Whisky Cask Companyの新グローバルブランド大使にクリス・ロブショウ
Whisky Cask Companyの新グローバルブランド大使にクリス・ロブショウ
AsiaNet 80510(1726)
【ロンドン2019年9月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Whisky Cask Companyは12日、ラグビーの元イングランド代表キャプテンのクリス・ロブショウを新グローバルブランド大使に起用し、その意味するものは「Integrity First(誠実第一)」の具体化であると発表した。革新、献身、卓越性追求を刺激するように考案されたWhisky Cask Companyの新キャンペーンである。
Whisky Cask Companyの新Integrity Firstキャンペーンは今月後半に開始される。新マルチメディアキャンペーンは、教育と体験の活性化と文化的没入のシリーズを通じて、命を吹き込まれる。それは情熱的なコレクターを強力な会話主体に結集、体験を共有し、高級スコッチウイスキーをたたえるよう意図されたものである。
クリス・ロブショウは「Whisky Cask Companyは卓越性追求に妥協しない革新の擁護者であり、今そのファミリーの一員になってとても喜んでいる」と話した。
ロブショウは「意識の変化が起きていて、Whisky Cask Companyはそれをたたえているが、そこでコレクターはより大きな透明性、最高品質へのアクセス、最も革新的な製品を与えられている。その旅に参加することができて誇りに思う」と続けた。
Whisky Cask Companyのアレクサンダー・ジョンソン創業者兼会長は「Whisky Cask Companyの背後にいるチームは行動と関係において常に、強力で勤勉、献身的な個人をたたえ、擁護してきた。クリスはWhisky Cask Companyが代表する誠実、情熱、伝統、大胆さをつかんでいる。クリス、そして続く新Whisky Cask Companyブランド大使は誠実、決意、そして、今日の世界で卓越性を追求する個人を反映する態度の象徴である」と語った。
クリス・ロブショウはウォーリンガムRFCでラグビーを開始、サリーのCumnor House Schoolを経て、ミルフィールド・スクールに転校した。ハーレクイン・アカデミーで育成されたロブショウは2005年、初めてクラブ員として試合にデビュー、ハーレクインのジャージーを着て250試合以上に出場した。
ロブショウはこれまで、Macmillan(マクミラン)、Breast Cancer Now、Canine Partners、British Dyslexia Association(英ディスレクシア協会)などさまざまな慈善団体に協力してきた。
The Whisky Cask Companyに関する追加情報、舞台裏コンテンツの閲覧、Integrity Firstキャンペーンをめぐる追加発表はwww.whiskycaskcompany.com 、#integrityfirstを参照するか、FacebookないしYouTubeで@WhiskyCaskCompanyのフォローを。
▽The Whisky Cask Companyについて
The Whisky Cask Companyは、最高に誠実なスコッチウイスキー製品に世界中の情熱的なコレクターを結び付ける。The Whisky Cask Companyは、スコットランドの広範な各地からスコッチウイスキーを調達、供給し、スコットランドのウイスキー生産地5カ所―スペイサイド、ハイランド、ローランド、アイラ島、キャンベルタウン―の蒸留酒製造所から、最高品質の新造スピリッツを取得する。世界の希少な高級カスクと厳選された熟成環境を組み合わせ、価値の高いオリジナル製品の生産を可能にしている。
The Whisky Cask Companyはグローバル市場に最高品質のスコッチをもたらす。詳しい情報はwww.whiskycaskcompany.com を参照。
*The Whisky Cask Companyは革新的な投資機会を提供し、コレクターによる最高品質のスコッチウイスキー購入、貯蔵、熟成を可能にする
*Whisky Cask Companyとスコッチウイスキー投資機会に関する詳しい情報はwww.whiskycaskcompany.com を参照するか、020 7052 8215に直接問い合わせを。
Logo: - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/927488/Whisky_Cask_Company_Logo.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/974780/Chris_Robshaw___WCC_Press_Release.jpg
(写真説明:Whisky Cask Companyが新グローバルブランド大使のクリス・ロブショウを発表)
Parwinder Dale
Tel: +44(0)20-7052-8215
ソース:Whisky Cask Company
Whisky Cask Company Announces New Global Brand Ambassador Chris Robshaw
LONDON, 12 Sept., 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Whisky Cask Company today announces ex-England Rugby Captain, Chris Robshaw as
new Global Brand Ambassador, and the embodiment of what it means to put
Integrity First, The Whisky Cask Company’s new campaign designed to inspire
innovation, dedication and a pursuit of excellence.
