Microlandが米シアトルに最新鋭のDigital Centre of Excellenceを開設
Microlandが米シアトルに最新鋭のDigital Centre of Excellenceを開設
AsiaNet 79613 (1279)
【シアトル2019年7月10日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Microlandは、顧客へのサービスを提供し、北米におけるパートナーシップを強化するため、米ワシントン州シアトルにDigital Centre of Excellence(CoE)を開設した。CoEは、地域全体の顧客に次世代テクノロジーサービスを提供するとのMicrolandのビジョンを強化する。Microlandのプラディープ・カー会長兼マネジングディレクターが開所式を行った。
Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/901193/Microland_Logo.jpg
Microlandはグローバル企業のデジタルトランスフォーメーションの過程を促進し、企業がクライアントに高価値の業績と優れた顧客体験を提供できるようにする。インドのベンガルールに本社を置くMicrolandは、オーストラリア、欧州、インド、中東、北米にオフィスを構え、4300人以上のプロフェッショナルを擁している。Microlandはグローバル企業のパートナーとして、新興技術を統合し、オートメーション、分析、予測インテリジェンスをビジネスプロセスに応用することで、より機動的かつ革新的になるのを支援する。詳細は https://www.microland.com を参照。
Microland Inaugurates State-of-the-art Digital Centre of Excellence in Seattle, USA
SEATTLE, July 10, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
- Strengthens North American presence and commitment to accelerate clients'
digital transformation journey
Microland inaugurated its Digital Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Seattle,
Washington to serve clients and strengthen partnerships in North America.
The CoE reinforces Microland's vision to provide NextGen technology services to
clients across the region. The center was inaugurated by Pradeep Kar, Chairman
and Managing Director, Microland.
Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/901193/Microland_Logo.jpg
"The Seattle facility is a significant step towards catering to the expanding demand
from our clients for NextGen Digital services like Cloud, Software-defined WAN,
Industrial IoT, etc. We see incredible opportunity to collaborate, share new ideas and
bring to fruition the deployment of NextGen technologies. Microland continues to deliver
extraordinary services that are predictable, reliable and stable by staying close to
the clients' heart of operations," said Pradeep Kar, Chairman and Managing Director, Microland.
"As a technology hub, Seattle is home to several marquee clients and partners,
and we see this facility as a seamless onshore extension of our operations globally.
The city provides numerous opportunities across industries, access to high potential talent
and world class infrastructure that meet our goals to serve the ever-growing
demands of our clients," added Sivakumar Thiyagarajan, SVP, Microland.
About Microland
Microland accelerates the digital transformation journey for global enterprises
enabling them to deliver high-value business outcomes and superior customer experience.
Headquartered in Bangalore, India, Microland has more than 4,300 professionals across
its offices in Australia, Europe, India, Middle East and North America. Microland partners
with global enterprises to help them become more agile and innovative by integrating
emerging technologies and applying automation, analytics and predictive intelligence to
business processes. For more information, visit: https://www.microland.com.
Source: Microland