AsiaNet 78477(0716)
【プノンペン(カンボジア)2019年4月29日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】「法の支配と人権は同じ原則の両面だ:尊厳をもって生きる自由」(国連)。Asian Vision Instituteは尊厳と法の支配の尊重をもって、カンボジアが人権の分野でどのように進化し続けるかに注目するよう求める。
パリ和平協定は1991年、数十年にわたる紛争に終止符を打ち、武装闘争がない「消極的平和」と呼ばれる状態を導いた。全面的、永続的な積極的平和は1998年、フン・セン首相の「ウィンウィン」政策の下で実現した。カンボジアはそれ以来、未来を重視し、国家機関と社会的一体性を構築し、対話と民族和解の文化に基づき、暴力に代わる選択肢の採用を追求してきた。地雷と武器の一掃キャンペーンと紛争解決プログラムはこれらの取り組みの最重要例である。ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre(東南アジア諸国連合地域地雷行動センター)の創設国の一つであるカンボジアは国連の平和維持活動、地雷処理活動に積極的に参加してきた。約6000人のカンボジア平和維持部隊が世界各地に派遣されてきた。
カンボジアは東南アジアで最大の青少年人口を抱え、彼らは「タケノコ」と呼ばれる。「Youth for Peace」や「Alliance for Conflict Transformation」は新しい世代の前進を支援するために計画されたイニシアチブの例である。
Asian Vision Institute (AVI)(https://www.asianvision.org/ )はカンボジアに本部を置く独立シンクタンクである。
Dr. Chheng Kimlong
Phone: +855 61211800
Email: kimlongchheng@asianvision.org
ソース:The Asian Vision Institute
Human rights in Cambodia: Human dignity under scrutiny and respect for the rule of law
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia, April 29, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
"The rule of law and human rights are two sides of the same principle: the
freedom to live in dignity" (United Nations). It is with dignity and with
respect for the rule of law that the Asian Vision Institute invites you to take
note of how Cambodia continues to evolve in the area of human rights.
In 1991, the Paris Peace Accords brought an end to decades of strife and
ushered in what is referred to as a "negative peace" - the absence of armed
struggle. In 1998, a full and lasting positive peace came to pass under the
"win-win" policy of Prime Minister Hun Sen. Cambodia has since sought to focus
on the future, to build state institutions and social cohesion and to adopt
alternatives to violence based on the culture of dialogue and national
reconciliation. Landmine and weapons reduction campaigns and conflict
resolution programs are prime examples of these efforts. In addition to being
one of the founders of the ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre, Cambodia has
actively participated in United Nations (UN) peacekeeping and demining
operations. Some 6,000 Cambodian peacekeepers have been deployed in many parts
of the world.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Cambodia's liberation from the brutal
genocidal regime of the Khmer Rouge. This came in the wake of several years of
brinkmanship by foreign powers. Forces once hailed as heroes became enemies
overnight and a battered nation sought peace and stability. In 1979, it was
with an unshakable resolve that the government of this nation committed to
protecting its citizens from armed struggles and crimes against humanity.
Respect for this most basic of human rights and all others, remains a priority
for Cambodia. Our nation is a party to eight core UN human rights treaties and
is the only country in Asia to host a field office of the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights. Nearly 80 percent of recommendations from the
"Universal Periodic Review" of human rights records were accepted by Cambodia,
following its most recent review cycle. The Cambodian Human Rights Committee
disseminated these recommendations among relevant ministries and institutions
and prepared an implementation report for the next review cycle.
With respect to labour and trade union rights and freedom of assembly and
association, Cambodian garment workers, for example, are very well represented
via some 2,500 unions present in about 1,000 factories. A national committee
for review of international labour conventions and the Ministry of Labour have
consulted with stakeholders to improve trade union laws. More than 80 percent
of Cambodian exports originate with the textile, garment and footwear
industries, where wages have more than doubled since 2013. These wages are
untaxed, as are non-salary allowances and benefits. Employers contribute to the
National Social Security Fund which provides for maternity leave benefits,
workplace insurance and health care. A pension for workers in the garment
sector will come into effect later this year and a similar program will be
expanded to other sectors.
With respect to freedom of the press, Cambodians have access to 439 newspapers,
194 magazines, 20 bulletins, 171 news websites, 48 online TV channels, 40 press
associations, 21 foreign news agencies, 83 radio stations, 137 provincial radio
stations, 19 analogue TV stations, 8 digital TV stations and 210 provincial
cable TV stations. Cambodians also enjoy freedom of expression via a variety of
social media.
With respect to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Cambodia hosts one of
the higher numbers of aid organizations per capita in the world. More than
5,000 NGOs operate in the country and provide social and economic development
and environmental protection aid in accordance with applicable rules and norms.
These NGOs operate freely and exercise their rights to play a complementary
role in national socio-economic development, climate change adaptation and
environmental governance.
Cambodia is home to the largest youth and adolescent population in Southeast
Asia; "bamboo shoots" as they are called. "Youth for Peace" and the "Alliance
for Conflict Transformation" are examples of initiatives that are designed to
help a new generation to move forward.
The national election in July of 2018 was conducted in a free, fair, peaceful
and transparent manner. Twenty political parties were in the running. Despite a
call for boycott, a significant majority of registered voters expressed their
will to see this nation remain on a staunch path of peace, stability and
progress. As in any democracy, those who would violate the rule of law are
subject to prosecution and they may defend themselves in keeping with their
rights as guaranteed under the constitution.
Private land governance in Cambodia is in gradual recovery. Policy and legal
frameworks are being refined in accordance with individual rights and land use
guidelines. Efforts are being made to curb illegal occupation of land by those
who would seek to pervert regulations for their gain. Pending disputes are
being reviewed and addressed. Nationwide land registration procedures are to be
completed by 2021. Concession procedures are in place to allocate acreage to
the land poor for residential settlement and / or family farming. Communal land
registration programs for indigenous communities and affordable housing
projects are underway.
This is but a sampling of the measures that the Royal Government of Cambodia
has put in place to promote and to improve human rights on its soil. These
achievements derive from mutual respect for authority, national sovereignty,
territorial integrity and independence. We firmly believe that concerted
constructive engagement among stakeholders and government is the most viable
option for strengthening and sustaining a foundation for peace, harmony,
democracy and prosperity.
The Asian Vision Institute (AVI) https://www.asianvision.org/ is an independent
think tank based in Cambodia.
For further information: Media Contact: Dr. Chheng Kimlong, Phone: +855
61211800, Email: kimlongchheng@asianvision.org
SOURCE The Asian Vision Institute