Oxford Royale Academyに3度目の英国女王賞

Oxford Royale Academy

Oxford Royale Academyに3度目の英国女王賞

AsiaNet 78489 (0723)

【オックスフォード(英国)2019年4月27日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】留学生向けのアカデミックなサマースクールの大手プロバイダーであるOxford Royale Academy(ORA)は27日、Queen's Award for Enterprise(英国女王賞)の受賞者に選定された。ここ7年で3度目の受賞である。Queen's Awardは英国企業最高の公式顕彰で、国際貿易、イノベーション、持続可能な開発への格別な貢献を認定するものである。ORAは国際貿易部門の受賞者に選ばれた。

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/878019/ORA.jpg

Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/878020/ORA_Logo.jpg

ORA創業者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のウィリアム・ハンフリーズ氏は「2012年以来Queen's Awardを3回受賞したことは素晴らしい成果である。われわれは15年前の組織発足から極めて刺激的な旅を続け、英国で勉強する160カ国余りの学生2万人以上を迎えた。われわれは学生に提供する機会、そして、彼らがその機会を利用して人生の選んだ道で成功する状況を大きな誇りとしている。また、ORAのチームを心から誇りに思っている。彼らは疲れを知らずに働き、全学生に類のない文化・教育体験を確実に提供している」と語った。



ORAはまた、英国が内外の学生のためにもっと多くの世界的才能を引き付け、研究、技術、教育、商業などの分野で確実に世界をリードし続けなければいけないと確信している。最近公表された英国の留学生関係議員連盟(APPG)の報告(https://www.englishuk.com/uploads/assets/public_affairs/2018_mac/A_Sustainable_Future_for_International_Students_in_the_UK_FINAL_WEB.pdf )は、英国で勉強する留学生を奨励するためもっと多くのことがなされなければならないと呼びかけた。このことは、2030年までに英国で高等教育修了を目指す留学生を30%、年間60万人に増やすという政府の野心を概説したリアム・フォックス国際貿易相、ダミアン・ハインズ教育相の最近の発表で追認された。




▽Oxford Royale Academyについて

Oxford Royale Academy(ORA)は、オックスフォード大学、ケンブリッジ大学、セント・アンドルーズ大学、米国のイェール大学など世界有数の権威ある教育機関における優れたサマースクールの世界的な大手プロバイダーである。2004年創設のORAはQueen's Award for Enterpriseを3度受賞し、これまでに160カ国余りから2万人以上の学生を受け入れた。



詳しい情報はwww.oxford-royale.co.uk を参照。

ソース:Oxford Royale Academy

Oxford Royale Academy Announces Third-time Win of Prestigious Queen's Award


OXFORD, England, Apr. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Leading provider of academic summer schools for international students, Oxford

Royale Academy (ORA), has today been named as a winner of the Queen's Award for

Enterprise, for the third time in seven years. The Queen's Award is the highest

official accolade for British business, which is granted for exceptional

contributions to international trade, innovation or sustainable development.

ORA were selected as winners in the international trade category.

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/878019/ORA.jpg  

Logo:  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/878020/ORA_Logo.jpg

"To receive the Queen's Award three times since 2012 is a tremendous

achievement," said ORA's Chief Executive and Founder, William Humphreys. "We

have been on a very exciting journey since the organisation started 15 years

ago, and have welcomed over 20,000 students from more than 160 nations to the

United Kingdom to study. I am very proud of the opportunities we offer our

students, and the way in which they use these opportunities to succeed in their

chosen paths in life. I am also extremely proud of the team at ORA, who work

tirelessly to ensure that we deliver an unparalleled cultural and educational

experience to every one of our students."

In order to carve a truly strong and successful path in a highly competitive

world, ORA believe that young people now need greater global awareness, more

varied cultural experiences, broader global networks, and vitally, personal

guidance and direction. And ORA's summer schools offer exactly this. Students

can choose from over 150 courses, all designed to help them gain confidence,

experience and a competitive edge. Depending on the course they select, they

can experience life in an Oxford University college, visit some of the most

heritage-rich locations in the United Kingdom, taste a degree in medicine,

build a kit-car or explore AI and blockchain, whilst always working with peers

from around the globe.  

William continues, "Many young people are capable of exceptional academic,

personal and commercial success, but they are simply not aware of opportunities

which may be available to them. By offering young people a taste of elite

higher education, multi-cultural experiences and innovative subject matter, we

can help them to identify their strengths, passions and ambitions. And often,

they will grasp new opportunities, which they would never have believed that

they could access or achieve. I can personally attest to the value of this

approach as we take enormous pride in the success of our students, many of whom

have gone on to study at some of the UK's top universities, such as Oxford and

Cambridge Universities and Imperial College, London – and have subsequently

made tremendous contributions to British industry and research."

ORA also firmly believes that the UK must continue to attract more global

talent for the benefit of both foreign and British students - and to ensure

that the UK continues to lead the world in fields such as research, technology,

education and commerce.  A recent publication of a report


Future_for_International_Students_in_the_UK_FINAL_WEB.pdf] by the UK's

All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Students called for more to be

done to encourage international students to study in the UK. This was further

endorsed by a recent announcement by International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox

and Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, outlining the Government's ambition to

increase the number of international students choosing to complete higher

education in the UK by 30%, to 600,000 per annum by 2030.

William says, "We absolutely endorse the findings of the All-Party

Parliamentary Group's report and the ambitions outlined by Liam Fox and Damian

Hinds. Incoming international students undoubtedly benefit the UK economically,

culturally and socially. By opening the door to more international students, we

are excited to be playing a part in ensuring that the UK continues to remain at

the forefront of commerce, research and education."

The Oxbridge experience, together with the breadth of courses and outstanding

teaching, has helped ORA to achieve tremendous growth over the past few years,

with diverse courses now offered from the heritage-rich British education

pinnacles of Cambridge and Oxford, to the US academic powerhouse of Yale. To

support this growth, ORA have recently acquired the remarkable Yarnton Manor in

Oxford, a 17th Century manor house estate, once owned by the ancestors of

Princess Diana, which now acts as an education centre and the company's HQ. For

a company which has seen such tremendous growth and achieved such recognition,

this is surely yet another sign that ORA are only just beginning their next

chapter, as they continue to challenge traditional approaches to education,  

build international relations and contribute ever-more exceptional talent and

experience to the world of international trade & research.

Notes to Editors

About Oxford Royale Academy

Oxford Royale Academy is a leading global provider of elite summer schools in

some of the world's most prestigious institutions, including the University of

Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the University of St. Andrews and Yale

University in the US. Founded in 2004, ORA is a three-times winner of the

Queen's Award for Enterprise and has so far welcomed over 20,000 students from

over 160 nations.

Driven by a firm belief that a successful education is about more than formal

learning, ORA's vision is to offer young people a window to a world of

opportunity. By offering unparalleled cultural and learning experiences, ORA

helps young people to identify their own passions, talents and ambitions and,

above all, helps them to realise those ambitions.

ORA offer courses designed for traditional professions, such as law and

medicine, but also courses designed to stretch the boundaries of traditional

education, from making and driving kit cars, to AI and blockchain. ORA also

offer a plethora of cultural experiences, and workshops to develop crucial life

skills such as public speaking. Whether destined to be an oncologist, a film

director or an entrepreneur, ORA's courses offer young people invaluable

experiences to help them make informed decisions and to succeed on their chosen


For more information, see: www.oxford-royale.co.uk

Source: Oxford Royale Academy




