
National Business Daily


AsiaNet 81365(2149)

【成都(中国)2019年10月30日新華社=共同通信JBN】「成都に行きましょう!」大手ライフスタイルマガジンMonocleは28日、香港と成都で同調しながら世界に向けて招待状を送った。初のMonocle Cities Series Conference(Monocle都市シリーズ会議)が11月4日に中国南西部の都市・成都で開催される。英国に本社を置くMonocleとChengdu Media Group(成都メディアグループ)が共同主催し、National Business Daily(毎日経済新聞、NBD)の企画によるこの会合にはファッション、建築、デザイン、リテールなどの分野から150人以上の著名人が集結し、生活の質を改善する方法について、より深い知見を提示する。

成都は近代的な都市であり、奥深い歴史、豊かな文化遺産、自然の資源、そして質の高いライフスタイルを誇っている。Monocle Asia Pacificの担当者は「世界は成都とそのゆったりしたライフスタイルをより良く知ってしかるべきだ」と述べた。

間近に迫った会議では高品質のライフスタイルとビジネス機会の完璧なミックスを提示し、フォーラムにはMonocleの創業者兼会長のタイラー・ブリュレ氏やLagardere Travel Retail、MVRDVといった20以上の有名企業の責任者が出席する。


その上、Cities Series Conference向けにPanda Postが特別にデザインした限定版ポストカードも発表される。「リラックスしたライフスタイル、活力ある未来」がデザインコンセプトのポストカードは四川航空の国際便に乗って世界に愛を伝える。




Monocleは現在までに、リスボン、ウィーン、ベルリン、チューリヒ、マドリードといった国際的な大都市でQuality of Life Conference(生活の質会議)を連続して開催している。このイベントは、あらゆる職業のエリートに触発されたブレーンストーミングによるアイデアを用いてライフスタイルの動向と変化を主導している。

第1回Cities Series Conferenceは成都のテンプルハウスが舞台になる。このイベントは、そのトピックから会場デザインまで、Monocleのチームが構成し、常に洗練された様式を守り続けている。中国の公の場ではめったに姿を見せないMonocleのタイラー・ブリュレ創業者兼会長は今回のフォーラムに向けて成都を訪れる。




主な講演者は次の通り:MVRDV共同創立者のビニー・マース氏、Ennismoreのマルティナ・ルガー最高マーケティング責任者、Lagardere Travel Retail Chinaのユード・ファブル最高経営責任者(CEO)、Wonderwallの磯部浩之エグゼクティブディレクター、New Initiativeディレクターのマリールイズ・タイル氏、Snohettaマネジングディレクターのロバート・グリーンウッド氏、Swire Propertiesディレクターのドン・テーラー氏、在成都オーストラリア総領事館のクリストファー・リム総領事、Potato Headのダニエル・ミッチェル文化・クリエーティブディレクター


成都が多数の都市の中で傑出し、MonocleのCities Series Conferenceが初開催される場所になった理由が世界の話題になっている。

Monocle Asia Pacificの幹部によると、成都は機会に満ち溢れ、急速に発展している都市である。生活の質に関する調査を通し、Monocleは成都がさまざまな点でライフスタイルを主導していることに気が付いた。




専門的なブランディングによって成都の国際的影響力を向上させることこそ、まさにMonocleのCities Series Conferenceの役割である。

来月にデザイン・ファッションウイークが次々に開幕する中、成都は芸術とファッションの環境に浸りきる。Monocleの幹部は、Cities Series Conferenceは成都の高品質な生活を探求する出発点になるだろうと述べた。

ソース:National Business Daily

Monocle's first Cities Series Conference to be staged in Chengdu with presence of big shots


CHENGDU, China, Oct. 30, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

"Let's go to Chengdu!" An invitation was sent out Monday to the world by

leading lifestyle magazine Monocle in Hong Kong and Chengdu synchronously.

On November 4, the first Monocle Cities Series Conference will be convened in the

southwestern city of Chengdu. Co-hosted by the U.K.-based Monocle and Chengdu

Media Group and organized by National Business Daily (NBD), the gathering will

bring together more than 150 big names from the fields including fashion, architect,

design and retail to shed deeper insights on how to improve the quality of life.

