


AsiaNet 80998 (1954)

【アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)2019年10月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)とユネスコ(UNESCO)は最重要イニシアチブのRevive the Spirit of Mosul(モスルの精神の復活)への協力を延長し、イラクのモスルにおける復興活動の協力を拡大した。

イラクのアブドルラハマン・ハミド・アル・フセイニ駐フランス大使、モハマド・アリ・アル・ハキム国連西アジア経済社会委員会(ESCWA)事務総長兼事務局長、Prior Provincial of the Province of France of the Dominican Orderのニコラス・ティキシェ・ブラザー、Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EUのオリバー・ポキリオン事務総長、UAEのヌーラ・アル・カービ文化知識開発相、ユネスコのオードレ・アズレ事務局長がパリのユネスコ本部で新しい協定に調印し、2カ所の破壊された文化遺産、アル・タヘラおよびアルサーア両教会を含む復興活動をあらためて表明した。





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ソース:UAE Ministry of Culture and Knowledge

UAE Ministry of Culture and Knowledge


ABU DHABI, UAE, Oct. 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- UAE becomes first country in the world to reconstruct Christian churches in


The UAE and UNESCO renewed their collaboration to the flagship initiative

Revive the Spirit of Mosul, extending the partnership on restoration efforts in

Mosul, Iraq.

In the presence of HE Abdulrahman Hamid al-Husseini, Iraq's Ambassador to

France; HE Dr. Mohamed Ali Al Hakim, Under Secretary General and Executive

Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

(ESCWA); Brother Nicolas Tixier, Prior Provincial of the Province of France of

the Dominican Order; and Brother Olivier Poquillon, General Secretary of the

Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EU; HE Noura Al Kaabi, UAE

Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development; and Audrey Azoulay, Director

General of UNESCO signed a new agreement at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris,

reiterating the restoration efforts with the inclusion of two destroyed

cultural sites; the Al-Tahera and the Al-Saa'a Churches.

This agreement arises in line with the UAE championing 2019 as the Year of

Tolerance, emphasising tolerance as a universal concept and a sustainable

institutional endeavour.

The project is an extension of the agreement signed in April 2018 whereby the

Emirates committed $50.4 million to the rebuilding of the cultural sites in

Mosul. The project initially concerned the reconstruction of Al-Nouri Mosque

and Al-Hadba Minaret.

The renewed efforts will include the construction of a museum and memorial site

which will exhibit and preserve remnants of the sites with community and

educational spaces, as well creating jobs for over 1,000 Moslawis. The new

buildings will support the development of sustainable skills for those employed

by the project, and the contribution to the local economy through cultural

tourism for Iraq. To date, the project has employed 27 Iraqis and contracted 4

Iraqi companies, with efforts to further bolster this growth as the project

progresses. The UAE has also engaged with local Iraqis to receive feedback

about their perspective on the restoration project.

Speaking at the signing, HE Noura Al Kaabi remarked: "We are honoured to sign

this partnership with UNESCO and Iraq. Our work with UNESCO is testament to

UAE's commitment to furthering the organisation's mandate. Today's signing is a

pioneering partnership that sends a message of light, in seemingly darker

times. As we break ground in the reconstruction, UAE becomes the first country

in the world to rebuild Christian churches in Iraq."

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Source: UAE Ministry of Culture and Knowledge




