YCCECE始業式と「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」開所式にゲスト結集
YCCECE始業式と「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」開所式にゲスト結集
AsiaNet 79041 (1004)
【香港2019年6月3日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*楊潤雄・教育局長、Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education理事長のベティ・チャン博士、Heart to Heart Foundationを創設したパメラ・ペック、ポール・ツェ両氏が香港幼児教育の新章開く
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education(YCCECE)の始業式が5月31日、香港特別行政区(HKSAR)の楊潤雄教育局長を主賓として成功裏に閉会した。この日、YCCECE1階にある「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」もHeart to Heart Foundation創設者のパメラ・ペック、ポール・ツェ両氏によって開所された。両氏の寛大なギフトは、誕生から8歳の幼児に向けたこの香港初の革新的プレイスペース創設を可能にした。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-a
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-b
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-c
カレッジ始業式後、Heart to Heart Foundation創設者のパメラ・ペック、ポール・ツェ両氏は舞台に招かれ、ベティ・チャン博士、楊潤雄氏とともに「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」の開所式に立ち会った。
YCCECEはDiploma in Early Childhood Studies (DECS、幼児研究卒業証書)、Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education(HDECE、幼児教育高等卒業証書)、Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education(BEdECE、幼児教育教育学士号)など各レベルのECE課程を提供している。あらゆる経歴の学生に独自の課程、学識を提供するカレッジは、未来のECE精鋭プロ育成に専念している。最新トレンドと社会ニーズに適合するカレッジの旗艦学士号課程は現在、新たにSpecial Education Needs(SEN、特別教育ニーズ)と香港でもう1つの画期的進展、Infant & Toddler Education(InTod、乳幼児教育)に集中している。
構内施設の「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」はYCCECEがほぼ2年をかけて設計、建築したもので、韓国、シンガポール、オーストラリアにヒントを得ており、特殊教育、乳幼児教育を含む内外ECE専門家多数、また、プロアーティストにアドバイスを求めた。ハブの屋外エリアにはインタラクティブ庭園があり、子どもたちは自然界のニュアンスと質感を体験し、ジャングルジムや壁で遊びながら異なる視点で見て、砂場で全く新しい都市を作るか考古学を味わい、水探検エリアで数学と科学を学ぶことができる。屋内区画には、子どもが自分の才能や関心を発見し発展させることが可能なスペースがある。アバディーン(香港仔)に着想したジャンクボート・ジャングルジムから、竹枠作りコーナー、テーマのあるロールプレールーム、パネルと電車のあるMTRエリア、子どもが劇の才能を示せるミニシアター、音楽の創造性、パフォーマンスに応じる器楽の壁までそろい、可能性に限りはない。
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education(YCCECE)は2018年6月設立された登録非営利団体である。同じく非営利団体のYew Chung Education Foundation(YCEF)が2008年に創設したYew Chung Community College(YCCC)を基礎に構築された。YCCECEの成功は、YCCCとYew Chungの幼児教育(ECE)における87年以上の経験の素晴らしい実績に基づいている。YCCECEは現場の改善を提唱、実現する能力を持ち、香港とアジア太平洋地域で卓越するECEハブとしての認知を求める情熱的、革新的な幼児教育専門家の育成を目指している。
YCCECEはアドバイザー、コンサルタントとして、世界的に知られたECE研究家や地元ECEリーダーの素晴らしいチームを抱えている。YCCECEはまた、幅広いコミュニティーに仕え、一緒に働く全ての人々と優れた実践を共有し、幼児を気にかけて大事にすることにコミットしている。かくしてカレッジはYew Chung Early Childhood Development Centre (YCECDC)を設立し、ECE実践家、両親、世話人にContinuing Professional Development課程を提供している。アバディーンキャンパスの「Pamela Peck Discovery Space」はYCECDCの旗艦プログラムで、特に0歳から8歳の幼児向けに設計されたインタラクティブなプレイスペースを備えている。Discovery Spaceスタッフの専門的な手助けで、子どもも大人も遊びながら楽しく学ぶことができる。
ソース:Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
Guests Joined Together for the YCCECE's Inauguration Ceremony and the Grand Opening of the "Pamela Peck Discovery Space"
Guests Joined Together for the Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education's Inauguration Ceremony and the Grand Opening of the "Pamela Peck Discovery Space"
HONG KONG, June 3, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung; Chairperson of the Board of Governors
of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, Dr. Betty Chan; Founders of
the "Heart to Heart Foundation, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse officiated a
new chapter in Early Childhood Education in Hong Kong
The Inauguration Ceremony of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
(YCCECE) concluded successfully on 31st May with Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, Secretary
for Education, HKSAR as the officiating guest. On the same day, the Grand Opening
of the "Pamela Peck Discovery Space" on the ground floor of YCCECE was
also officiated by the Founders of the "Heart to Heart Foundation", Ms. Pamela
Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, JP, whose generous gift enabled the creation of this
innovative play space for children from birth to age 8, the first of its kind
in Hong Kong.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-a
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-b
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190603/2484777-1-c
YCCECE Board of Governors, Council, Faculty, Students, Alumni, Donors and
Friends of the College, as well as members of the media all gathered at this
momentous event to witness the unveiling of a new era of ECE in Hong Kong.
