Natural Alternatives Internationalが2019 ifia(R)Japan出展を発表
Natural Alternatives Internationalが2019 ifia(R)Japan出展を発表
AsiaNet 78763 (0864)
【カールスバッド(米カリフォルニア州)2019年5月16日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Natural Alternatives International, Inc.(NAI)(Nasdaq: NAII)は16日、独占販売の清水化学株式会社とともに、食品成分、添加物、健康食品部門に集中するアジア最大のイベントである第24回ifia(R)Japan(国際食品素材/添加物展・会議)に出展すると発表した。2019年5月22-24日の3日間、東京ビッグサイトで開催されるこのイベントには、各国の業界専門家3万2000人以上が参加する見込みである。
厚生労働省は2019年3月、日本食品市場のベータアラニン認可を発表した( )。申請プロセスに3年近くをかけて得たこの最高の成果には、NAIが貢献している。米食品医薬品局(FDA)に新規栄養成分と認定された唯一のベータアラニンであるCarnoSyn(R)ベータアラニンの日本市場参入を目指すNAIは、ifia(R)を主要プラットフォームとして活用する。
ifia(R)とプレゼンテーション日程の詳細は を参照。
ディ・タン博士は「先月のヘルスフードエキスポの大成功を受けて、われわれはアジア最大の食品成分イベント、ifia(R) Japanで展示し説明するのを楽しみにしている。日本市場進出の努力を続けながら、科学、特許、規制の面で飛躍的な発展を期したい」と語った。
CarnoSyn(R)ブランドは、Natural Alternatives International, Inc.からのみ入手可能な臨床研究を経て特許取得済みの2つの成分、CarnoSyn(R)即放ベータアラニンとSR CarnoSyn(R)徐放ベータアラニンが特徴である。CarnoSyn(R)ベータアラニンは2019年、FDAから新規栄養成分(NDI)ステータスを取得し、1日最大6.4グラムまでの自己認証による安全食品認定(GRAS)ステータスを受け、NAIの提携ブランドによる各食品部門の独自製品提供を可能にした。両成分はスポーツ栄養の世界で、体力の増強、持久力の向上、より早い回復、集中力の向上といった運動能力を向上させる効果があることがよく知られている。
SR CarnoSyn(R)は、より高い投与レベルのベータアラニンを提供するCarnoSyn(R)の進化した送達フォームであり、健康と健康的老化の両方にプラス効果があることが証明されている。2017年、SR CarnoSyn(R)は独立した科学的手法により安全であると判断され、GRAS決定の技術的要件を満たした。GRAS認定により、NAIはスポーツ栄養分野を超えて自社製品の提供を拡大し、医療その他の強化食品を含む栄養補助食品・食品・飲料業界にも力を入れることが可能になった。
米カリフォルニア州カールスバッドに本社を置くNAIは、栄養補助食品の大手フォーミュレーター・製造・販売業者で、同社顧客に戦略的な提携サービスを提供している。NAIの包括的な提携アプローチは、科学研究、臨床研究、独自成分、特定顧客向け栄養製品の処方、製品の試験と評価、マーケティング管理とサポート、包装と配送システムの設計、規制当局による審査および国際的な製品登録支援など、革新的な栄養製品とサービスを顧客に提供している。NAIの詳細については、 を参照。
Renee Michaelson
CarnoSyn(R) Marketing Manager
Natural Alternatives International, Inc
Websites: 、 、
Takuya Ono, CarnoSyn(R)
Sales Manager
Shimizu Chemical Corporation
ソース:Natural Alternatives International, Inc.
Natural Alternatives International Announces Participation as Exhibitor and Presenter In the 2019 ifia(R) Japan
CARLSBAD, California, May 16, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Natural Alternatives International, Inc. ("NAI") (Nasdaq: NAII) today announced
its participation, partnering with NAI's exclusive distributor, Shimizu Chemical
Corporation, in the 24th edition of the ifia(R) Japan, The International Food
Ingredients & Additives Exhibition and Conference—Asia's largest event dedicated
to food ingredients, additives and the health food sector. More than 32,000 international
industry professionals are expected to attend this three-day event held on May 22-24,
2019, at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo, Japan.
In March 2019, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan announced the
approval of beta-alanine in the Japanese food market ( )
—NAI was instrumental in this premier achievement after spending nearly three
years navigating the application process. In effort to introduce CarnoSyn(R)
beta-alanine, the only beta-alanine to receive New Dietary Ingredient Status
from the FDA, to the Japanese market, NAI is leveraging ifia(R) as a major platform.
