AsiaNet 78574(0762)
【ハノイ(ベトナム)2019年5月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
CenHomes はベトナムの大手不動産企業の1つであるCentury Land Joint Stock Company (CenLand)によって開発された新しい不動産事業プラットフォームだ。このプラットフォームは近代的技術と市場の専門知識、および顧客にとって最良の体験のための絶対的な願望が結合している。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190505/2456406-1
(ウェブサイトcenhomes.vn と2 online robot consultants のインターフェース)
特に、CenHomes は国際的な顧客と投資家が安全で透明性のある取引を保証するための一定量の情報を確かめることを支援する。このウェブサイトは不動産市場で売り手と買い手双方にとって情報の「フィルター」役を果たし、法的問題、建設事情やすべてのプロジェクトの実際の値段に関しての十分な情報を提供する。cenhomes.vn上でアップロードされる前に、すべてのプロジェクトはCenHomesチームによって厳格に査定され、管理され、評価される。
さらに、CenHomesのユーザーが新しい体験を創出し、探索プロセスを最適化するために、このウェブサイトはAI やビッグデータといった第4次産業革命の重要なテクノロジーを一体化して情報の活用、市場動向の記録をサポートし、貴重な顧客たちに年中終日無休の支援を提供する。
技術に加えてCenHomes は人的資源への重大な投資も行った。専門的コンサルタントが常に法的手続きの扱いで国際的顧客と投資家をサポートし、迅速で正確な取引をつくりだしてもいる。
Cen Groupのグエン・トラン・ブー会長は「ベトナムのGeneral Statistics Officeのデータによると、2018年の日本からベトナムへの外国直接投資(FDI)総額は86億米ドルでそのうち不動産は5322万6000米ドル(61.8%)だ。今後数年の投資の波を歓迎するために、ベトナムの不動産市場は現在の困難を解消することを助け、新たな顧客の需要に応えるためのある種の製品を緊急に必要としている。ベトナムの不動産取引にスマート・テクノロジーを適用する先駆者となるため、CenHomesはベトナムの不動産市場に関心のある日本の顧客と投資家に効果的な支援を提供する。同時に日本の顧客と投資家が自身の不動産が不要となったとき、彼らはCenHomesのような有名仲介業者を通して簡単にそれを売却または賃貸することができる」と述べた。
Hotline: 18006268
Email: hotro@cenhomes.vn
CenHomes: Useful tool for Japanese to invest in Vietnam's real estate
HANOI, Vietnam, May 6, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
-To apply smart technologies to realty transactions, CenHomes is a useful tool
for Japanese people to invest in Vietnam's real estate market.-
CenHomes is a new realty business platform, developed by Century Land Joint
Stock Company (CenLand) - one of the leading realty enterprises in Vietnam.
This platform is a combination between the modern technologies, expert
knowledge of the market, and the absolute desire for customers' best
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190505/2456406-1
(Interface of the website cenhomes.vn and 2 online robot consultants)
By integrating smart technologies into real estate transactions, CenHomes is
well expected to help change the mindset of local customers and investors, then
they can switch from traditional passive real estate transactions to easier and
more active ones. Simultaneously, it's a very helpful tool for international
customers and investors to learn about and carry out real estate transactions
in Vietnam.
Specifically, CenHomes helps international customers and investors verify
pieces of information to guarantee safe transparent transactions. This website
plays the role of an information "filter" for both buyers and sellers in the
real estate market, provides sufficient information on legal issues,
construction status, and real price of every project. Before being uploaded on
cenhomes.vn, every project must be strictly measured, supervised, and appraised
by the CenHomes team.
Furthermore, in order to create new experiences and optimize searching process
for users at CenHomes, this website is integrated with the key technologies of
Industrial Revolution 4.0 such as AI and Big data, to help exploit information,
record market trends, and give 24/7 support to valued customers.
One prominent achievement by this website is the virtual reality (VR)
technology to produce lively visual experiences for international customers and
investors. The real 3D images of every project as well as its neighborhood is
directly taken from reality and enclosed with real estate information.
In addition to technology, CenHomes has also made significant investment in
human resources. The professional consultants are always there to support
international customers and investors in dealing with legal procedures, and
making quick accurate transactions as well.
With many superior advantages that haven't been found at any other real estate
websites in Vietnam, it's not a mystery why CenHomes is a useful tool for
international customers and investors in general, Japanese customers and
investors in particular, during their realty transactions in Vietnam.
According to Mr. Nguyen Trung Vu, Chairman of Cen Group, "Data from General
Statistics Office of Vietnam says the total FDI capital of Japan to Vietnam in
2018 is 8.6 billion USD, among which is 53,226 million USD for real estate
(61.8%). To welcome investment waves in the coming years, Vietnam's real estate
market quickly needs certain products that help solve current hardships and
meet demands of new customers. To be a pioneer applying smart technologies to
real estate transactions in Vietnam, CenHomes gives efficient support to
Japanese customers and investors who are interested in Vietnam's real estate
market. Simultaneously, when they don't need to use their real property any
longer, Japanese customers and investors can easily sell it or make it hired
via a prestigious intermediary like CenHomes".
On May 10, 2019, CenHomes will make its official debut in Vietnam through an
exhibition of real estate technologies in Ha Noi. At the show, customers are
not only updated with the latest trends of real estate market, but they can
also directly experience new innovations in real estate transactions from
For further details, please visit:https://cenhomes.vn/
For any support, please contact:
Hotline: 18006268
Email: hotro@cenhomes.vn
SOURCE: CenHomes