AsiaNet 78300 (0626)
【広州(中国)2019年4月12日 PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】MINISO名創優品は4月上旬、韓国のトップIPであるカカオフレンズ(Kakao Friends)から、健康、美容、クリエーティブなホームウエア製品を中心とした周辺製品を中国市場で開発するライセンスを付与された。カップ、化粧品、ブティックバッグ、マスク、貯蔵用ボックス、アロマセラピー、メーキャップ用具、食卓用食器類など、約200の製品が網羅される。
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カカオフレンズが誕生したのは2012年で、それは韓国で最も人気のチャット用ソフトウエア、カカオトーク(Kakao Talk)からの一連の絵文字である。発表されて間もなくインターネットで好評になり、韓国で最も歓迎された漫画キャラクターの1つになった。カカオファミリーには、愛らしいモモの「アピーチ」、日に輝くライオンの「ライアン」、ウサギを身にまとったニンジンの「ムジ」、神秘的で控えめなワニの「コン」、内向きで注意深いアヒルの「チューブ」、スタイリッシュな「ネオ」、裕福なイヌの「フロド」、ヒップホップを愛する「ジェイ・ジー」の異なった8キャラクターがいる。
ソース:MINISO Japan
MINISO Has Been Officially Licensed By Kakao Friends To Develop Joint Products
GUANGZHOU, China, Apr. 12, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
MINISO was licensed by South Korean top IP Kakao Friends in early April, to
develop peripheral products in the Chinese market, mainly for health and beauty
and creative homeware products, covering nearly 200 products such as cups,
cosmetics, boutique bags, masks, storage boxes, aromatherapy, makeup tools,
tableware and so on.
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Products jointly developed by MINISO & Kakao Friends
Kakao Friends was born in 2012, which is a series of emojis derived from Kakao Talk,
the most popular chat software in South Korea. It was popular on the Internet soon after
it had been launched, and has become one of the most welcome cartoon characters
in South Korea. There are eight different characters in Kakao family, including the adorable
peach, Apeach, the sunshine lion, Ryan, the rabbit-clad carrot, Muzi, the mysterious and
low-key crocodile, Con, the introverted and cautious duckling, Tube, the stylish Neo,
the wealthy dog Frodo and the hip-hop loving Jay-G.
Each member of the Kakao family has a different personality. With distinct
characteristics and unique charm, the Kakao family gains favour of a large
number of fans. Cooperating with Kakao Friends to launch joint products, MINISO
hopes to bring the positive energy and joy of this South Korean IP to consumers.
When developing peripheral products, MINISO will customize thematic products
according to the characteristics of different cartoon characters. For example,
the lovely peach Apeach features a lively and active girl image, thus
MINISO has developed a series of Apeach makeup products, among which there are
hot sale products, such as eyeliner, teardrop-shaped powder puff and facial mask.
Through the combination of IP image and products, MINISO is able to build up
emotional links with consumers effectively. The joint products of MINISO and
Kakao Friends still maintain the features of good-looking, high quality and
high cost performance. The product price is as low as RMB 10.
So far, MINISO has reached cooperation with more than ten globally well-known
IPs, and has developed a unique cross-boundary cooperation model, which is
becoming increasingly mature. MINISO has successfully developed a series of
officially authorized products, such as Hello Kitty, We Bare Bears, Adventure
Time, Pink Panther and Pantone.
Source: MINISO Japan