Jelurida's Blockchain Experts Partner With Henkel to Support 2020+ Initiative


Jelurida's Blockchain Experts Partner With Henkel to Support 2020+ Initiative


LUGANO, Switzerland, April 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Jelurida continues to build its reputation as a trusted provider of blockchain

software and learning services. Henkel [], a German

manufacturer with leading positions in consumer and industrial businesses with

more than 20 billion euros in sales, partnered with Jelurida

[] to build the capacity of product and IT teams to

understand, approach, and implement blockchain solutions.

Preparing for a Digitalized Future

Jelurida and Henkel kicked off the engagement with a 6-hour workshop on

Wednesday, March 27th at Henkel's Dusseldorf headquarters. The effort is part

of Henkel's 2020+ strategy to accelerate digitalization across the company.

"Working in the digital age requires keeping up to date on emerging technology

to solve business problems better," said Rodolfo Quijano, Head of EDI and

Blockchain at Henkel. "That's why we partnered with Jelurida to bring knowledge

of blockchain to our IT, Shared Services and Enterprise Process Managers in


"We are very impressed by Henkel's commitment to keeping their staff on the

cutting edge of technology," said Lior Yaffe, co-founder and managing director

of Jelurida. "We were able to engage in substantive discussions around where

blockchain truly adds value in existing business processes – and there are many


This announcement came shortly after an Ardor-based solution for incentivizing

diabetes prevention won the grand prize at the Good Dollar Hackathon in Tel Aviv.

Jelurida's Growing Global Community

Over the coming weeks, Jelurida will be engaging in a series of events to

further expand its presence in Spanish, US, and Nigerian markets.

Jelurida will participate in a "Blockchain for Enterprise Adoption" panel discussion

[] on

April 3rd in Madrid with experts from IBM, UST Global, the International

Telecommunication Union, Liberbank, and more. The next day, Lior Yaffe will

give a 1-hour keynote speech on smart contracts to Madrid's thriving Java community.

Across the Atlantic, anyone in NYC on April 17th is invited to participate in a

special [] event sponsored by Jelurida focused on blockchain as a service

technologies and use cases. The Blockchain for Business – Philadelphia and New

York group will host the event, which begins moments after the IMN Synchronize

DLT for Financial Institutions conference.

The company is also thrilled to be supporting three events in Nigeria including

a Hackathon on March 28-29, speaker slots at Coinfest on April 4-5 and

sponsoring the Blockchain, AI, and Digital Assets Conference on May 24-25.



Source: Jelurida




