CollinsonがAspen Medicalとの提携で医療支援の拡大を継続


CollinsonがAspen Medicalとの提携で医療支援の拡大を継続

AsiaNet 78758(0863)

【ロンドン2019年5月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


世界的な旅行者支援のエキスパートであるCollinsonは、一連の分野にわたって遠隔地医療ソリューションを提供するオーストラリア保有の世界的な医療のリーダーAspen Medicalとの提携を通して、医療支援の能力をさらに強化した。

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Aspen Medicalは単独の救急医療隊員から多分野の医療専門家チームの全領域ソリューションまで、革新的で特別仕様の医療サービスを提供している。それ以外のサービスには救急車、医療施設、機器、消耗品、薬剤製品、航空医学避難サービス(AME)があり、これには同社が自前で戦略的に配置したクリニックと航空資産も含まれる。

遠く離れ、困難で資源が不足している場所での仕事が多いが、多数の受賞歴を持つソリューションは顧客に、どんな状況でも世界クラスの医療サービスを提供する。この提携により、Collinson( )は支援範囲を拡大し、既存の医療インフラが不足している場所で顧客が高品質な医療サービスを受けるのに役立つことになる。Aspen Medialの地上における能力をCollinsonの広範でグローバルな医療と避難ネットワーク、年中無休の医療と安全活動で増補することで、この提携は複合的な国際展開に向けて完全に総合的な支援サービスを構築するだろう。

Aspen Medicalのサービスには環境と公衆衛生プロジェクトの管理、医療研修とコンサルティング、労働衛生の提供、専任の医療サポートを必要とする大規模なスポーツイベントと会議の支援がある。

Collinsonの支援業務責任者、スコット・サンダーマン氏は「Aspen Medicalは防衛、鉱業、石油とガス、政府と人道主義組織との間で注目を集めた契約をしたことで有名だ。イラクのモスルで心的外傷の病院を運営し、ソマリアでは世界保健機構(WHO)、つまり国連(UN)施設の人員のやり繰りと管理をし、シエラレオネとリベリアではエボラ治療施設の建設と管理で英国、米国、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの各政府を最後まで支援した。Aspen Medicalとの提携は、まさに当社に世界的な医療の到達範囲ならびに市場に比類のない専門知識をもたらすものだ」とコメントした。


Collinsonが新任のグローバル・メディカル・ディレクターとしてサイモン・ウォレル氏を任命したことと共に、この戦略的同盟は世界的なリスクと安全のコンサルティング企業であるDrum Cussacとの提携によるCollinsonの新しい年中無休の総合旅行リスク管理ソリューションをさらに強化する。

Aspen Medicalのグレン・キーズ会長兼共同創業者は「Collinsonは比類のない医療支援サービスを提供することで世界中から評価されている。今回のCollinsonとの提携は、総合旅行リスク管理ソリューションにおけるAspen Medicalの世界的な能力をさらに進めるものだ。Drum Cussacの専門知識、グローバル支援アプリ、セキュリティーアラート、位置追跡とモニタリングを組み合わせることで、われわれは共に、必要なときに支援を求める人々のために、非常に強力な新しい力を市場で提供する」と述べた。


Collinson( )は35年以上の経験を持つ、最大手の独立系医療支援企業の1つである。英国、アイルランド、南アフリカにある同社の支援プラットフォームは数多くの保険市場と企業体に年中無休でサービスを提供している。Collinsonは全世界の顧客から年間で120万回以上の電話を受け、3000件以上の帰還と避難を行っている。


顧客はエールフランス‐KLM、アメリカンエキスプレス、ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズ、キャセイパシフィック航空、ダイナースクラブ、Easy Jet、Mastercard、Saga、RSA、Visa、Vhiなどである。Aspen Medical( )は多数の受賞歴を持ち、オーストラリアが保有する革新的な医療ソリューションのグローバルプロバイダーである。





Collinson Continues Medical Assistance Expansion With Aspen Medical Partnership


LONDON, May 15, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Fully comprehensive assistance service for complex international deployment

Collinson, an expert in global traveller assistance, has further enhanced its

medical assistance capability through a partnership with Aspen Medical, an

Australian-owned global healthcare leader providing remote medical solutions

across a range of sectors.

