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【シャーロット(ノースカロライナ州)2019年8月2日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
サードパーティーメンテナンス(TPM)とマルチベンダーITライフサイクルサービスの世界最大手プロバイダーであるカーバチュア(Curvature)は7月31日、IT業界ベテランのヤヒヤ・マーティー・オマール(Yehia Maaty Omar)氏を新たな最高経営責任者(CEO)に任命したことを発表した。同氏はカーバチュアの取締役にも任命された。
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190802/2542005-1
Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190802/2542005-1logo
経験豊富な技術リーダーであるオマール氏は、収益の大幅増を実現するため、エグゼクティブマネジメントおよびITサービスの強力な実績とグローバルサービス組織を変革する実証済みの能力をカーバチュアに持ち込む。これより以前に、オマール氏はゼロックス(Xerox Corporation)のシニアバイスプレジデント(SVP)兼最高デリバリー責任者を務め、技術分野のサービスとグローバル遠隔サポートセンターを含む統合バリューチェーン組織を通じ、全製品・サービスを対象とする世界的なテクノロジーとサービスのデリバリー業務を統括した。
カーバチュアは独立ITサポート・製品・サービスのグローバルリーダーとして、企業が機器を管理、メンテナンス、アップグレードする方法、ならびにマルチベンダーの多国間ネットワークおよびデータセンターのサポートを変革している。競争の激しいIT優先とデジタル変革の時代にあって、企業は迅速、効率的、スマートに、ITおよびビジネスのイノベーションに投資していく必要がある。世界の1万5000超の組織と戦略的パートナーシップを結ぶカーバチュアは、24時間365日のグローバルなテクニカルサポート、高度なハードウェア交換、ネットワークおよびデータセンター機器の完全なライフサイクル管理を、単一のグローバル契約の下、米州、欧州、アジア各地の拠点から提供している。詳細はhttp://www.curvature.com を参照。
Curvature Appoints Tech Industry Veteran Yehia Maaty Omar CEO
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Aug. 2, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Former Xerox Exec Brings Extensive Strategic, Operational and Leadership Experience
to Drive Growth and Profitability of Independent IT Services and Third-Party Maintenance
Curvature, the world's largest provider of Third Party Maintenance (TPM) and
multi-vendor IT lifecycle services, announced on July 31 the appointment of IT
industry veteran Yehia Maaty Omar as its new CEO. He also has been appointed to
Curvature's Board of Directors.
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190802/2542005-1
Curvature Appoints Tech Industry Veteran Yehia Maaty Omar CEO
Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190802/2542005-1logo
A seasoned technology leader, Omar brings a strong record of executive
management and IT services experience to Curvature along with a proven ability
to transform global services organizations to achieve significant revenue
growth. Previously, Omar was corporate SVP and Chief Delivery Officer for Xerox
Corporation, where he led worldwide technology and service delivery operations
for all products and services through an integrated value-chain organization,
including technology field services and global remote support centers.
During his 26-year career with Xerox, Omar held various leadership positions,
such as President of Developing Markets Operations, which included 140 countries
around the world; as well as Vice President and Region General Manager of Latin America
and the Caribbean. Earlier in his career, he served in a variety of senior positions within
the EMEA region, including country general manager and regional head of sales and marketing.
Omar consistently demonstrated success in driving market expansions while building out
capabilities to sustain business growth and advance market leadership.
"I'm excited to join Curvature and leverage my experience to make an immediate
impact in leading the company forward and delivering world-class IT support and
services to our clients around the world," said Omar. "Organizations around the
globe increasingly demand greater flexibility and more affordable options for
IT services and support. Not only can Curvature provide the end-to-end IT
support services they need, our established global footprint ensures
consistency and service delivery excellence."
In May, Curvature expanded its global presence with the opening of its Sydney,
Australia, office to reinforce its maintenance, advanced hardware replacement
and complete IT asset lifecycle management under a consolidated worldwide
contract. The company has offices in 12 countries with more than 100 staffed
service centers and over 600 parts locations globally.
"Yehia's appointment as CEO will strengthen Curvature's ability to deliver our
short-term operational goals and long-range business vision as the undisputed
global leader of TPM and vendor-agnostic IT services," said Don Grantham,
Chairman of the Board for Curvature. "His background and global experience will
prove instrumental in helping us extend our market leadership while
accelerating business success at scale."
With more than 15,000 customers worldwide, Curvature is significantly larger in size and
services scope than its closest competitors. The company conducts business in 20 languages,
ensuring world-class support for organizations striving to maximize savings and optimize
efficiency on their maintenance and diversified IT support services.
About Curvature
As the global leader in independent IT support, products and services,
Curvature is transforming how companies manage, maintain and upgrade
equipment and support for multi-vendor, multinational networks and data centers.
At a time of competing IT priorities and digital transformations, companies need to
be nimble, efficient and smart in how they invest in IT and business innovation.
A strategic partner with more than 15,000 organizations globally,
Curvature specializes in delivering 24x7 global technical support, advanced
hardware replacement and complete lifecycle management of networking and
data center equipment under one global contract from locations in the Americas,
Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit www.curvature.com.
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