The many illustrious guests from overseas included esteemed ECE educators,
scholars, movers and shakers of the global education sector, including --
-Prof. Kathy Sylva, Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Oxford
and Member of YCCECE Board of Governors;
-Prof. Won Young Rhee, Professor Emeritus of Chung-Ang University, and Member
of YCCECE Board of Governors;
-Prof. Feng Xiaoxia, Professor of Beijing Normal University;
-Prof. Young-Ja Lee, Professor of Duksung Woman's University and Member of
YCCECE External Advisory Committee;
-Prof. Susan Fowler, Professor Emeritus (Special Education) at University of
Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and YCCECE Degree Programme Developer;
-Prof. Marjory Ebbeck, Professor Emeritus of Early Childhood Education,
University of South Australia, and YCCECE Internal Validation Panel Member.
After the Inauguration of the College, Ms. Pamela Peck and Mr. Paul Tse, JP,
Founders of "Heart to Heart Foundation", were invited on stage to join Dr.
Betty Chan and Mr. Kevin Yeung, JP, to officiate the Grand Opening of "Pamela
Peck Discovery Space".
YCCECE offers different levels of ECE programmes, including Diploma in Early
Childhood Studies (DECS), Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE)
and Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education (BEdECE). With
unique curricula and scholarships available for students from all walks of life,
the College is devoted to cultivating future ECE professional elites. Meeting the latest
trends and needs of society, the College's flagship Bachelor's degree programme is now
offering new concentrations in Special Education Needs (SEN), and concentration in
Infant & Toddler Education (InTod), which is yet another ground-breaking development
in Hong Kong.
The on-campus facility, "Pamela Peck Discovery Space", took YCCECE almost two
years to design and construct, taking inspiration from South Korea, Singapore,
and Australia, and seeking advice from many international and local ECE
experts, including those from Special Education, Infant and Toddler Education,
as well as professional artists. The outdoor area of the hub boasts an
interactive garden where children can experience the nuances and textures of
the natural world, see the world from different perspectives while playing on
the climbing frame or wall, create a whole new city in the sand box or have a
taste of archaeology, or learn about mathematics and science in the water
exploration area. The indoor section offers a space where children can discover
and develop their talents and interests. From the Aberdeen-inspired Junk Boat
climbing frame, the Bamboo frame construction corner, the thematic role-play
room, the MTR area with panels and a passenger car, the mini theatre where
children can showcase their dramatic talents, to the instrumental wall that
caters for musical creativity and performance, the possibilities are endless.
Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE), a registered
non-profit institution, was established in June 2018. It builds on the former
Yew Chung Community College (YCCC), which was started in 2008 by the Yew Chung
Education Foundation (YCEF), also a non-profit organization. The success of the
YCCECE is founded on the impressive track record of YCCC and YCEF's more-than
87 years of experience in Early Childhood Education (ECE). YCCECE aims to
nurture passionate and innovative early childhood educators who can advocate
for and bring about improvement in the field, and seeks to be recognised in
Hong Kong and in the Asia-Pacific region as an ECE hub for its excellence.
YCCECE boasts an impressive team of world-renowned ECE academics and local ECE
leaders as advisors and consultants. YCCECE is also committed to serving the
wider community and sharing good practices with all who work with, care for, or
care about young children. Thus, the College has established Yew Chung Early
Childhood Development Centre (YCECDC) to provide Continuing Professional
Development programmes for ECE practitioners, parents and caregivers. "Pamela
Peck Discovery Space" in its Aberdeen campus is the flagship programme of
YCECDC, with an interactive play space specifically designed for children aged
0 to 8 years old. Through expert facilitation by Discovery Space staff,
children and adults will joyfully learn through play.
SOURCE Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education
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