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Aspen Medical provides innovative and tailored healthcare services, from the provision

of a single paramedic to a full spectrum solution involving a multi-disciplinary team of

healthcare professionals. Further services include, ambulances, medical facilities,

equipment, consumables, pharmacy products and aero-medical evacuation services (AME),

including the company's own strategically-positioned clinics and aviation assets.

Often working in locations that are remote, challenging or under-resourced, its

multi award-winning solutions provide clients with world-class healthcare

services in any setting. The partnership will enable Collinson

[ ] to extend its assistance reach and

help customers to access quality medical services in locations where existing

medical infrastructure is lacking. By augmenting Aspen Medical's ground-level

capability with the wider Collinson global medical and evacuation network and

its 24/7 always-on medical and security operations centres, the partnership

will create a fully comprehensive assistance service for complex international deployments.

Aspen Medical's services also include managing environmental and public health

projects, medical training and consultancy, providing occupational health and supporting

major sporting events and conferences that need dedicated clinical support.

Scott Sunderman, Head of Assistance at Collinson, commented: "Aspen Medical is

renowned for its high-profile contracts with defence, mining, oil and gas,

government and humanitarian organisations. From running trauma hospitals in

Mosul, Iraq, for the WHO or staffing and managing a UN facility for its personnel in Somalia,

through to supporting the UK, US, Australian and New Zealand governments

on the construction and management of Ebola Treatment facilities in Sierra Leone

and Liberia, our partnership with Aspen Medical truly gives us a global healthcare

reach and access to expertise unparalleled in the market.

"This experience will be vital as we broaden our global medical assistance and

travel risk management services to ensure clients have the best possible

protection, wherever they may be located."

This strategic alliance further enhances Collinson's new 24/7/365 integrated

travel risk management solution in partnership with global risk and security

consultancy, Drum Cussac, as well as the appointment of its new Global Medical

Director, Simon Worrell.

Glenn Keys, Executive Chairman and co-founder of Aspen Medical, said:

"Collinson is recognised globally for providing an exceptional medical

assistance service. This partnership with Collinson further develops Aspen

Medical's global capability with an integrated travel risk management solution.

When combined with Drum Cussac's expertise, their global assistance App,

security alerts, location tracking and monitoring, together we are delivering a

very powerful new capability in the market for those seeking assistance in

times of need."

Editors notes:

Collinson [ ] is one of the largest

independent medical assistance companies with more than 35 years' experience.

Its assistance platforms in the UK, Ireland and South Africa provide services

24/7/365 to a number of insurance markets and corporate entities. Collinson

receives over 1.2 million calls from customers around the world and conducts

over 3,000 repatriations and evacuations annually.

Our 24/7/365 global resources and expertise provide a comprehensive suite of

travel risk services for mobile employees that help organisations manage their

duty of care towards staff that operate away from their home country. Whether

you require a full travel risk management programme for your employees, a

customised assistance solution, crisis management planning or specific analysis

and support for remote site operations, Collinson can build a solution that

enables you to protect your most valuable assets, as well as protecting your

organisational risk.

Clients include Air France KLM, American Express, British Airways, Cathay

Pacific, Diners Club, Easy Jet, Mastercard, Saga, RSA, Visa and Vhi.

Aspen Medical [ ] is an Australian-owned,

multi-award winning, global provider of innovative healthcare solutions across

a diverse range of clients in the Defence, Mining, Oil and Gas, Government and

Humanitarian sectors. We are a world leader in the delivery of healthcare

solutions in any setting, particularly those that are remote, challenging or


We offer our clients a tailored and flexible service wherever it is needed -

from a single paramedic to a full-spectrum solution involving a

multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, ambulances, medical

facilities, equipment, consumables, pharmacy products, procedures, mobile

health and surgical solutions and aero-medical evacuation services including

the company's own aviation assets.

Our competitive advantage lies in superior project management and the quality

of our team. We pride ourselves on a customer-centric approach and a 'can do'

attitude. Today, we operate across Australia, the Pacific, the US, Europe,

Africa and the Gulf Region and we employ more than 2,000 dedicated, experienced

and highly-trained professionals.

Source: Collinson




