AsiaNet 79324(1127)
【香港2019年6月21日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Informa Marketsが主催する権威ある第8回JNA Awards(JNA賞)は、特に期待されていた11部門の受賞者のリストを発表した。
Video- https://cdn4.prnasia.com/002071/mnr/201906/jna/video.mp4
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-a
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-b
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-c
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-d
Logo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181024/2277935-1LOGO
Informa Marketsのジュエリーグループの事業開発ディレクターであるJNA Awardsのレティシア・チョウ議長は「最終選考に残った39の受賞企業のうち約半数が初めての応募であり、このプラットフォームの重要性を認識する優良企業の間で関心が高まっていることを示している。また、タイから記録的な数のエントリーがあり、インドや香港とともに第2位にランクされ、業績に関して従来は謙虚だったこの市場の重要性を反映している」とコメントした。
2019年の独立の審査委員会は以下の業界専門家で構成されている:Platinum Guild International(PGI)の元最高経営責任者(CEO)でResponsible Jewellery Council(RJC)元会長のジェームズ・カレッジ氏;World Gold Council(WGC)元極東地域担当マネジングディレクターのアルバート・チェン氏;上海ダイヤモンド取引所(SDE)理事長兼マネジングディレクターのリン・チャン氏;Gemological Institute of America(GIA、米国宝石学会)インド・中東担当マネジングディレクターのニルーパ・バット氏、諏訪貿易株式会社会長の諏訪恭一氏、Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy(APIFS)リサーチディレクターのマーク・リー氏。
チェン氏は「過去7年間と同じく、Industry Innovation of the Year(今年の業界イノベーション賞)は最も人気のある部門であることを証明した。自身の資質、プロ意識、革新性が傑出したビジネスに反映するYoung Entrepreneur Honourees(若手起業家賞)も同様に素晴らしい」と付け加えた。
JNA Awards Marketing
Informa Markets
JNA Awards reveals 2019 Honourees
HONG KONG, June 21, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Organised by Informa Markets, the prestigious JNA Awards unveiled its highly
anticipated list of Honourees across 11 categories for its eighth edition.
For the full multimedia release, click here:
Video- https://cdn4.prnasia.com/002071/mnr/201906/jna/video.mp4
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-a
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-b
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-c
Photo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190614/2496754-1-d
Logo- https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181024/2277935-1LOGO
The judging panel has worked diligently over this past month, as their job
keeps getting tougher and tougher each year. In 2019, there are almost 100
high-quality entries from 15 countries and regions.
Letitia Chow, Chairperson of the JNA Awards, and Director of Business Development
--Jewellery Group at Informa Markets, commented, "Of the 39 Honouree companies
that were shortlisted, almost half of them are first-time entrants, indicating a growing
interest among quality companies who recognise the importance of this platform.
We have also received a record number of entries from Thailand, second in ranking
together with India and Hong Kong, reflecting the importance of this market which
has been traditionally modest about its accomplishment."
The 2019 independent judging panel consists of industry experts: James Courage,
former Chief Executive Officer of Platinum Guild International(PGI) and former
Chairman of the Responsible Jewellery Council(RJC); Albert Cheng, former
Managing Director of World Gold Council, Far East(WGC); Lin Qiang, President
and Managing Director of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange (SDE); Nirupa Bhatt,
Managing Director of the Gemological Institute of America(GIA) India and Middle
East; Yasukazu Suwa, Chairman of Suwa & Son, Inc.; and Mark Lee, Research
Director of Asia Pacific Institute for Strategy(APIFS).
Courage shared, "The quality of this year's entries, along with its diversity in terms of size,
type and geography, are worth noting. Despite facing challenges, the industry--through
these entries--showed its focus and determination when it comes to investing in innovation,
operating systems and consumer research."
Cheng added, "Just like in the last seven years, Industry Innovation of the Year
proved to be the most popular category. The Young Entrepreneur Honourees
--whose credentials, professionalism and innovativeness reflect on their outstanding
businesses--are equally impressive."
Lin remarked, "It is surprising and inspiring to know that nearly 100 entries
were received--more than half of which are from first-time entrants.
The influence and credibility of the JNA Awards is beyond question.
It will be a rewarding journey for everyone involved."
"Having worked with the JNA Awards since 2013, I noticed that the judging
process grows more difficult as the entries reach new heights and push the
boundaries of excellence year after year," Bhatt noted.
Suwa expressed, "Entrants to the JNA Awards vary from very big corporations to
small ones. I kept in mind to judge them based on their mission and the long-term
good they have been doing for people, regardless of the company's size."
Lee also added, "The JNA Awards continues to strengthen its role as an
excellent platform to showcase the industry's progress and success. The
entries, particularly in the areas of innovation and marketing, are truly impressive."
Media contact:
JNA Awards Marketing
Informa Markets
Source: JNA
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