Chengdu is a modern city that boasts a profound history, rich cultural heritage

and natural resources, and a quality lifestyle. "The world deserves a better

understanding of Chengdu and its leisure lifestyle," said a person-in-charge

with Monocle Asia Pacific.

The forthcoming conference will deliver a perfect mix of high-quality lifestyle

and business opportunities, and present at the forum will be Tyler Brule,

founder and chairman of Monocle, and heads of over 20 big-name companies

including Lagardere Travel Retail and MVRDV.  

To strengthen the brand image and worldwide influence of the conference,

Monocle's sister company Winkreative, a world-famous creative and branding

agency, has specially designed a mascot for the event and the fascinating

design will be unveiled at the one-day conference.

Moreover, the limited-edition postcards specially designed by Panda Post for

the Cities Series Conference will be released. Featuring a design concept of

"laid-back lifestyle, energetic future," the postcards will board Sichuan

Airlines' international flights to woo the world.

Monocle founder Tyler Brule and many other moguls to be present

Founded in 2007 and headquartered in London, Monocle is an English-language

monthly lifestyle magazine with a focus on global affairs, business, culture and design.

"Monocle is more than a magazine," noted the source with the monthly

publication. With correspondents spread across more than 100 countries and

regions, Monocle satisfies everyone's curiosity by offering fresh news that

couldn't be accessed on social networks.

To date, Monocle has held a string of Quality of Life Conferences in

international metropolises, including Lisbon, Vienna, Berlin, Zurich and

Madrid. With brainstorming ideas inspired by elites from all walks of life,

the event has been leading the trends and changes of lifestyles.

The first Cities Series Conference will be staged at the Temple House in Chengdu.

The event, from its topics and venue design, is created by the Monocle team and

will continue the exquisite style as always. Monocle's founder and chairman Tyler Brule,

who seldom appear on public occasions in China, will come to Chengdu for the forum.

Brule has a legendary personal experience. Brule went to the U.K. before

graduating from university and joined BBC as a journalist. He was shot twice in

Afghanistan. In 1998, Brule founded style and fashion magazine Wallpaper which

was later acquired by Time Warner. In 2007 when the global publishing industry

suffered from digital shock, he started Monocle which immediately became a

must-read magazine for global elites.

Besides Brule, over 150 high-profile figures at home and abroad in the fields

of fashion design, luxury hotels, high-end cars, tourism services, airlines,

film & TV, cultural creativity, among others, will be present at the forum.

Those distinguished guests who are experienced in improving urbanization,

quality of life, business environment, etc. and representatives of China's

quality enterprises will share their insights on "quality".

The speakers include Winy Maas, co-founder of MVRDV, Martina Luger, chief

marketing officer of Ennismore, Eudes Fabre, CEO of Lagardere Travel Retail

China, Hiroyuki Isobe, executive director of Wonderwall, Marie-Louise Theile,

director of New Initiative, Robert Greenwood, managing director of Snøhetta,

Don Taylor, director of Swire Properties, Christopher Lim, Consul-general,

Australian Consulate-General, Chengdu, and Daniel Mitchell, culture & creative

director of Potato Head.

The qualities that help Chengdu stand out

Why Chengdu stands out from so many cities and becomes the first stop of

Monocle's Cities Series Conference has become a talk of the world.

The executive with Monocle Asia Pacific said Chengdu is a fast-growing city

with immense opportunities. Through quality of life survey, the magazine

noticed the city leads lifestyles in a variety of ways.

"It is just like a great 'melting pot' where you can savor delicious cuisines

and at the same time be closer to nature and development opportunities,"

the executive noted. With an open mindset, independent character and innovative

ideas, Chengdu is attracting more young people.

In the economic front, people there are more willingly to pay for "luxury"

products. They'd like to enjoy a meal for couple of hours and stay up late in

the night. Such life-loving and free-spending philosophies make the city a

seedbed for creative communities.

Monocle believes Chengdu is right on track to become a national central city,

which is evidenced by its high-end hotel industry, booming tourism, full-ecosystem retail,

convenient aviation system, panda-themed city brand, and myriads of consulates.

To improve the international influence of Chengdu through professional branding

is exactly where Monocle's Cities Series Conference should come in.

In the coming month, the city will be immersed in an environment of art and fashion

as a string of design and fashion weeks are going to kick off. The Monocle executive

said the Cities Series Conference will be a start to explore quality lives in the city.

Source: National Business Daily




