AsiaNet 79213
【シンガポール2019年6月26日PR Newswire】Preqinが発表した日本国内の機関投資家に関する新報告書によると、日銀による2016年のマイナス金利導入以降、国内機関投資家は利回りを追求する対象範囲を拡げ、ポートフォリオの分散投資や非伝統的市場への投資に興味を示すようになったとみている。現在、国内機関投資家の3分の2は1つ以上のオルタナティブ資産に投資している。プライベートキャピタル市場における投資先は現在も国内が大部分を占める中、分散効果を高めるため海外にも関心を強める傾向にある。国内機関投資家はまた、より高いリスク・リターンの戦略も視野を拡げ、元本保全のみならず利回りを求めてオルタナティブ投資を行うことも伺える。
▽ Preqin概要
Preqin(https://www.preqin.com )はオルタナティブ業界を牽引する優れたデータソースであり、90カ国以上の80,000人を超える専門家よりデータ、ソリューション、洞察の不可欠の情報源として信頼されている。市場に関する業界屈指の情報と投資サイクルのあらゆる段階の参加者を支援する最先端のツールを提供する。
Japan-Based Investors Embrace Alternative Assets
SINGAPORE, June 26, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Preqin's new report on alternative asset investors in Japan finds that when the
Bank of Japan adopted negative interest rates in 2016, it led many investors to
seek more diversification and higher yields by investing in alternative assets.
In 2019, two-thirds of Japan-based investors now allocate to at least one
alternative asset class. Investors are primarily focused on local investments
in private capital, with the largest proportions targeting the Far East.
But increasingly, Japan-based investors are also seeking to allocate to other
regions in search of diversification. Investors are also more favourable toward
strategies higher up the risk/return curve, indicating that they are looking to
alternatives to provide yield, not simply protect capital.
See the full report here:
Jie Sin Chia, Head of Asia Products:
"A persistent low-interest environment set by the central bank, as well as
stagnant growth in recent years, have put enormous pressure on Japan-based
investors as they look to meet their returns targets. Alternative assets' ability to
offer diversification and long-term yield have brought them to the forefront of
investors' minds. While they are looking for opportunities to allocate to the
rest of Asia, North America and Europe, investors remain primarily focused on
domestic opportunities. We might see this change if the low-interest and
slow-growth environment remains in place."
Key Facts:
There are currently 303 Japan-based investors active in alternative assets,
second only to China (450) within Asia-Pacific.
Of these, 66% invest in at least one alternative asset class. The largest
proportion (58%) allocates to private equity, while the lowest proportion (34%)
invests in hedge funds.
The Far East remains the most sought-after investment destination for private
capital investors.
However, significant proportions of investors also look to allocate to funds in
North America and the rest of Asia-Pacific.
Ninety-six percent of private equity investors intend to make fresh investments
in the coming year, compared to just 54% of hedge fund and private debt
investors, and 41% of natural resources investors.
Preqin is the home of alternative assets, providing industry-leading
intelligence on the market and cutting-edge tools to support participants at
every stage of the investment cycle. More than 80,000 industry participants in
over 90 countries rely on Preqin as their indispensable source of data,
solutions and insights.
For more information, contact our dedicated press team at asiapress@preqin.com.
Source: Preqin