CarnoSyn(R) Brands will be exhibiting at booth SN009 as well as conducting two
presentations: the first, held at 11:30 – 12:15 PM on May 22, will introduce
CarnoSyn(R) beta-alanine and details around the newly-obtained NDI Status and
global patents; the second, held from 9:00 – 11:45 AM on May 23, will expand
into CarnoSyn(R)'s scientifically-proven benefits in sports nutrition, and SR
CarnoSyn(R)'s use for healthy aging and wellness.
Learn more about ifia(R) and view the full presentation schedule at
"We are dedicated to supporting the beta-alanine needs of the Japanese market,"
CarnoSyn(R) Brands Vice President, Nicole Burbank said. "CarnoSyn beta-alanine
is globally recognized as a patented, high-quality ingredient of choice among
companies wishing to used only the safest ingredients in their products—and we
look forward to continuing our aggressive business and educational efforts in
the Japanese marketplace."
Recently, Dr. Di Tan, Director of Scientific Affairs for CarnoSyn(R) attended
the Health Food Expo, April 9 – 10, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan where CarnoSyn(R)'s
presentations were fully attended and the exhibiting space generated vast
interest and business opportunities.
"After tremendous success at the Health Food Expo last month, we are looking
forward to exhibiting and presenting at the largest food ingredient event in
Asia—ifia(R) Japan," Dr. Di Tan said. "We look forward to sharing our massive
strides in science, patents and regulations while continuing our efforts to
penetrate the Japanese market."
About CarnoSyn(R) Brands:
CarnoSyn(R) Brands feature two clinically studied, patented ingredients
available exclusively from Natural Alternatives International, Inc.:
CarnoSyn(R) instant release beta-alanine and SR CarnoSyn(R) sustained release
beta-alanine. In 2019, CarnoSyn(R) beta-alanine successfully obtained NDI
status from the FDA and received Self-Affirmed GRAS (Generally Recognized as
Safe) status at up to 6.4 grams per day, enabling NAI's brand partners to
provide unique offerings in various food categories. In the sports nutrition
segment, both ingredients are well known to deliver benefits for athletic
performance: Increased strength, enhanced endurance, faster recovery and
greater mental focus.
SR CarnoSyn(R) is an advanced delivery form of CarnoSyn(R), which delivers
higher dosing levels of beta-alanine, and is proven to provide benefits for
both wellness and healthy aging. In 2017, SR CarnoSyn(R) was determined to be
safe through independent scientific procedures, thus satisfying the technical
element of the GRAS determination. The GRAS affirmation allows NAI to broaden
their product offerings beyond the sports nutrition space and focus on the
dietary supplement and food and beverage industries, including medical and
other fortified food products.
About NAI:
NAI, headquartered in Carlsbad, California, is a leading formulator,
manufacturer and marketer of nutritional supplements and provides strategic
partnering services to its customers. NAI's comprehensive partnership approach
offers a wide range of innovative nutritional products and services to our
clients including: scientific research, clinical studies, proprietary ingredients,
customer-specific nutritional product formulation, product testing and evaluation,
marketing management and support, packaging and delivery system design,
regulatory review and international product registration assistance.
For more information about NAI, please visit
About Shimizu Chemical Corporation:
Shimizu is a leading company in nutritional sciences in Japan, offering a wide
range of products and services in various industries from pharmaceuticals and
foods to cosmetics and sports nutrition. With its unique solutions and
long-standing expertise, Shimizu continues to innovate globally. Its services
include managing and leading contract manufacturing services to fulfill a
variety of customer needs to produce finished products containing CarnoSyn(R)
beta-alanine in a variety of forms, from nutritional supplements to all types
of food products.
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that are not historical
facts and information. These statements represent our intentions, expectations
and beliefs concerning future events, including, among other things, our future
revenue profits and financial condition, our ability to maintain our patents,
generate revenues from the commercialization of our patents and trademarks,
secure compliance with our intellectual property rights, and develop, maintain
or increase sales to new and existing customers, as well as future economic
conditions and the impact of such conditions on our business. We wish to
caution readers that these statements involve risks and uncertainties that
could cause actual results and outcomes for future periods to differ materially
from any forward-looking statement or views expressed herein. NAI's financial
performance and the forward-looking statements contained herein are further
qualified by other risks, including those set forth from time to time in the
documents filed by us with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including
our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K.
Renee Michaelson, CarnoSyn(R) Marketing Manager, Natural Alternatives
International, Inc., at 760-736-7700 or
Websites: and and
Takuya Ono, CarnoSyn(R) Sales Manager, Shimizu Chemical Corporation, at
+81-848-68-0371 or
SOURCE: Natural Alternatives International, Inc.