delivers a keynote speech
at the the Asia Media Cooperation Conference during the the Boao Forum for Asia
Annual Conference 2019 in Boao, south China's Hainan Province, March 29, 2019.
[Photo By: Li Jin]
Source: China Media Group