


AsiaNet 81159 (2032)

【北京2019年10月21日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】2019年10月18日、第1回International Conference on Primary Care Medicine and Health Promotionならびに第4回BO-AI International Symposiumが北京で開幕した。会議は、中国のプライマリヘルスケア制度と医療保険の開発、質の高い医療サービス保証に焦点を当てており、「健康中国2030」計画の目標を達成するための土台となる。

ペレルマン・ペンシルベニア大学医学大学院のジャック・エンデ教授、ハーバード医科大学のアレン・コロ博士、カリフォルニア大学サンフランシスコ校のモリー・クック博士、ORENDAの創設者でBo-Ai Psychosomatic Medicine(International)Exchange Association主唱者のリュウ・シャンヤン氏があいさつした。

会議には米国と中国の医学研究機関と大学の代表者、世界中の医師と学者が出席した。米国からはメイヨークリニック、ペンシルベニア大学病院、University of Alabama's School of Medicine、Texas Hospital Association、Dallas International Health Care Servicesの代表者が参集した。米国内科学会の3人の元会長と一般開業医の2人の編集者も出席した。

リュウ氏は「Models of Health Promotion Inspired by Traditional Chinese Culture(伝統中国文化に啓発された健康増進モデル)」と題した講演を行った。中国の心身の健康分野で主要なパイオニアであり専門企業であるORENDAは、10年の開発を経て「心身の健康」を中核に据え、「食事、運動、気分、医療、ケア、住居」に基づき、全てにおいて健康的なライフスタイルを創出した。同社は、人々の心身の健康を守り、将来世代が幸福かつ健康に暮らせるよう、心身一体型の医療健康管理サービスシステムを開発した。


エンデ教授は「Importance of the Primary Care System in the Century and National Health Goals(今世紀のプライマリケア制度の重要性と国家の健康目標)」について講演した。同教授は、効果的な一般診療は全ての国のヘルスケア産業に不可欠だと述べた。

Peking University First Hospital(北京大学第一医院)のチー・チュンフア教授は国家政策への健康の統合について議論した。同教授は、これはヘルスケアのさまざまな部門、中でも、将来の見通しが明るい一般診療に好機を提供すると述べた。


Putting Prevention First, ORENDA Initiates Health Promotion Inspired by Traditional Chinese Culture


BEIJING, Oct. 21, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

On October 18, 2019, the First International Conference on Primary Care Medicine

and Health Promotion, including the Fourth BO-AI International Symposium,

kicked off in Beijing. The conference focused on the development of China's primary

healthcare system and health coverage and guaranteeing high-quality medical services

– a cornerstone for achieving the goals of the 'Healthy China 2030' initiative.

Speeches were delivered by Professor Jack Ende, the Perelman School of Medicine,

University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Allen Koro, Harvard Medical School, Dr. Molly Cook,

the University of California, San Francisco, and Liu Xiangyang, the founder of ORENDA

and initiator of the Bo-Ai Psychosomatic Medicine (International) Exchange Association.

The conference was attended by representatives from medical research institutes

and universities in the U.S. and China, as well as doctors and scholars from

around the world. U.S. representatives came from the Mayo Clinic, the Hospital

of the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Alabama's School of Medicine,

the Texas Hospital Association, and Dallas International Health Care Services.

Three former presidents of the American College of Physicians and two editors of

General Practitioners also attended.

Mr. Liu gave a speech titled "Models of Health Promotion Inspired by Traditional Chinese

Culture." As a leading pioneer and practitioner in China's physical and mental health fields,

ORENDA has created an all-round healthy lifestyle based on "diet, exercise, mood, medicine,

care and residence" with "physical and mental health" set as the core after over 10 years of

development. The company has developed a leading body-mind integrated medical health

management service system to safeguard people's physical and mental health and enable

future generations to live happily and healthily.

Mr. Liu said, "Health and happiness are the lifelong pursuit of ORENDA. We are

eager to provide even more people with the highest quality body-mind services

available and enable future generations to live happily and healthily."

Professor Ende spoke about "The Importance of the Primary Care System in the

Century and National Health Goals." He said that effective general practice is

essential to the healthcare industry in all countries.

Professor Chi Chunhua from Peking University First Hospital discussed health's

integration into national policies. She said this presents an opportunity for

various healthcare sectors, especially general practice which has a bright future.