The Whisky Cask Company's new Integrity First campaign will launch later in the
month. The new multi-media campaign will be brought to life through a series of
educational and experiential activations and cultural immersions designed to
bring passionate collectors together around powerful conversations, shared
experiences and a celebration of quality Scotch Whisky.
"The Whisky Cask Company are uncompromising in their pursuit of excellence and
are champions of innovation, and I am so happy to be part of this family now," says Robshaw.
"There's an awareness shift happening, which The Whisky Cask Company celebrates,
where collectors are given greater transparency and access to the highest quality and
most innovative products on offer, and I'm so proud that I get to be part of the journey."
The team behind The Whisky Cask Company has always celebrated and championed strong,
hardworking and dedicated individuals in its conduct and relations. Chris captures the integrity,
passion, heritage and boldness that The Whisky Cask Company represents," said Alexander
Johnson, Chairman and Founder of The Whisky Cask Company. "Chris, and all the new
Whisky Cask Company brand ambassadors to follow are emblematic of the integrity,
determination and attitude that reflects what it is for individuals to pursue excellence in
today's world," said Johnson.
Chris Robshaw
Chris Robshaw began playing rugby at Warlingham RFC and was educated at Cumnor
House School in Surrey, before moving to Millfield School. After developing through
the Harlequins Academy, Robshaw made his first club appearance in 2005
and has made more than 250 appearances in the Harlequins jersey.
In 2010, Chris was named captain of Harlequins and two years later was named
captain of his country for the 2012 Six Nations in just his second Test (one
which came two and a half years after his International debut). Chris captained
England to their historic victory over the All Blacks in December 2012 as well
as in the 2015 Rugby World Cup in England.
Chris is also considered to be one of Harlequins greatest players ever.
As Quins captain he led the side to both the Amlin Challenge Cup title in 2011
as well as the Premiership title in 2012. Along the way Chris has received many
individual accolades including being named Premiership Player of the Year in
both 2008/09 and 2011/12 – the only player in history to do so twice.
Chris has worked with a variety of different charities throughout his life, such as Macmillan,
Breast Cancer Now, Canine Partners and the British Dyslexia Association.
For additional information on The Whisky Cask Company and to view
behind-the-scenes content and additional announcements surrounding the
Integrity First campaign, visit www.whiskycaskcompany.com, #integrityfirst and
follow @WhiskyCaskCompany on Facebook and YouTube.
About The Whisky Cask Company:
The Whisky Cask Company connects passionate collectors, from all over the
world, with scotch whisky products of the highest integrity. The Whisky Cask
Company sources and supplies Scotch Whisky from a wide range of locations
throughout Scotland. The Company acquires the highest quality new make spirit
from distilleries based around the five whisky-making regions of Scotland —
Speyside, Highlands, Lowlands, Islay, and Campbeltown. This in combination with
rare and exclusive casks from around the world as well as specially selected
maturation environments allows The Company to create valuable and original products.
The Whisky Cask Company brings the Finest Scotch to a Global Market.
For additional information, visit www.whiskycaskcompany.com.
- The Whisky Cask Company provides an innovative investment opportunity,
allowing collectors to purchase, store and mature the highest quality Scotch whisky
- The firm partners with award-winning distilleries based in Scotland to ensure
a great tasting spirit can be produced courtesy of a quality distillation
process, premium casking and excellent maturation environment is then applied
to ensure end products are of the highest integrity.
- All their whisky is made in Scotland using traditional, HM Revenue & Customs
& Scotch whisky association approved practices.
- For further information about the Whisky Cask Company and its Scotch whisky
investment opportunities, please visit www.whiskycaskcompany.com or contact
them directly on 020 7052 8215.
Logo: - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/927488/Whisky_Cask_Company_Logo.jpg
Photo -
Caption: Whisky Cask Company Announces New Global Brand Ambassador, Chris Robshaw
Parwinder Dale,
Tel: +44(0)20-7052-8215
Source: Whisky Cask Company