第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forumが上海で閉幕

Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce (TBCCC)

第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forumが上海で閉幕

AsiaNet 81289(2110)

【上海2019年10月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce(TBCCC、淘美粧商友会)、日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)およびアリババのショッピング・プラットフォームGMallが共催する第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum(中日ビューティーサミットフォーラム)は、2019年9月23日に上海で開催された。このイベントは、1つは小売業者、1つはブランドを対象とする2つのサブフォーラムで構成され、12人の中国および日本の美容専門家が踏み込んだ議論を行った。この中で彼らは、幾つかの日本の化粧品およびパーソナルケア関連の部門で生じている傾向について、その特徴や最新の展開、技術革新などを分析した。さらに、幾つかの日本の化粧品ブランドがどのようにして中国市場に参入し、そのフットプリントを一層拡大しているのかを考察した。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-a

(キャプション:第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forumが上海で閉幕)

Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce(TBCCC)のチエン・ウェイチン社長は「このような専門業界イベントを主催することで、TBCCCは中国と日本の双方の化粧品市場の共同開発を推進し、国際化粧品産業に新たなダイナミズムを注入することを目指している」と述べた。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-b

(キャプション:第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forumが上海で閉幕)


Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-c

(キャプション:第1回China-Japan Beauty Summit Forumが上海で閉幕)



Tmall Global for Asiaの投資促進ディレクター、ジャオ・ガー氏は「2019年においては、他に先んじた製品、今日の消費者の個別の期待に応えるアプローチ、および技術的エンパワーメントが、化粧品業界に用意されている3つの主要な投資機会である。グローバルブランドが中国の化粧品市場の好機にアクセスできるようにするため、Tmall Globalはクロスボーダー・インフラストラクチャーを絶えず強化することにより、新たな国際マーチャントがプラットフォームで製品を販売するのを支援することにコミットしてきた」と述べた。



さらに、イベントでは、Kanebo Cosmetics (China) Co., Ltd.の副マーケティングディレクターであるリー・ウェンチ氏、Beauty Evolutionの最高マーケティング責任者(CMO)のゾーイチョウ氏、Tmallの国際ブランド投資促進担当マーチャント戦略責任者のダオ・チー氏、YANO Researchのマネジングディレクターである吉田章弘氏を含む複数の来賓も、業界を席巻しているトレンドについて意見交換した。

Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce(TBCCC)が専門的な全国規模のビューティーフォーラムを主催するのは今回が初めてである。このイベントは日本の化粧品ブランドに重点を置いたのは、それらの中国市場での大きな成長の可能性のためである。フォーラムの他、この共催団体は初めて海外の1カ国の複数ブランドを目玉とする投資見本市も開催し、約5000人が来場した。

ソース:Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce(TBCCC)

The first China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum concludes in Shanghai


SHANGHAI, Oct. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Co-organized by the Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce (TBCCC),

The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and Alibaba's shopping platform GMall,

the first China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum was held in Shanghai on September 23, 2019.

The event consisted of two sub-forums, one for retailers and the other for brands,

where 12 Chinese and Japanese beauty professionals engaged in in-depth discussions

during which they analyzed the trends taking place across a number of Japan's cosmetics

- and personal care-related sectors, including their characteristics, latest developments and

technological innovations, in addition to looking at how several Japanese cosmetics brands

have entered and then further expanded their footprint in the Chinese market.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-a

(Caption:The first China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum concludes in Shanghai)

Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce (TBCCC) president Jian Weiqing said,

"With the hosting of such a professional industry event, the Chamber aims to promote

the joint development of both the Chinese and Japanese cosmetics markets, injecting

a new round of dynamism into the international cosmetics industry."

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-b

(Caption: The first China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum concludes in Shanghai)

Currently, Japan is the world's third largest cosmetics market following the

United States and China. Japan's exports of cosmetics have been increasing

since 2016 and are now double that of the country's cosmetics imports. Notably,

exports to China now account for 70 per cent of Japan's total sales of cosmetics,

making it the country's largest external destination for the sector.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191025/2622222-1-c

(Caption: The first China-Japan Beauty Summit Forum concludes in Shanghai)

The more stringent expectations among Japanese consumers when it comes to what

they will apply to their face has promoted continuous innovation in the R&D divisions

of Japanese cosmetics manufacturers while driving the rapid growth of the country's

cosmetics exports, according to Tetsuya Kambe, Director for the International

Division of the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association.

"In the international cosmetics arena, only the best products can survive,"

indicated Saticine CEO Satoshi Yamazaki. "Research and development by the industry's

OEMs that combines effectiveness and safety is not only necessary for the manufacturing

of top-notch products, but also a key factor in helping Japanese cosmetics manufacturers

maintain their strong competence in R&D and production."

"In 2019, ahead-of-the-curve products, an approach that meets the personalized

expectations of today's consumers and technology empowerment are the three

major investment opportunities on tap for the cosmetics industry," stated Zhao Ge,

investment promotion director at Tmall Global for Asia. "To help global brands access

the opportunities in the Chinese cosmetics market, Tmall Global has been committed

to assisting new international merchants in selling products on the platform by constantly

improving its cross-border infrastructure.

"Driven by the constant updating in what consumers expect from their personal

cosmetics lineup, the Chinese market for products originating from outside the

country is entering a period of rapid growth, with Japanese brands leading the

way," said Tu Xian, head of brands and supply chain at GMall. "As the largest

overseas shopping platform in China, GMall plans to take a highly personalized

approach to introducing high-quality overseas brands to domestic consumers,

while, at the same time, incubating small and medium-sized international

premium brands to help them grow and thrive in the Chinese market."

"Japanese brands need to do some research and set their market expectations, by working

with China's leading Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) to improve their marketing performance,

before assembling resources to launch marketing campaigns in the Chinese market,"

noted Xu Sheng, co-founder of Chinese cross-border e-commerce firm Bolome.

"Marketing targeting young consumers is particularly important as they have become

the main force of consumption. As a result, Japanese brands should focus more on

promoting themselves on Bilibili, China's leading online video platform that mainly targets

the youth segment, in addition to other popular Chinese social platforms, including Douyin.com

and kuaishou.com."

In addition, several other guests also shared their thoughts on the trends

sweeping the industry at the event, including Kanebo Cosmetics (China) Co.,

Ltd. deputy marketing director Li Wenji, Beauty Evolution Chief Marketing

Officer Zoe Chou, Tmall merchant strategy head responsible for investment

promotion of international brands Dao Qi as well as YANO Research managing

director Akihiro Yoshida.

This marks the first time that the Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce

(TBCCC) has hosted a professional national beauty forum. The event focused on

Japanese cosmetics brands due to their great growth potential in the Chinese

market. Besides the forum, the Alliance also held an investment and trade fair

featuring brands from a single foreign country for the first time, attracting

some 5,000 visitors.

Source: Tao Beauty and Cosmetics Chamber of Commerce (TBCCC)




