マレーシアのGreen Technology Corporationが第10回IGEMを開催

Malaysian Green Technology Corporation

マレーシアのGreen Technology Corporationが第10回IGEMを開催

AsiaNet 80970(1942)

【クアラルンプール(マレーシア)2019年10月11日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


28億リンギットのビジネスの手がかりと35カ国から3万5000人のビジターを目標とする10th International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM 2019)(第10回マレーシア国際グリーンテク・エコ製品見本市・会議)が11日、マレーシアのマハティール・モハマド首相の主宰で閣僚、大使、国際代表団や他の高位クラスの出席のもと開かれた。Malaysian Green Technology Corporation は10th International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia の共同主催者である。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191010/2607570-1

ヨー・ビーイン・エネルギー・科学・技術・環境・気候変動相が推進役を務める「Innovating Sustainability(持続可能性の新生面を開く)」をテーマにしたIGEM 2019は、全ての産業が経済繁栄と気候安定性の約束された将来の保障を確かなものにするために持続可能性を採用し、持続可能性に関する全てのイノベーションを支えることを目指して、再生可能エネルギー(RE)、エネルギー効率、運輸、廃棄物、水、製造と農業部門全体で300を超える展示フロアの完売を誇る。



ヨー・ビーイン氏は、再生可能エネルギーのより大規模な取り込みを奨励するために、Reimagining Malaysia's Electricity Supply Industry proposal (MESI 2.0)(マレーシアの電力供給産業提案の再考)の一環として、マレーシアが持続可能なエネルギー源の選択を可能にするグリーン税を導入することを発表した。彼女はさらにグリーン税は追加乗降の形で、消費者に太陽光、バイオマスまたはバイオガスなどの再生可能な資源から独占的に産出されるエネルギーを使用する選択肢を与えると説明した。

同大臣はまたMalaysian Green Attribute Tracking System (MGATS)(マレーシア・グリーンアトリビュート追跡システム)の開始を発表した。これは、国の再生可能エネルギー源の追跡と認証を任務とし、再生可能エネルギー発電からのグリーンアトリビュートの追跡と取引のための国家プラットフォームである。MGATSはまた、グリーン投資奨励の重要な部分を形成している取引可能な再生可能エネルギー証書の発行を容易にする。



制度的な能力と気候変動の課題について期待に沿う可能性を強化するために、同相はまたIGEMの共同組織者であるMalaysian Green Technology Corporationが2019年10月2日に、Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre(マレーシア・グリーンテクノロジー・気候変動センター)に改名したと発表した。このブランドを変更した組織は、戦略的気候回復活動、省庁間協力の先導、産業全体のグリーンテクノロジー・イノベーション採用の奨励や一般市民の間での認知の向上を含む、拡大されたポートフォリオを持つことになる。


Tenaga Nasional Berhad(テナガ・ナショナル)、Cypark Resources Berhad(サイパーク・リソーシズ)とUEM Edgenta(UEMエジェンタ)の後援の下にIGEM 2019は、北欧諸国、オランダ王国、カナダ大使館、International Urban Sustainability and Green Building Conference(国際都市持続可能性・グリーンカンファレンス)、Shell Malaysia、Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur(クアラルンプール市役所)、Capital Markets Malaysia、Malaysia Commercialisation Year and Technology Park Malaysia(マレーシア商業化年・テクノパーク・マレーシア)などが主催する計10のカンファレンスを目玉としている。


▽Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia)について

Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) は、エネルギー・科学・技術・環境・気候変動省(MESTECC)の管理権限下にある政府機関で、Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP 2017-2030)に沿ったマレーシア国内のgreen growth & sustainability(グリーン増大と持続可能性)のためのグリーンテクノロジーを推進する主要な組織である。

ソース:Malaysian Green Technology Corporation



Malaysian Green Technology Corporation Unveils 10th IGEM


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Oct. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Event Promises RM2.8 billion business leads and 35,000 visitors

The 10th International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia

(IGEM 2019), targeting RM2.8 billion in business leads and 35,000 visitors from 35 countries,

was officiated today by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the Prime Minister of Malaysia,

in the presence of cabinet ministers, ambassadors, international delegates and other dignitaries.

