
The Business Bureau of Shuangliu District


AsiaNet 78322 (0632)

【成都2019年4月15日新華社=共同通信JBN】4月11日の午後、Chengdu Shuangliu Japanese-funded Enterprises(Shanghai)(成都双流の日本が資金提供する企業(上海))の2019年プロモーション会議が「The Hub of Aviation Economy. The Premier Portal of Chengdu(航空経済のハブ。成都第1の表玄関)」をテーマに、成都市双流区人民政府によって開催された。同会議にはオークラガーデンホテル上海、BTG-Nikko International Hotel Management Co., Ltd.、SC Construction Machinery(Shanghai)Corporationといった70以上の企業の代表者、そして双流区経済局とInvestment Promotion Bureau of Shuangliu District(双流区投資促進局)の責任者が出席した。


プロモーション会議では日中経済協会上海事務所のディレクター、イトウ・チユキ氏がスピーチし、双流区政府次長のチァン・ルイチン氏がChengdu Shuangliu China-Japan Economic Cooperation Corridor(成都双流日中経済協力回廊)を紹介した。Chengdu CEC Panda LCD Techology、SCCM、Fujian jiade Investment Development Co., Ltd.の代表者それぞれが、自社の双流における発展状況を紹介した。

中日友好四川宣言の精神を促進して双流で実行するため、そして中国と日本の経済貿易量力を深める手助けをするために、双流は現在、「China-Japan Economic Cooperation Demonstration Zone(中日経済協力実証ゾーン)」の完全な計画を練っている。これは「China-Japan Industrial Cooperation Corridor(中日工業協力回廊)」と双流国際空港ビジネス区を含むものだ。このCorridorとビジネス区は、双流が建設に向けて多大な努力をする中心となる。双流は四川と成都に投資する日本の資金提供企業から好まれる場所になろうと取り組んでいる。

プロモーション会議では、双流区長で双流区共産党委員会副書記のシァン・ロンシェン氏から日中経済協会上海事務所ディレクターのイトウ・チユキ氏、そして上海日本商工クラブのディレクター、ナカムラ・ジン氏に投資促進大使の認定書が手渡された。また、ロンシェン氏はダイマツ・タウン・日建設計エグゼクティブディレクター、都市部門担当のプレジデント、そして日建設計の都市部門の設計責任者でTODの最高計画責任者であるタカギ・イユ氏に最高計画責任者の認定書を発行した。双流区の副ディレクター、チェン・ジアリン氏は双流区人民政府を代表し、BTG-Nikko International Hotel Management Co., Ltd.、コマツと投資契約合意に調印した。

BTG-Nikko International Hotel Management Co., Ltd.と双流区人民政府はオークラニッコーホテルが運営するニッコーホテルを双流区に建設することを提案し、協力する。コマツと双流区人民政府は、コマツの双流本社を作ることに協力することで合意に達した。

ソース:The Business Bureau of Shuangliu District

2019 Promotion Conference for Chengdu Shuangliu Japanese-funded Enterprises (Shanghai) Held in Shanghai


CHENGDU, China, Apr. 15, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On the afternoon of April 11, the 2019 Promotion Conference for Chengdu

Shuangliu Japanese-funded Enterprises (Shanghai), themed on "The Hub of

Aviation Economy, The Premier Portal of Chengdu", was held in Shanghai by the

People's Government of Shuangliu District, Chengdu Municipality.

Representatives from over 70 enterprises such as Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai,

BTG-Nikko International Hotel Management Co., Ltd., and SC Construction

Machinery (Shanghai) Corporation, and the responsible persons of the Business

Bureau of Shuangliu District and the Investment Promotion Bureau of Shuangliu

District attended the conference.

China and Japan are close neighbors. Since the Han Dynasty, exchanges and

cooperation between the two countries have lasted for more than two thousand

years. Since the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and

Japan in 1972, economic and trade exchanges has become an important form of

cooperation between the two countries, and a multi-level, multi-field and

multi-form mutually beneficial cooperation pattern has been established.

In order to consolidate and deepen the fruitful exchanges and cooperation between

the two countries, on January 12 this year in Chengdu, Sichuan Province of China

engaged a dialogue with Shikoku of Japan covering Hiroshima-ken, Okayama-ken,

Ehime-ken, and Kagawa ken. The two parties jointly released the Declaration of

China-Japan Friendship in Sichuan, opening a new chapter in friendly exchanges and

cooperation between Sichuan and Japan. As the capital city of Sichuan Province,

Chengdu is one of the nine central cities in China and the preferred place in the middle

west of China for investment by Japanese investors. In recent years, 397 Japanese-funded

enterprises including 38 of the Fortune 500 companies have settled in Chengdu,

with the Japanese investment totaling over 2 billion US dollars. A large number of

well-known Japanese companies such as Toyota, Kobe Steel, Sumitomo Electric Industries,

and Seven & i Holdings have entered Chengdu in succession. They have not only been deeply

integrated into the development of Chengdu, but also have yielded fruitful results.

At the promotion conference, Mr. Ito Chiyuki, director of the Japan-China

Economic Association Shanghai Office, delivered a speech, and Zhang Ruiqin,

Deputy District Head of the Shuangliu District Government, introduced the

Chengdu Shuangliu China-Japan Economic Cooperation Corridor. Representatives of

Chengdu CEC Panda LCD Technology, SCCM, and Fujian Jiade Investment Development

Co., Ltd. respectively introduced the development of their company in Shuangliu.

It is reported that in order to promote the spirit of the Declaration of

China-Japan Friendship in Sichuan to be implemented in Shuangliu, and to help

deepen China-Japan economic and trade cooperation, Shuangliu is now fully

planning to build the "China-Japan Economic Cooperation Demonstration Zone"

that includes "China-Japan Industrial Cooperation Corridor" and the Shuangliu

International Airport Business District. The Corridor and the Business District

will be the core of which Shuangliu is making great efforts to construct.

Shuangliu strives to build itself into a preferred place for Japanese-funded

enterprises to invest in Sichuan and Chengdu.

At the promotion conference, Xian Rongsheng, Vice Secretary of Party Committee

of Shuangliu District and Head of the District, issued Investment Promotion

Ambassador Certificate for Mr. Ito Chiyuki, director of the Japan-China

Economic Association Shanghai Office and Jin Nakamura, director of the Shanghai

Japanese Commerce & Industry Club. Xian also issued Certificate of Chief

Planning Officer for Daimatsu Town, executive director of Nikken Sekkei Ltd and

the president of Urban division, and Takagi Yiyu, design minister of Urban

division of Nikken Sekkei Ltd and Chief Planning Officer of TOD. Chen Jianlin,

Deputy Director of Shuangliu District, on behalf of the People's Government of

Shuangliu District, signed investment cooperation agreements with BTG-Nikko

International Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and Komatsu.

BTG-Nikko International Hotel Management Co., Ltd. and the People's Government

of Shuangliu District has lined up a partnership proposing to build a Nikko

hotel in Shuangliu District to be operated by Okura Nikko Hotels Management

Co., Ltd.; Komatsu and the People's Government of Shuangliu District reached an

agreement on cooperation on building Komatsu's headquarters in Shuangliu.

Source: The Business Bureau of Shuangliu District




