AsiaNet 80126 (1537)
【広州(中国)2019年8月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
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MINISO名創優品は海外市場について製品の差別化戦略を採用しており、国際商品部門を特別に設置した。そこでは食品、キッチン用品、旅行用品、香水、人形と玩具からメーキャップ・シリーズに至るまで、多岐にわたる国際製品を開発した。最近開催されたMINISO 2020 Global Spring and Summer New Product Ordering Fair(MINISO名創優品グローバル春・夏新製品発注フェア)で、MINISO名創優品は展示会場に「欧州パビリオン」を開設した。商品センターチームは欧州市場分として、半年の間に約1000SKUを開拓した。こうした製品は「欧州市場向けにカスタマイズされた製品」といえ、欧州の消費習慣とデザインの美的感覚に一層合わせたものになっている。
ソース:MINISO Japan
Reaching Cooperation Agreements with French and British Companies, The Number of MINISO's Cooperative Countries and Regions Has Exceeded 90
GUANGZHOU, China, Aug. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --
Recently, MINISO signed cooperation agreements with partners from six countries
and regions including the UK, France, Maldives, Reunion Island, Aruba and Curacao.
According to official statistics, so far, the number of MINISO's cooperative countries
and regions has exceeded 90, which is a step closer to the "one hundred countries"
target that is part of its mid-term goal of "opening ten thousand stores in one hundred
countries with one hundred billion sales volume" in 2022.
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The representatives of MINISO and British partner
The European market is one of the most mature retail markets. MINISO has been
trying to enter the European market since last year, opening physical stores in Spain,
Germany and Ireland, overcoming a series of differences in political and economic environments,
consumption habits, national cultures, laws and regulations, and achieving breakthroughs
in performance and reputation. From careful trial operations, MINISO has established itself
in the European retail market, delivering many innovative products of high quality and
high cost performance to European consumers.
As for overseas markets, MINISO has adopted a differentiation strategy with its
products and specially set up an international commodity department, which has
developed diversified international products, ranging from food, kitchen supplies,
travel supplies, perfume, dolls and toys to makeup series. At the recently held
MINISO 2020 Global Spring and Summer New Product Ordering Fair, MINISO set up
the "Europe pavilion" in the exhibition area. Nearly a thousand SKUs were developed
by the Commodity Center team over half a year for the European market.
These products can be said to be "European market customization products",
which are more in line with European consumption habits and design aesthetics.
Good products are the best weapons for MINISO to "conquer" the world. In recent
years, by ensuring high quality and low prices, MINISO has continuously
strengthened its research and development ability of design innovation, in
which the most prominent thing is the cross-border cooperation with
world-renowned IPs, including Hello Kitty, Pink Panther, We Bare Bears, Sesame
Street and Marvel, launching a series of licensed products and winning the
favor of a large number of young people.