WAIC 2019が Super AI Leader賞の受賞者を発表
WAIC 2019が Super AI Leader賞の受賞者を発表
AsiaNet 80809(1868)
【上海2019年9月30日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】 今年の Super AI Leader賞(SAIL賞)の受賞者が、2019年世界人工知能大会(World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019)で発表され、ファーウェイ、iFlytek、Watrix、アリババといったテックリーダーが上位を占めた。
6月25日に発表されたSAIL賞は(http://www.worldaic.com.cn/portal/en/newsdetail340978637559959552.html )、AI、機械学習、データサイエンスの分野の第一人者が達成した、卓抜した飛躍的進歩を評価・表彰するために導入された。設計、サービス、イノベーション、独創性で審査され、SAIL賞の受賞者は、業界に新たなベンチマークを打ち立てる独創的で創造的なAIゲームチェンジャーであることを表している。
*優秀賞(社会福祉):ファーウェイのKirin 980および810 7nmチップ
賞のノミネートは、AIコミュニティー内の専門家が評価した。同コミュニティーは、 中国工程院と中国科学院の学者、業界リーダー、主要な大学と世界的な研究機関の学者で構成する審査委員会を結成している。
受賞者に関する詳細は、http://www.worldaic.com.cn/portal/en/index.html を参照。
ソース:WAIC 2019
WAIC 2019 Announces the Winners of Super AI Leader Award
SHANGHAI, Sept. 30, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
This year's winners of the Super AI Leader Award (SAIL Award) were announced at
World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019, with tech leaders Huawei, iFlytek,
Watrix and Alibaba topping the list.
Launched on June 25
(http://www.worldaic.com.cn/portal/en/newsdetail340978637559959552.html ),
the SAIL Award was introduced to acknowledge and reward exceptional breakthroughs
made by the trailblazers in the realm of AI, machine learning and data science.
Judged on their design, service, innovation and originality, the winners of the SAIL Award
represent ingenious and creative AI game changers setting new benchmarks for the industry.
Regarded in China's tech circles as the country's Oscars in the world of AI,
the SAIL Award is the highest mark of recognition by WAIC, and, in a bid to accelerate
the transformation of the tech ecosystem in Shanghai, is part of an effort to connect
industries and research facilities to innovation in and applications of artificial intelligence.
The award also serves to attract global think tanks and tech giants to establish innovation
centers in the city and expand the pool of talented and creative people in the global tech
hub that is home to many leading entrepreneurs and innovators.
The awards for the four categories were selected based on their contributions
and achievements in specific areas:
Superior Award (social welfare): Huawei's Kirin 980 and 810 7nm chips
Applicative Award (social efficiency): iFlytek's next-gen translation technology
Innovative Award (leading technology): Watrix's long-range gait recognition technology
Leading Award (groundbreaking theory): Alibaba's smart identification computing
platform based on mega-scale graph neural networks
The award nominations were evaluated by experts within the AI community that
formed the judging committee consisting of academics from both the Chinese
Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, industry leaders,
scholars from leading universities and global research institutions.
Top-tier AI-related innovations covering cutting-edge research, innovative
technologies and influential AI applications emerged as winners after nearly
700 projects were reviewed, with 10% of the participating projects originating
from Germany, the US, the UK, Israel, New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.
With priority set on social benefits, two thirds of the submissions focused on
AI applications spanning the finance, transportation, healthcare and education
sectors, alongside one third that were technological solutions for chips,
algorithms and AI platforms.
To learn more about the winners, please visit:
About World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019
Themed "Intelligent Connectivity, Infinite Possibilities," the World Artificial
Intelligence Conference 2019 is a platform that gathers the brightest minds
under one roof and where AI scientists, world leaders and entrepreneurs can
share their insights into innovation in the world of AI and the resulting applications,
enabling them to shed light on a better future powered by intelligent technologies.
The event aims to connect the best of the best from academia and industry to
collaborate and offers opportunities to talented innovators who wish to transform
the world, meet investors and share their ideas globally.