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アジア太平洋のメディアとPR専門家は急速なテクノロジーの進歩と移り変わるオーディエンスの好みを把握しようとしている。PRニュースワイヤー(PR Newswire)は10日、ジャーナリストはどのようにして状況に適応しているかを追跡した2019年アジア太平洋メディアサーベイ(Asia-Pacific Media Survey 2019)リポートをリリースした。

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PRニュースワイヤーは、このサーベイの主要な調査結果について、来るべきメディアコーヒー(Media Coffee)のイベントで討論することを楽しみにしている。2019年アジア太平洋メディアサーベイ・リポート全文をダウンロードするには以下をクリック:(

▽PRニュースワイヤー(PR Newswire)について

Cision Ltd.(NYSE: SISN)の1企業であるPRニュースワイヤーはニュース配信、アーンドメディアソフトウエア、サービスのグローバルな大手プロバイダーである。Cisionのクラウドをベースとしたコミュニケーション製品サービスと連動し、PRニュースワイヤーのサービスはマーケター、コーポレートコミュニケーター、インベスターリレーションズ担当者が重要なインフルエンサーを見いだし、ターゲットオーディエンスに関与し、戦略的コンテンツを制作・配信し、有意義な影響を測定することを可能にする。世界最大のマルチチャンネルで多文化コンテンツの伝送ネットワークを包括的なワークフローツールとプラットフォームに組み合わせることで、PRニュースワイヤーは世界中の組織のストーリーに力を与える。PRニュースワイヤーは米州、欧州、中東、アフリカ、アジア太平洋地域に展開するオフィスから、何万もの顧客にサービスを提供している。さらに詳しい情報は を参照。


PR Newswire's Asia Marketing Team

+852 2572 8228


ソース:PR Newswire


PR Newswire's APAC Survey Reveals Content Quality is the Top Priority for Journalists


HONG KONG, Sept. 10, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Asia-Pacific (APAC) journalists (25%) rate content quality - not readership

metrics - as their number one key performance indicator (KPI). Other important

parameters include a target number of original news stories and social media engagement.

- Press releases continue to be the most trusted source for news stories, with over twice

as many journalists trusting official press releases (27%) over social media channels (10%).

As APAC media and PR professionals are getting to grips with rapid technological

progress and shifting audience preferences, PR Newswire today released its

Asia-Pacific Media Survey 2019 report to track how journalists are adapting.

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This year's report was PR Newswire's largest ever in the region, surveying

nearly 1,000 journalists and media professionals across nine key markets -

Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,

South Korea, and Vietnam. To help international businesses better understand

the diverse APAC media landscape, our Audience Development team has also

compiled a list of the top ten business media[1] in each of these nine markets.

Despite readership metrics becoming more readily available, 25% of journalists

indicate that content quality is their top key performance indicator (KPI),

followed by number of original news stories, e.g. X stories per week, and

social media engagement, such as social media shares of content.

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Survey results on journalists’ key performance indicators

This survey found that a verified news source is more valuable than ever. For example,

73% of journalists in mainland China believe that news accuracy is their top consideration

when assessing the value of a story. Press releases remain the most trusted source of

information with over twice as many journalists from the majority of APAC markets

(eight key markets, not including mainland China) trusting official press releases (27%)

over social media channels (10%). Results also show an increase of 5 percentage points

for trust in press releases compared to 22% in 2016-2017.

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Survey results on journalists’ most trusted source

Verified news sources play an important role as journalists craft their stories.

When seeking a quote for their stories, journalists from the majority of APAC

markets are most likely to turn to personal business contacts (60%),

followed by press releases (51%).

Other key takeaways from the report include:

High-resolution photographs (29%) are the most preferred multimedia element in

news coverage by journalists from the majority of APAC markets, with 25%

preferring video, followed by infographics (21%).

Journalists are keen to enhance their skillsets to create quality content.

Relative to our last survey in 2016-2017, journalists across the APAC region

indicate a higher demand for training on in-depth reporting and interviewing skills.

Multilingual communication is critical for businesses going global. Journalists

in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore responded to this survey in multiple

languages while close to 100% of journalists in mainland China, Taiwan,

Indonesia, South Korea, and Vietnam responded in their predominant domestic

language, reflecting the preferences of their audiences.

"For businesses operating globally, enhancing brand awareness and reputation

are important tasks where media coverage plays a critical role," said Lynn Liu,

Director of Audience Development and Distribution Services. "In the APAC

region, it is vital that international businesses understand the shifting media

landscape and local journalists' preferences to become even more valuable media

partners. PR Newswire is committed to help businesses tell their stories in

this diverse and dynamic region."

PR Newswire looks forward to discussing the key findings of this survey at our upcoming

Media Coffee events. To download the full Asia-Pacific Media Survey 2019 report,

please click here. : [ ]  

About PR Newswire

PR Newswire, a Cision Ltd. company (NYSE: CISN), is a leading global provider

of news distribution and earned media software and services. In conjunction

with Cision's cloud-based communications product suite, PR Newswire's services

enable marketers, corporate communicators, and investor relations officers to

identify key influencers, engage target audiences, craft and distribute strategic content,

and measure meaningful impact. Combining the world's largest multi-channel,

multi-cultural content dissemination network with comprehensive workflow tools and

platforms, PR Newswire powers the stories of organizations around the world.

PR Newswire serves tens of thousands of clients from offices in the Americas, Europe,

the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions. For more info, please visit

For further information, please contact:

PR Newswire's Asia Marketing Team

+852 2572 8228

[1] Based on monthly unique visitors

SOURCE: PR Newswire

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