ロンドン中心街の「母子像」彫刻、ジャスティス・フォー・ライ・ダイ・ハン(Lai Dai Han)により一般公開へ
AsiaNet 79859
【ロンドン、2019年7月30日、PRNewswire】ベトナム戦争で過酷な性虐待を受けた女性たちや、世界中で紛争下において性暴力の被害者となった人々を記念する彫刻が、本日ウェストミンスターにあるセント・ジェームス・スクエアに設置されました。この「母子像」は先月、2018年のノーベル賞受賞者であるナーディーア・ムラード氏(Nadia Murad)によって公開されました。ウェストミンスターで開かれたこの記念式では、著名な政治家や市民活動グループが集まり、国際社会としてどのように性暴力と戦っていくことができるのか議論しました。
この彫刻は銅製で、約700kgの重さがあります。ベトナムに自生する「絞め殺しの木」の根が母と子を締め付けている様子を表しており、全ての性暴力被害者への希望の光となることを願って設置されました。「母子像」は、ベトナム戦争時韓国軍によって広く行われていた性暴力の被害について、国連主導の独立調査の実施を訴えるグループであるジャスティス・フォー・ライ・ダイ・ハン (Justice for Lai Dai Han 、JLDH)によって建立されました。
ジャスティス・フォー・ライ・ダイ・ハンの国際大使であり元イギリス外務大臣のジャック・ストロー氏(Jack Straw)は、以下のようにコメントしています。
ジャスティス・フォー・ライ・ダイ・ハンの設立者であり、自身も韓国軍の性暴力被害によって生を受けたトラン・ヴァン・タイ氏(Tran Van Ty)は、以下のようにコメントしています。
この「母子像」は、イギリスの芸術家であるレベッカ・ホーキンス氏(Rebecca Hawkins)によってデザイン・製作されました。彼女は、
ウェストミンスターで6月に開かれた彫刻の公開式では、ライ・ダイ・ハンを代表する数名とともに、ヤズィーディー教徒の人権活動家であり、戦争や武力闘争の道具としての性暴力使用の禁止に向けた活動が認められて2018年にノーベル賞を受賞した、イラク人のナーディーア・ムラード氏も登壇しました。ベトナム関連全党議会グループ議長であり国会議員であるウェイン・デビット氏(Wayne David)、戦争下での性暴力行使を防止する全党議会グループの共同議長である、ウィンターボルンのバロネス・ニコルソン氏(Baroness Nicholson)といった著名なイギリス国会議員たちも、JLDH を支持して参加しました。
写真: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/952644/Lai_Dai_Han_Sculpture.jpg
写真: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/952645/Lai_Dai_Han.jpg
Sculpture to Honour Lai Dai Han and Victims of Sexual Violence Installed in Central London
LONDON, July 30, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- "Mother and Child" sculpture commissioned by Justice for Lai Dai Han
available to view in central London
A sculpture which honours victims of sexual violence in conflict around the world,
including the women who were terribly abused during the Vietnam War, was installed
today in St James's Square, Westminster. "Mother and Child" was officially unveiled
last month by Nadia Murad, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner, at an event in Westminster
which convened senior politicians and civil society groups to discuss how the international
community can combat sexual violence.
The sculpture, made of bronze and weighing approximately 700kg, depicts
a mother and her child trapped by the roots of a Strangler Fig tree, a plant
native to Vietnam, and serves as a beacon of hope to all victims of sexual violence.
"Mother and Child" was commissioned by Justice for Lai Dai Han (JLDH), a group
campaigning for an independent UN-led investigation into allegations of widespread
sexual violence by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Between 1964 and 1973, some 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to Vietnam
to fight alongside the United States. Tens of thousands of women were allegedly raped
by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. Many of the women were as young
as 12 or 13 at the time. JLDH represents these women, of whom 800 are still alive today,
and their children known as the "Lai Dai Han," the thousands of dual heritage Korean-Vietnamese
individuals born as a result of wartime rape.
Jack Straw, international ambassador for Justice for Lai Dai Han and former UK
foreign secretary, said:
"I urge everyone to visit the sculpture in St. James's Square, which honours
all who are survivors of sexual violence in conflict. We need an independent
investigation by the UNHCR into the rape of Vietnamese women by South Korean
soldiers. We hope that the sculpture will serve as a poignant reminder of the
horror of sexual violence and encourage the Government of South Korea to acknowledge
the crimes committed by its troops and support an independent UN investigation."
Tran Van Ty, founder Justice for Lai Dai Han and born as result of Korean
sexual violence said:
"Today is a historic day for the Lai Dai Han and our mothers who have been through
so much at the hands of South Korean soldiers. Since the Government of South Korea
refuses to even acknowledge our existence, 50 members of the Lai Dai Han community
and I have offered to provide DNA samples to be compared with a database of South Korean
soldiers. While today's statue is a historic day for the Lai Dai Han, we will continue to fight
for recognition and justice."
The "Mother and Child" sculpture was designed and created by British artist
Rebecca Hawkins. She said:
"I hope that this statue helps raise awareness for this important campaign and gives the women
and children the closure and recognition they need. Despite suffering and hardship,
they have bravely stood up to tell their story and campaign for justice for themselves and
their peers. This sculpture is a celebration of their strength of spirit in the face of such adversity."
At the sculpture unveiling event in Westminster in June, several members of the Lai Dai Han
community were joined on stage by Nadia Murad, an Iraqi Yazidi human rights activist
who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018 for her efforts to end the use of sexual violence
as a weapon of war and armed conflict. JLDH also welcomed distinguished UK Parliamentary
supporters, including Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Vietnam, Wayne David MP,
and Co-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne.
The "Lai Dai Han" are the tens of thousands of children of Vietnamese women
that allege they were raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Between 1964 and 1973, some 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to
Vietnam to fight alongside the United States.
Justice for Lai Dai Han gives a voice to the victims and their children and
campaigns for South Korea to recognise and investigate the allegations of
widespread rape and sexual violence.
Justice for Lai Dai Han works with policy makers, writers and artists to ensure
this injustice is finally recognised, alongside fundraising efforts on behalf
of the Lai Dai Han and their families.
Our work seeks to raise public awareness, to allow political and community
leaders to connect with the victims of sexual violence to understand their
suffering firsthand, and to create public art as a permanent reminder of the
plight of the Lai Dai Han.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/952644/Lai_Dai_Han_Sculpture.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/952645/Lai_Dai_Han.jpg
Source: Justice for Lai Dai Han (JLDH)