Malaysian Green Technology Corporation is the co-organiser of the International Greentech & Eco

Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191010/2607570-1

Spearheaded by Yeo Bee Yin, the Minister of Energy, Science, Technology,

Environment and Climate Change, IGEM 2019, themed "Innovating Sustainability",

boasts a sold-out exhibition floor of over 300 booths across renewable energy (RE),

energy efficiency, transport, waste, water, manufacturing and agriculture sectors,

with a view to anchoring all innovation on sustainability as well as adopting

sustainability across all industries to ensure a promising future of climate stability

along with economic prosperity.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, "Today is a great day for us to recommit to delivering on

our climate change responsibilities. We have seen the emergence of a low-carbon economy

that is based on improving human well-being and building social equity while reducing

environmental risks and scarcities. Over the past couple of decades, the green economy has

emerged as a strategic priority to basically transform economies into drivers of sustainability."

"Malaysia's progress as a longstanding proponent of balancing environmental conservation,

technological innovation and economic prosperity has been underpinned by a dynamic

innovative ecosystem and affirmative institutional support. The country has ramped up

efforts to develop an innovative ecosystem to support new start-ups, and to garner

greater inclusivity, we have promoted innovation at the grassroots level," he added.

To encourage greater uptake of RE, Yeo Bee Yin announced the introduction of a green tariff

to enable Malaysians to opt for sustainable energy sources, as part of the Reimagining Malaysia's

Electricity Supply Industry proposal (MESI 2.0). She further elaborated that the green tariff

would be in the form of a tariff rider that will give consumers an option to use energy that

has been generated exclusively from renewable sources such as solar, biomass or biogas.

The Minister also launched the Malaysian Green Attribute Tracking System (MGATS),

a dedicated national platform for tracking and trading of green attributes from RE generation,

tasked with tracing and verifying national RE sources. MGATS will also facilitate the issuance

of tradable RE certificates, which will form a key component in encouraging green investments.

Yeo Bee Yin said "IGEM has been through a myriad of transitions over the last decade

to stay relevant with changing demands related to the low-carbon economy and

sustainability actions. Over the years, IGEM has shaped people's mindsets to accelerate

acceptance, adoption and appreciation of green technology products and services across

ministries, corporations, entrepreneurs, businesses, and the general public."

"IGEM is undoubtedly a powerful platform to simultaneously reach out to various stakeholders,

which is of absolute importance today as it will require the coordinated efforts and contribution

of all ministries, stronger partnerships between the public and the private sectors and, of course,

the support of the rakyat to ensure we deliver on our country's climate promise," she concluded.

To strengthen institutional capability and capacity for delivering on the climate change agenda,

the Minister also announced that effective 2nd October 2019, Malaysian Green Technology

Corporation, the co-organiser of IGEM, has been rebranded as the Malaysian Green Technology

and Climate Change Centre. The rebranded organisation will have an expanded portfolio that

will include strategising climate-resilience actions, leading inter-ministerial collaborations,

encouraging uptake of green technology innovations across industries and raising awareness

among the general public.

The Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Centre will act as a hub for

climate change data, policy analysis, reporting and monitoring of mitigation actions

and climate change adaptation on the national level, effectively becoming the executing

body for climate change and green technology for MESTECC.

Sponsored by Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Cypark Resources Berhad and UEM Edgenta,

IGEM 2019 features a total of 10 conferences, hosted by local and international parties

such as The Nordics, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the High Commission of Canada,

International Urban Sustainability and Green Building Conference, Shell Malaysia,

Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Capital Markets Malaysia, Malaysia Commercialisation Year

and Technology Park Malaysia.

For more information, please visit www.igem.my.

About Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia)

Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia) is a government

agency under the purview of MESTECC as the leading organisation in spearheading

green technology for green growth & sustainability in Malaysia in line with the

Green Technology Master Plan (GTMP 2017-2030).

Source: Malaysian Green Technology Corporation

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