AsiaNet 78162
ロンドン、2019年4月4日/PRニュースワイヤー/ - キャリアニュートラルなデータセンター事業者大手のColtデータセンターサービス ( )(Colt DCS, Coltテクノロジーサービス株式会社)は、関西エリアに最新拠点を確保したことを本日発表しました。この関西エリアの拠点は、同地域におけるColt DCS初となるハイパースケールのデータセンターとなり、今年後半にはIT容量30MWのハイパースケールな施設の開発が開始される予定です。
関西は1,800万の人口を持つ日本第2位の経済市場であり、世界第12位のITネットワークマーケットです。オンラインコンテンツプロバイダーやマネージド/クラウドサービスプロバイダーからの需要は今後5年間大幅に増加すると見込まれており、関西はColt DCSにとって重要な市場になります。
この関西のデータセンターは、既に2つの施設を備えた関東の印西キャンパスに次ぐ、Colt DCSの日本における3つ目のハイパースケールデータセンターとなります。関西のデータセンターにおいても、高い技術を持つバイリンガルのスタッフが施設を管理し顧客をサポートすることで、Colt DCSはこの地域における他のプロバイダーよりも際立つ重要なソリューションを提供します。
Colt DCSについての詳細情報は、 をご覧ください。
Coltデータセンターサービスはキャリアニュートラルなデータセンター通信事業者です。Coltは、世界有数の大企業のお客様より信頼を得ており、比類なきサービスとセキュリティを提供しています。Coltの優位性はUptime Instituteのマネージメント及び運用アワードにおいて最高スコアを獲得したことでも立証されています。Coltデータセンタサービスは、大規模なデータセンターの設計、建築及び運営を実施し、欧州およびアジアの24か所にキャリアニュートラルなデータセンターを有し、20年以上にわたりデータセンターコロケーションサービスを提供しています。
(ロゴ: )
Colt Data Centre Services Acquires New Site in Osaka
LONDON, April 4, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
The site will host a major new hyperscale data centre in Osaka, further
strengthening Colt DCS' footprint in Japan
Colt Data Centre Services (Colt DCS), a leading carrier neutral data centre
operator, today announces its latest site acquisition in Osaka, Japan. The
Osaka site will house Colt DCS' first hyperscale data centre in the region with
the development of the 30MW hyperscale facility expected to commence later this
Osaka has a population of 18 million making it Japan's second largest economic
market and the 12th largest metro market in the world. Demand from online
content providers and managed/cloud service providers is expected to grow
significantly over the next five years, making it a key market for Colt DCS.
The Osaka region has become a very popular disaster recovery destination for
Tokyo-based companies, as well as multi-nationals with Tokyo-based data centre
operations, and as a result, the location has become the next data centre hub
outside of Tokyo.
The Osaka data centre will be Colt DCS' third hyperscale data centre in Japan,
adding to the existing Inzai campus just east of Tokyo, which already houses
two other hyperscale facilities. The Osaka data centre will also provide
customers access to highly-skilled, bi-lingual in-house staff to manage its
facilities and support customers, a key solution that sets Colt DCS apart from
other providers in the region.
The site acquisition comes in direct response to the surge in cloud service
providers in Japan that have resulted in a growing demand for data centre
providers and carrier neutral network access in the region.
"Having already built data centre facilities in the country, we understand the
specific needs of this growing market," said Richard Wellbrock, Vice President
Real Estate, Colt Data Centre Services.
"The acquisition of the site and our continued focus and investment in Japan is
being driven by our hyperscale customers who are in need of large capacity
requirements and require reliable and scalable solutions. We are confident that
our track record of building and delivering hyperscale facilities will be able
to support the influx of cloud service providers in the country as they
continue to expand their operations. The Osaka site acquisition is yet another
step forward for us in significantly strengthening our foothold in APAC as well
as being testament that our land banking strategy remains solid."
For more information about Colt DCS, visit
About Colt Data Centre Services
Colt Data Centre Services is a leading carrier neutral data centre operator. We
are trusted by our globally recognised customers to provide unparalleled
service and security. Our operational excellence is verified by achieving one
of the highest possible scores in the Uptime Institute's Management and
Operations award. Colt Data Centre Services has been designing, building and
operating large scale data centres and providing data centre colocation
services for more than 20 years at our 24 carrier-neutral data centres across
Europe and Asia.
(Logo: )
SOURCE: Colt Data Centre Services